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15 "pets" that ate their owners

Being the owner of exotic animals is dangerous, and in most cases, death is assured. Even if such a pet does not harm you, then he will at least suffer from an unusual habitat. And in the worst case, the pet can kill its owner and feast on his body. And although animals are not responsible for the murder, this does not prevent them from walking around the city, munching on their master's meat.

Understanding the reasons for such cruel behavior of ours "smaller brothers", the researchers came to the conclusion that the main reason for what happened is poor feeding or even its absence. After a long time without food, the animal is exhausted and begins to see food in all living things.

Even with timely feeding, proper nutrition also plays a role. There were also many stories when, after the death of the owner, no one fed the animal for a long time and it ate his corpse.

Despite the ending, such stories always make us flinch and look at our pets from the other, not always from the good side. Also pay attention to the TOP 10 animals under arrest.

15. The camel kills its mistress

This story is not about how the camel ate the mistress, but she deserves to be included in our rating. Pam Wover from Australia was an exotic lover and her husband gave her a camel for her 60th birthday. Camels were introduced to Australia in the 1800s as beasts of burden and became popular throughout the continent.

The camel had a strange behavior and attitude towards other pets. While Weaver cooked in the kitchen, the camel tried "sexually harass"her, then hit the ground and left her to die. The woman's body was found in the evening. Experts said that young camels are not dangerous in themselves, but if kept as tame pets, they can pose some kind of danger."

14. Poisonous snake bite

In 2004, another animal lover was killed by one of her venomous snakes. She shared her shelter with nine venomous, twelve non-venomous snakes, lizards and alligators. After being bitten by a viper, the woman went to the hospital, she was admitted to intensive care, where she died. The neighbors informed the police about the remaining household members.

Specialists from the local zoo soon visited the house of the deceased and found there two huge monitor lizards, two alligators, one iguana and countless snakes. Poisonous specimens were, as expected, in plastic cages, but their non-venomous counterparts had already spread throughout the house. You might be interested in the article 10 most dangerous snakes in the world.

13. Hepatitis C and 50 stray dogs

A woman from Arkansas had 50 mongrels and soon died from complications caused by hepatitis C. Doctors, upon learning of the diagnosis, advised her to reduce the flock and get rid of the dogs, but it was too late. When the woman died, the dogs began to feed on her body.

By the time the authorities arrived, the dogs had become angry and did not allow anyone to approach the trailer with the body. The authorities began to worry that the dogs might carry hepatitis. Local deputies and veterinarians began work on this issue, but, unfortunately, one veterinarian was bitten and the authorities took more radical measures. As a result, 27 dogs were shot and the woman's body was finally able to bury.

12. Harry and Sally

Two pugs named Harry and Sally were forced to eat their master's face after weeks of hunger strike. The 51-year-old owner shot himself in the face, leaving the dogs with no one to feed. Small dogs ate the owner's face, brain and torso. Both puppies were taken to a shelter, where they began to wait for their new owners.

11. Cynthia Lee Gamble

Cynthia Gamble was killed by her own tiger after accidentally closing herself in a cage. The deceased lived in Minnesota with her 14-year-old son, who was fond of leopards. Gamble also worked in "Endangered Cats Center"and she never had any incident while working with animals.

This center was founded in 1992. In it, they were engaged in teaching tigers various tricks for performances. In addition to the murder of Gamble, in 2006 there were two more incidents that attracted public attention: one person was injured, and a small boy was paralyzed.

10. Little James

Little, 61, woke up from a nap to find his Shiba Inu dog gnawing at his toes. By that time, the dog almost had time to eat all the fingers and it is not surprising, because the owner has lost sensitivity due to complications of diabetes. As it turned out, in some dog breeds this is something like an innate instinct, thus they treat the owners from diseases.

After a couple of days, the old man said that everything was fine with him and his pet. But still he decided to send his four-legged friend to an orphanage. Research has confirmed that this dog was not dangerous at all. Be sure to read the article 10 Most Dangerous Dogs in the World.

9. Python killed the baby

In the summer of 2011, a scary story happened: A home python strangled a 2-year-old girl. The owners of the snake were the parents of the murdered girl and they could not feed the exotic pet.

The last time the snake ate a month before the unpleasant incident and even tried to crawl out of the house 10 times. The python was 2.59 m in size and weighed half the norm. The conditions of detention were terrible: the snake was kept in an aquarium, covered only with a blanket on top, the reptile itself was extremely emaciated. After the death of the child, the parents were charged with manslaughter.

