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10 most dangerous sea creatures

The human race as a whole is the most dangerous of all living things on earth. They are capable of influencing the climate on a global level, developing weapons of mass destruction and deforestation on a huge scale. But when we are confronted one-on-one with certain species of animals, we have no chance of survival.

At the bottom of the ocean, we are most vulnerable for obvious reasons. Throughout the history of evolution, humans have not adapted to extract oxygen from water. Any animal with sharp teeth and a strong bite can be life threatening. The oceans are filled with deadly animals. The exception is those that do not threaten human life and are dangerous only when they are protected, for example, puffer fish.

10. Sea snake

If you ever thought that only land snakes pose a deadly threat to human life, then it is worth thinking again. Sea snakes also have venom that is extremely dangerous to humans. But it is extremely rare that they release poison by biting their prey. However, if the sea snakes inject poison, the consequences can be dire.

When they bite, a small amount of venom is released. At the same time, the victim does not immediately feel the effect of the poison. Within an hour, symptoms such as headache, swollen tongue and vomiting begin to appear. This is followed by seizures and progressive muscle paralysis.

After 3-8 hours from the time of the bite, myoglobin begins to appear in the blood. The result is the destruction of muscle tissue. Renal failure may also occur. After 6-12 hours (if untreated), severe hypercalcemia can lead to heart attack and sometimes death.

9. Barracuda

Fast, vicious and capable of inflicting incredible injury - a frightening combination of an underwater devil. The barracuda has a long snake-like body with sharp, canine-like teeth. Her teeth look and work in the same way as piranha teeth. Barracudas grow up to two meters and are known to swim quickly. To catch up with their prey, they can reach speeds of up to 45 km / h.

Before biting the prey, barracudas calculate its weight. Barracudas have very sharp teeth that can damage nerves and blood vessels. They don't meet people that often. But if a meeting happens, then a bloody clash is likely to occur. Barracudas can easily bite off part of the human body. Some barracudas contain venom. Under the influence of the poison, the victim can experience hallucinations and multiple side effects.

8. Moray

Moray eels are most often found at the depths of the ocean. Whenever possible, they avoid contact with people and are considered relatively shy creatures.

However, with a real threat, moray eels can show that they are not the ones to play with. Moray eels can cause an infected wound from a bite, as their mouth contains a huge amount of bacteria. Moray eels have poor eyesight and rely heavily on their keen sense of smell. Many divers lost their fingers while trying to hand feed.

7. Fish-stone

This small fish looks unusual. The fish is like a stone that helps camouflage itself from predators. Unfortunately, someone who accidentally steps on a fish will stumble upon sharp spikes that can easily pierce bare feet. In most cases, the stonefish stings when stepped on and less often when picked up.

Stonefish can sting not only in water, but also on land, as it can do without water for 24 hours. When the fish stings, the victim feels pain from the injury. She also receives a small dose of neurotoxin, which can block the breathing apparatus and lead to cardiac arrest. Poisonous, dangerous and destructive fish for people.

6. Stingray

At first glance, the stingray seems to be a rather passive animal, but you shouldn't underestimate it. The stingray is usually calm, but can sometimes do serious harm with its pointed tail.

The end of the stingray tail is capable of severing arteries. The tail contains venom that is extremely dangerous to mammals. Contact with the stringer from the action of the poison causes injury, pain, swelling, muscle cramps. And then infection from bacteria and fungi can occur. Although the wound is extremely painful, it is not life threatening until the ray touches vital organs.

5. Tiger shark

The great shark is famous for having a wide range of food among all sharks. It feeds on a variety of prey, ranging from fish, seals, birds, squid, turtles to dolphins and even smaller sharks.

The bull shark makes a pretty strong impression, but the tiger shark is something else. She is not looking for people for food. However, the tiger shark often enters shallow reefs, harbors and channels, posing a potential threat to humans.

Sharks rarely attack humans, but tiger sharks make up a large percentage of fatal attacks. Thus, they are among the most dangerous animals in the ocean. And the worst thing is that a fine sense of smell and strong teeth allow sharks to quickly deal with any prey. And sometimes a person can become an unfortunate prey.

4. Great white shark

The majestic title does not carry optimism, but speaks of merciless cruelty. The great white shark is easily recognizable by its size. It reaches up to six meters in length and weighs 3324 kg. Another distinctive feature of sharks is that they attack their prey from below with their mouths wide open, and with their sharp teeth as a blade, they inflict maximum damage.

Anyone who has seen the movie "Jaws" should know that these creatures pose a mortal danger to humans. A significant number of fatal unprovoked attacks by great white sharks on humans have been reported.

3. Saltwater crocodile

Always be on your guard near salty waters. Crocodiles attack when they are least expected. It is known that saltwater crocodiles have 10 times more bite force than great white shark. Unlike sharks, crocodiles can walk on the ground.

Like most crocodiles, saltwater crocodiles are not picky about their food choices. They select loot based on availability. However, saltwater crocodiles previously killed thousands of people every year. Most of the cases go unreported.

During World War II, saltwater crocodiles are known to have eaten over 400 retreating Japanese soldiers. The soldiers crossed the river, which contained thousands of crocodiles.

2. Blue-ringed octopus

Despite its small size, the octopus contains venom that can kill 26 adult males within minutes. Their bites are small and often painless. Many victims do not even realize that they have been bitten until they experience respiratory depression and paralysis.

Poisoning can lead to nausea, respiratory arrest, heart attack, and often complete paralysis. With untimely treatment, sometimes death occurs. Given the fact that an antidote for the bite of blue-ringed octopuses has not yet been created, they are one of the most dangerous animals for humans.

1. Cubomedusa

When it comes to hazards at sea, size doesn't matter. Box jellyfish contains one of the most dangerous poisons on the planet.

Accidentally touching the venomous tentacles of the jellyfish causes severe pain and a burning sensation that can lead to death. But the most dangerous thing is that people cannot detect jellyfish because of their transparency before they harm them.

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The author of the video will tell you about the most dangerous creatures and where they are found, so that you are more attentive in these places.