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10 fun facts about toilet paper

It may not surprise anyone that toilet paper has been around for a long time, especially when comparing the amazing innovations we've encountered throughout history. The following 10 facts tell you the most interesting things about
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10 curious facts about bras

Bras. For almost half of people, this is the main component of the wardrobe. For the other half, the sconces are two grand bowls supporting the funniest part of the body, according to research. In other words, with this element of the bottom
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6 fashion mistakes most men make

Everyone makes mistakes. Life is full of ridiculous moments, be it a missed stop or a message accidentally sent to the wrong place. Dressing is no exception in this: experimentation with clothing in adolescence, a randomly selected outfit five minutes before
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TOP 10 achievements of Putin

You can treat this person as you like. In Russia, the majority treats him positively, while outside Russia, as a rule, the opposite is true. But one thing is indisputable - without exaggeration, this is a great personality of historical scale. For 15 years of service for the good of the Motherland
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10 best brands of beer in Russia

The inhabitants of Russia annually consume millions of liters of various types of beer. Due to the huge variety of brands, it is simply impossible to choose the best in taste and quality. But knowing the criteria that determine beer quality, you can make a rating of the best
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10 early pictures of Jesus Christ

The image of Jesus Christ is always recognizable. He is depicted on the icon of the Mother of God, on the Almighty Savior and on the icon of the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, where he dies for human sins. A great many images, however, originate from the earliest times. They
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TOP-10 brands of Russian vodka

Vodka has become practically a national treasure for Russia. Not a single event in the life of Russians is complete without this elixir. That is why it is so important to rank the best brands of Russian vodka. The main criterion for the award of an appropriate place
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10 amazing animals recently discovered

It would seem that the era of discovery is over. But we were wrong! To prove this, we found several new real-life animals that were discovered relatively recently. Unfortunately, none of them breathes fire and soars majestically in the sky, terrorizing
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TOP 15 dumbest cults in the world

Since ancient times, the human race has looked at the sky and wondered how everything around them came into being without any real physical answers, how faith and religion were born. The religion began with people believing and worshiping companies of deities who
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4 exciting games with your dog

Playing with your dog isn't just an opportunity to relieve boredom or keep fit. This is a way for your pet to exercise their natural instincts. Dogs are social animals. By playing with them, you teach them how to communicate, strengthening the bond between you.
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TOP 10 most expensive cat breeds

Cats remain the most popular pets across a variety of households and cultures. They are smart, affectionate and easy to care for. Unlike dogs, cats are more petite and clean. They don't need to be walked, which is good for busy people.
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10 surprising facts about Adolf Hitler

We all know the personality of Adolf Hitler, the greatest dictator of all time. The scale of this person's personality is such that he can be compared with the dark lord Sauron from the Lord of the Rings or even with the biblical Satan. Today I want to present
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10 horrific facts about ISIS

Recently, the terrorist Islamic State, which is banned in Russia, has been carrying a really great international threat. It was officially created in 2006 on the territory of Syria and Iraq and is still diplomatically unrecognized. This grouping
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10 human rights organizations

Human rights are rights that are acquired from birth and give the right to be human. No factor can take away these rights, so they are considered inalienable. However, violations of these rights occur on a daily basis. Promote prevention
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6 endangered species of tigers

The following breeds of tigers are either endangered or already listed in the Red Book. The Chinese tiger is in the most difficult situation due to the fact that poaching is rampant in the country. The use of tiger claws and hair in traditional
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10 main historical animals

For all the time of existence on Earth, humanity has seen many conquests, thereby creating its own history. And it is surprising that at every stage of the historical event, a person was always accompanied by some animal. Our "smaller brothers"
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10 rarest birds in the world

Birds in the environment are at enormous risk around the world. The main threats to the extinction of bird species are human activities, excessive hunting, deforestation, environmental pollution and transformation of the earth's landscape. Almost 13 of all
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10 famous self-portraits

Selfies may be a riot of new generation, but self-portraits are nothing new. From ancient Egypt to the Renaissance, self-portraits have graced the endeavors of artists at various stages of their careers. All this suggests that the concept of a self-portrait,
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10 most beautiful birds in the world

Nature has awarded a multitude of amazingly beautiful plants and animals. There are many beautiful birds in the world, but in this article we will give examples of 10 of the most beautiful of them. 10. Green-winged macaw This beautiful parrot lives on green
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10 most dangerous sea creatures

