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10 signs it's time to update your wardrobe

Statement "nothing is eternal»Also applies to clothing, be it a dress that you spent all your salary on, or a T-shirt worn down to its holes - it’s time for everything to go to the junkyard or to the thrift store.

Goodbyes are never easy, and to help you, we've compiled 10 signs that tell you when things need to be done away with. You might be interested in article 11 Sexy Things Every Girl Should Have.

1. Pellets

Let's talk about the balls on the sweaters, about these little balls of cloth that adorned the pullovers. It doesn't matter if you have worn the thing just a couple of times or it is the basis of your wardrobe, the pellets appear anyway. According to “The wall street journal”, This occurs when the threads of the fabric become loose or break.

Special devices can help get rid of the pellets for a while, but, alas, not forever. If your favorite sweater has rolled up in a way that looks like it was made from a different material, it's time to throw it away.

2. Spots

One spot on a fresh white shirt is a nuisance, but not a disaster. Red wine stains can be removed in a variety of ways, for example, bleach works wonders. But if there are more stains on your clothes than you are not ashamed to admit, it's time to throw them away.

A dirty shirt doesn't look trendy or avant-garde, it looks sloppy. When planning your first date or interview, keep in mind that an unkempt appearance will not be in your favor.

3. Changes in fabric texture

The fabric of a sweater, from which you practically did not crawl out all through the long winter, will not be able to maintain its texture forever. After a couple of treatments in a dry cleaner, or even in a laundry, naturally, it will become tough and not so comfortable. It is difficult to part with your favorite sweater, but if it has lost its charm, it only takes up space in your closet.

4. Holes

Depending on the taste of whoever you ask, ripped jeans may have a place in your wardrobe. But when it comes to shirts, skirts and dresses, there can be only one solution - to the landfill. And if what broke at the seam can still be saved, then the hole in the front cannot be hidden. And don't even think about covering it with a patch - it was cool in the 90s, but a lot of time has passed since then.

5. Dirt

Just take it for granted: White T-shirt must be white, not covered in sweat stains. If even the magic of powders and bleach can't clean it, it's time to just throw it away.

6. Wrong size

On the resource "The cheat sheet "any shapes and sizes are welcome, but this does not exclude the fact that the figure changes over time. If your favorite work pants become small or large, and you are not pregnant, and your problems with your figure are not related to a specific time of the month, they will simply waste space in your closet.

Some items may be in good condition, so you can try to sell them through a thrift store or donate to charities.

7. Not for age

It's hateful to say this, but low-waisted jeans and a skinny top won't take you back to your best years. If you want to look responsible, successful and professional, you may want to seriously revise your wardrobe.

It's not about just wearing boring tailored suits and modest skirts, but getting things that suit your style and age is important. Not sure what is not right for you? There are certain items of clothing and accessories that should not be worn after 30.

8. Too many clothes

Having your own signature style - whether it includes a blazer and jeans or a model dress and high heels - is a great way to simplify your morning get-up. And while we're confident that you can have a variety of clothes that you wear all the time, we also believe that most of these items can be disposed of.

Why would you need five casual black dresses when you mostly wear pants? We cannot find a logical explanation for this.

9. Unpleasant to wear

If the wool sweater prickles when you put it on the first time, it will always prickle. And since we can't think of a compelling reason why you would want to wear an item that will itch all day, we recommend that you throw it away.

10. The label is still in place

«I'll wear it one day", - you continue to convince yourself, pulling out a never-worn silk top. Maybe you're worried about ruining it, or waiting to reach your desired weight (see point 6), but if you haven't worn it before, chances are it won't.

Do not leave the thing lying in the closet forever, because you can sell it through second-hand, and with the money you can buy something that you will actually wear.

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Daria Andronescu, a personal stylist for the Personal Shopping & Travel project, talks about typical mistakes when making up her wardrobe, as well as how to avoid these mistakes.