8. Kelly Ann Waltz

Kelly Waltz lived with her husband in a small town in Pennsylvania and was involved in the animal trade. One day, she was attacked by a bear while cleaning the cage. Before the start of cleaning, the girl threw a piece of meat to the other end of the cage, trying thereby to distract the attention of the predator, but it did not work. Her children and neighbors witnessed the massacre and everything continued until her neighbor shot a bear.

The shot was fired while the bear was on top. The investigation revealed that the company was operating with an expired license. There is also a special protocol that describes the conditions for cleaning animal cages by a cleaner, according to which the cage should be divided into 2 sections so that the cleaner can safely clean the cage while the animal is in another part of it.

7. Charla Nash

Charla Nash's friend Sandra Harold has a huge chimpanzee as a pet. One day, the hostess could not force her pet to return to his cage and called her friend, who became the victim of a tragic incident. A chimpanzee named Travis grew even more furious and tore at the poor woman's face.

It took Charla one year to recover. The women were friends for almost 30 years, but after that incident they filed lawsuits against each other. Soon the owner of the angry chimpanzee died. By the way, when the police arrived at the scene, they found the victim's severed fingers everywhere, and they looked as if they had been passed through a meat grinder. This story sometimes proves that wild animals cannot be domesticated.

6. Marius Els

South African farmer Marius Els has been raising the Humphrey hippo since he was five months old. In an interview, Els admitted that the animal became a son for him, but once this "son" killed his master. The host's body was found in the river, where the hippo lived, disfigured and crippled.

At the time of the attack, Humphrey's mass was 1200 kg. Also, the farmer kept giraffes and even a rhino on the farm! This was not his first attack, a huge mammal also almost killed the people who sailed on the boat. This incident makes it clear why hippos should remain in the wild.

5. Mark Vogel

Vogel's neighbors once complained about a terrible smell coming from their 30-year-old neighbor's apartment. When the cops arrived, they saw a terrible sight: a young man was lying on the couch, completely covered in cobwebs. The bite was done "Black widow".

Spiders spread all over his body, got inside his nose, mouth and ears! The expert said that the exotic lover did not have special permission. Meanwhile, the entire apartment was shining with green light from the terrariums, all of them open, so that each reptile could feast on morsels of fresh flesh.

4. Grant Williams

Back in 1996, Grant Williams had a python that was 4 meters long. The couple lived together in the New York Bronx. But one day, a man was found in a pool of blood in his apartment, along with a python that wriggled around his lifeless body. He died in the hospital, and the snake was sent to the local zoo.

Williams and his 17-year-old brother bought a python from a pet store 5 months before the tragedy for $ 300. Moreover, a live chicken was found next to the snake's aquarium. It became obvious that the owner wanted to feed the python, but did not follow the safety rules when feeding the reptile. All the same, it is worth remembering that feeding a snake is not feeding a cat or dog.

3. André Lamboga

A 50-year-old man shot himself in his own home, and later his head was gnawed by 7 guard dogs. Only 2 weeks later, the neighbors suspected something was wrong. Surprisingly, the body of the deceased was found in front of the house, and his skull was found in the kitchen.

Along with his bones, authorities discovered the remains of two dogs, which were likely eaten by the dogs themselves. By the way, the island of Sulawesi, where the deceased lived, is known for the local love for exotic dishes from dog meat and rat meat.

2. Mother and son

In 2010, Herbert Walden looked after a seriously ill mother. By the way, Herbert himself needed supervision, because he had survived a heart attack. One day the man died, and after him his mother left this world. Around their house lived a myriad of cats, attracted by the accumulated litter.

When the bodies of the dead were found, the bodies of a dog and three cats were found next to them. There were so many cats that they began to feed on corpses. Until now, the authorities do not know if these cats were their pets or if they were lured from the street by the smell of garbage. Be that as it may, all the cats in the local shelter.

1. Terry Vance Garner

The owner of a pig farm from Oregon went out to feed the piglets one evening, but never returned. Only a few hours later, a worried family found his glasses and body parts in a pig pen. By that time, many parts of his body had already been eaten. Garner has faced aggressive animal behavior not for the first time: the pig has bitten him before.

Lawyers suggested that the man might have had a heart attack or that the pig knocked him to the ground and then ate him. Everything that happened seemed very strange, because domestic pigs rarely show aggression. But perhaps it was the fact that the pig that killed him weighed twice as much as usual (most weigh about 300 kilograms).

Garner was 69 years old at the time of his death.

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10 animals that ate their masters. Some of them are domesticated wild predators, others are quite common house cats or dogs. Moreover, pets do not always kill the owner, sometimes they just feed on his corpse out of despair.