The human race as a whole is the most dangerous of all living things on earth.They are capable of influencing the climate on a global level, developing weapons of mass destruction and deforestation on a huge scale. But when we face one-on-one
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10 most intelligent animals in the world

Humans consider themselves to be the only intelligent species in the world, but this is just a misconception on the part of humans. Animals are also endowed with intelligence in many ways, and sometimes their intellectual performance is much better than that of humans.
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10 misconceptions about Islam

Islam is the second largest religion in the world, with 1.4 billion believers worldwide, second after Christianity, with more than 2 billion followers. Islam was founded in the 7th century. Its history begins in 622 AD of the Samvat era and is called
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10 most peaceful religions

In all religions of the world there are elements of radicalism and fanaticism that distort their peaceful image. In the world community, some religions, such as Islam, and therefore their followers, are strongly associated with such radicalism. With another
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10 oldest trees in the world

Trees are very diverse in nature, and their appearance varies with the time of year, geography and the climate in which they exist. Thus, at a particular moment in time, any tree cannot be the same as any other.
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15 fastest dog breeds

Over the centuries of selection, thousands of dog breeds have been bred with their own characteristics and distinctive qualities. We have compiled a list of 15 record-breaking dog breeds that will amaze you with their speed. 15. Italian Greyhound - 40 km / h Small Italian Hound,
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10 most recognizable dresses of all time

The right image can change the way the world perceives you. Dresses should be an extension of the personality. It affects the people around you, which, in turn, can change the course of your entire life. 10. Lady Gaga's meat dress Who has not heard of Lady Gaga
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15 rare cat breeds from around the world

Few people know that the feline family, like dogs, has its own breeds. The belonging of a cat to a particular breed is determined by external data, character traits or the small number of representatives of the species. Some cat breeds have been known for centuries,
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5 most tenacious creatures

Nothing on earth lasts forever. But the next 5 creatures mercilessly break the given template. They are so tenacious that all these stories about immortality do not seem unreal. They do not care about the cold, or the heat, or the absence of any conditions suitable for survival.
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10 laziest dog breeds

Most, if not all, people adore dogs as pets. Although, as for the breed, there are differences between people. Some dog lovers like small pets, others prefer large breeds. At the same time, some people like
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10 of the best perfumes of all time

There are thousands of fragrances that have come and gone, but only a few deserve the title of one of the most romantic and sensual of all time. It was they who became the main ones in the perfumery arsenals of many and captivated the hearts of women of several generations.
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TOP-20 apartment dog breeds

A dog is a man's best friend, no matter where you live - in an apartment or a country house. There are many breeds of dogs. But some of the most popular ones feel much better in houses with a yard than in isolated from the street.
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10 most expensive tropical fish

The beauty and grace of the inhabitants of the aquarium can be enjoyed endlessly. Aquarium lovers spend a lot of time, and sometimes large sums of money, to maintain and replenish the collection of rare and valuable fish. But there are also some fish that rarely get
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10 oldest animals on earth

A species of some animals on earth survived the most extreme conditions, going through evolution, and thus was able to adapt to new conditions. These ancient surviving species have improved their skills and physical qualities, and now
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10 largest cat breeds

It's hard to disagree that it's impossible not to love small cats. But big house cats are also very cute, loving and playful. Some just look like the big wild cats that live near you. Introducing 10 large cat breeds in
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10 most famous robberies

There are many ways to have enough money: work hard all your life, gamble or be born into royalty ... or simply commit robbery. The last method was used by the members of our list. They succeeded
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10 most expensive foreign coins

In this article, you will discover the stories behind the world's most expensive coins sold at the highest price. A coin (from Latin moneta) is a banknote made of metal or other material and having a specific shape, weight and denomination. In addition to costly
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Top 10 hairsprays for women

Hairspray is the best hair care item that gives it an attractive and beautiful look. It is difficult to make styling of different difficulty levels without using it. Both men and women use varnishes with varying degrees of fixation. You always
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Top 10 men's perfumes

Every woman, approaching her man, wants to feel a pleasant smell from him. Every man wants to smell good in order to be close to the woman he deserves. In connection with the onset of the new year, both men and women would like to know if there will be
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7 ways to ruin your coins

All collectors want to impress other collectors and friends with their coin collection. At the same time, interacting with coins and showing them to other people can damage them. Here are 7 ways to spoil your coins without even knowing
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10 most intelligent dog breeds

You may be surprised at the number of intelligent dog breeds. These ten "Einstein" dogs have two qualities: the ability to quickly learn new commands, and their execution by more than 95. At a time when not every dog ​​can make it on this list,
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