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10 tips to survive a bear attack

Many people enjoy outdoor activities. Anyone may wish to spend some time off the beaten path to soak up the spirit of nature and enjoy the wonderful view. But while outdoors, you may encounter a bear. If this happens, you need to quickly, without panic, draw up a plan of action. Below we will tell you about 10 ways to survive a bear attack, and most importantly: how to prevent it.

10. Pack the food correctly

One of the reasons a bear may show up in your parking lot is that it smells like food. This is how most bears find tents with sleeping tourists. To prevent this from happening, hide all your "treats" in an airtight container. In this case, the bear will not be able to smell them.

9. Carry a bell with you

A bear may attack you out of sudden fright. The best way not to intimidate them is to wear something that makes sounds while walking, such as a bell. Many people believe that bears are actually attracted to noise. This is not true. The bell will warn the bear about your approach, and it will not be an unexpected surprise for him.

8. Speak louder

Loud conversation between several people can prevent a bear attack. Bears prefer not to attack if they feel they are outnumbered. Use this when walking in a large group. Speak loudly. Make more noise. Just like humans, bears can be scared away.

7. Take an anti-bear spray

When you go hiking, take a quality anti-bear spray with you. They are effective because instead of attacking, they force the animal to retreat. The main bear repellent is a pepper spray designed to be sprayed on a bear's face. Due to their extremely sensitive sense of smell, most of them run away instead of getting into a fight. But if you do take a spray, then make sure you follow all the manufacturer's directions.

6. Consider an evacuation route

If you see a bear from afar, then quickly but calmly look for an escape route. Just keep moving until you lose sight of each other. Bears tend to have much wider personal space than humans, so they can get angry if they keep walking in their direction. In general, five to seven meters is already too close. And don't come close to take a picture. Bears do not like this and may mistake the flash and noise of your camera for a threat.

5. Run down the hill

While running away from a bear is generally not a good idea, it is worth considering if you are on a hill. Since the hind legs of bears are shorter than the front ones, it is very difficult for them to run downhill. Please note, this does not mean that they will not be able to follow you. It's just that it will be more difficult for them, and you may be able to leave unharmed.

4. Pretend to be dead

This advice is often overused: if a bear attacks you, pretend to be dead. Curl up into a ball and cover your head with your hands. Don't move. It won't be easy to endure, but it can be the best choice if you are under attack. You may get a bite or a claw wound, but at least you will survive. After the bear leaves, stand up carefully and go for help. If the bear is still nearby, chances are good it will attack again. Don't get up until you're sure he's gone.

If the bear continues to attack, you need to resort to something else. If the animal does not stop, start fighting back. Take a stick or rock and poke it in your eyes. Do as much damage as possible. There is nothing to lose, because the bear will continue to attack anyway. If you have a spray, now is the perfect time to use it. If possible, roll towards a river or cliff and fall down. Anything that separates you from the bear at this stage will do.

3. Don't climb trees

Climbing a tree is the worst thing you can do if a bear attacks you. Bears are incredibly good dart frogs and will easily overtake you. If you are already sitting on a tree, then do not try to throw the bear off it - as a result, you will simply get injured. Try to jump and run. If this is not possible, jump off and pretend to be dead. Then follow the tips above.

2. Stand still

Bears are territorial animals, but sometimes you can prevent an attack by just standing still. Especially when it comes to a group of several people. Make as much noise as possible and make it appear as large as possible. This method does not always work, but sometimes it works in order to prevent an attack.

1. Take a weapon with you

Perhaps the best way to keep yourself safe is to have a firearm. If you are going to the bears' habitat, take a gun with you. This will greatly increase your chances of surviving a bear attack. But keep in mind: as soon as you hurt a bear, he will automatically go berserk and attack you no matter what. Make sure your shot is lethal, or keep shooting until you kill the animal, otherwise it will attack you.

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