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10 interesting facts about cats

A cat, along with dogs, is very popular as a pet and pleases its owners with its spontaneity. Here are 10 interesting facts about cats that every owner should know.

10. If a cat loves you, then this is for life.

The cat will never run away from you to the first person he meets and will not go crazy if he does not see other people. They are faithful creatures, and even when you, after a long exhausting work, yell at your pet because of not using the tray, he will still gently rub against his leg and purr happily. After all, a cat is the best friend for life. And the coolest thing is that cats ... ALWAYS RETURN HOME. A dog, having made just one step over the threshold, will never return on its own, and cats can be allowed to walk for a long time, anyway they will return home by a certain moment. An amazing memory helps them in this, even after a fairly long period of time, the quality of what is memorized does not decrease. The bond between a cat and its owner is unbreakable.

9. Cats are like people

Just imagine. Cats of all shapes, sizes (large and small, skinny and fat, short-haired and long-haired) and colors. Although, of course, all cats, like people, have different temperaments and characters. Some are lazy and only do what they watch TV all day and night. And some are ready to run for 20 hours a day. Some genuinely enjoy hanging out with people and can be very outgoing, but there are also introverts who don't really need attention. Do you see what I mean? They are like people.

8. Cats treat owners

This very reason is one of the main ones in order to get a cat. Studies by scientists at the Buffalo Institute have shown that cats influence the pressure of their owners. Participants for the study were selected at random and asked to have a pet. Those with low enough blood pressure claimed that their pets were better than any medication to reduce stress levels.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that the cat will help to endure stress and feel better. I would call this the most important advantage.

7. You don't have to deal with "surprises" on the floor

Cats use the litter box. This well-known fact is often overlooked. With a cat, you will not have to worry about walking and you will not have to replace the newly purchased carpet with a new one. In this regard, cats are even better than babies, you do not have to constantly monitor them and they will not cry around the clock. Thank you, thank you, thank you, tray.

6. Cats wash themselves

Cats love to be licked! There is no need to worry about their appearance or the strange smell from the pet, because he will take care of his own hygiene. Think about it, parents spend YEARS teaching their kids to wash every day, and if you get a cat, you don't have to teach it to be clean. It's just a miracle, not a pet. So keep this in mind when you get your cat; she will not wallow in the mud, because they love cleanliness. Another reason why cats are better than children.

5. You can do anything, like talk, and the cat will not say anything against

A cat can definitely be a friend of a person. Cats won't worry about where you are or what you are doing, even in the late hours. They are quite egocentric, but understanding. Unlike dogs, cats do not whine and do not be sad when you are not at home, and they will easily let you drink a long-awaited bottle of wine in the evening without any problems. They will not ask to play with them. And since cats understand human speech, but cannot say anything, you can share with them everything that is sore, without fear that tomorrow someone will discuss it in the morning.

4. A person can sit cross-legged without harm to the pet

Of course, this fact is not at all scientific, but it is also important. Crossing your legs on the couch creates a great spot for the furry. And as you know, spending time together has a great effect on relationships. A cat on his knees perfectly dispels the feeling of loneliness. A person without a cat is more prone to depression and feelings of loneliness. So here's another reason to get a kitty.

3. You never have to worry about mice in the house.

Remember the confrontation between Tom and Jerry? The cat will also have its own "Jerry", which he will chase, but you, fortunately, will not see this. Of course, if the pet does not bring "Jerry" as a gift (which often happens with caring cats). However, cats catch not only mice, but also bugs, butterflies, lizards and other vermin that they would not like to see in their home. And you will even save money on the exterminators of these critters.

2. Broadway puts on a show called "Cats"

It is already quite normal that cats are shown in various areas of everyday life. But they remain cats. People are willing to pay any money to see them. Thus, you can even make money on your pet, if, for example, teach him to dance or sing.

1. They're just adorable

Just imagine this beautiful purr that lulls and soothes, and thanks to it, you feel peace and harmony, because you know that the pet is happy. Cats are very calm creatures and have tremendous influence over their owners; as soon as you close your eyes, the kitty will lie down next to you. Cats are adorable.

Here are some interesting facts about cats that you may not have known: