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TOP 15 dumbest cults in the world

Since ancient times, the human race has looked at the sky and wondered how everything around them came into being without any real physical answers, how faith and religion were born. The religion began with people believing and worshiping companies of deities who were responsible for certain things, such as the sun, water, time, love, nature, lightning, war, and death. Since the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross, mankind began to believe in the only omnipotent God. This is how Christianity was born, followed by Islam.

It is true that people killed in the name of all that is holy and that religion has been used as an excuse for people killing each other throughout history, but deep down, the positive aspects of religion have always outweighed the denial. Religion offers people peace and belonging, and it also instills a range of values ​​and mores. But sometimes there are people who take advantage of certain people's need to believe in higher power, which is where cults come into play.

A cult refers to a social group that has outlandish and even abnormal beliefs, and in most cases, the beliefs of these cults are completely absurd - to the point of being laughable. You would have a hard time believing that people would follow such a foolish belief. Here is a list 15 dumbest cults in the world... Also take a look at article 10 of controversial Christian relics.

15. Children of God

We begin this list with a cult known as Children of god, a group that is also known as the International Family or Family of Love, and they are one of the main reasons why the word cult has become so associated with crazy belief systems. This cult started in 1968 and they became famous around this time for making sexuality a big part of their faith, in fact they used sex as a smart promotional tool, telling their members to have sex with non-members to convert them to faith.

If it wasn't that silly, the group also had some very specific rules when it came to sex and sexuality, as women were allowed to be bisexual as long as a man was present in the room. The group also truly loved Jesus, to the point that both male and female were expected to think and portray Jesus during sex or during a special time of solitude; and the men were told to assume they were women for the experience, so as not to be homosexual in nature.

14. Cheng Tao

The United States, for some reason, turns out to be a hub for some really stupid cults, so much so that some cults that started in other countries actually migrated because of their belief in the importance of the United States. One of these cults was Cheng Tao (translated as True Way), which was founded in Taiwan by Hong Kong-Ming Chen, it was built around some strange beliefs that included converging Buddhism, Taoism and UFOs.

In this religion, the Earth was believed to have gone through five major tribulations beginning with the extinction of the dinosaurs, and during each of these tribulations, God sent a flying saucer to rescue those who lived in the part of North America that we all now know as Texas.

As a result, Chen was able to convince his followers to move to Garland, Texas, where they awaited rescue on a flying saucer in 1998; and when this did not happen, most of the cult disbanded. If you were a part of this cult, you would have to believe that every human will be reincarnated three times, that the universe is more than 4.5 trillion years old, and that our solar system was created by some kind of nuclear war. You might be interested in the article 10 False Gods of Our Time.

13. Ho-No Hana

The United States is not the only country that has to deal with stupid and crazy cults within its borders, cults as such exist all over the world, including countries like Japan where their cult is more like a fetish than a religion.

Ho-No Hana is the name of this cult, and is often referred to as “leg reading cult”Due to the fact that the whole religion revolved around its founder, Hodjen Fukunegi, who claimed that he could tell a person their future just by touching their feet. Fukunega said that he could tell the future of the people because he was the reincarnation of Buddha and Jesus Christ, and this statement allowed the cult to grow in size until it reached approximately 30,000 followers.

Like most things in life, reading the future was not free, as followers had to pay Fukunege $ 900, and this level of payment led to some deserters of the cult, successfully suing Fukunege for millions of dollars.

12. People of the Universe

There are crazy and dumb cults all over the world, and Europe is no different, including the cult known as People of the universe, a group also called the Space People of Light Powers. This cult calls the Czech Republic its home, and it existed in the late 1990s with Ivo A. Benda serving as its leader, and followers believe in the existence of foreign civilizations who have been in contact with Benda and others since 1997.

This group is considered the most distinctive UFO cult in the Czech Republic, and they believe in a humanoid alien named Ashtar Sheren, who has a fleet of ten million spaceships that revolve around our planet and protect it from the evil male lizard aliens who want to fill our hearts with evil; and for those good followers who are brought in on one of these ships and transported to another dimension to live.

11. Partnership of the remainder

Many people decide to stick to diets to make themselves slimmer and healthier, at such times you usually don't think about religion, but there are several cults. One of these cults is known as Remnant Fellowshipwhich was founded in 1999 in Tennessee and its leader was Gwen Shamblyn, a man who is not a big fan of overweight people.

Shamblyn made it clear that God hates those who are overweight, even if you are a little overweight, St. Peter will not let you pass through the Pearl Gate, even if you were a saint while you are alive. It takes a truly gullible person to believe that God will care how fat or skinny you are when it comes to going up to heaven, but what's even more foolish is that it's not even the dumbest food-related cult. which will appear on this list.

10. Movement of creativity

Racial discrimination is still alive and well all over the world, and it turns out that there are several religious cults in which the white race is superior. To become a member, you need to belong to the white race. Creativity Movement is one of the new religious movements, it was founded in Florida in 1973.

This group has its own flag, consisting of a red background that symbolizes the white race, a crown that symbolizes an elite nature and a halo above the crown, which symbolizes that the white race is more holy. The main goal of this cult is to recruit at least half of the world's white population, which is a very daunting task, seeing that they only have a few hundred followers today, and their current leader is now serving 40 years. jail time for incitement to murder and obstruction of justice.

9. Sons of Liberty

When people think of Canada, hockey, maple syrup, healthcare, people who are considered to be very polite and conciliatory by nature come to mind, but Canada also has its own rather dumb cults. The dumbest of these Canadian cults are Sons of Liberty , originally formed in 1902.

This cult began as a group of religious Russian Dukhobors who wanted to come to Canada to avoid persecution in their own country, and when they arrived, they became a rather radical group that believed in community and action, refusing to take part in the civilized society that brought them to disagreements with the government several times. When told to do something as directed by a government agency, they respond by doing things like burning piles of money or deciding to burn down schools, banks, or bridges. A distinctive feature of the group is that each time they perform these actions, they must be absolutely naked.

8. Body

With this recording, we return to the United States, where in Attleborough, Massachusetts, we have a cult known as Body, which is most often referred to as the cult of Attleborough. This group is a strict sect of Christians, led by a man named Roland Robidux, who worked in a two-story apartment building. The body is incredibly stupid because their beliefs require them to condemn all aspects of mainstream society, aspects that include things like education, banking, government, entertainment, science, and medicine.

Therefore, members of this cult could not even wear glasses or see a doctor if they got sick, the true stupidity of this cult played a role as the children began to get sick and die from an easily treatable disease as a result of their beliefs, which is why the government intervened and forced most of the group to disband. ...

7. Church of euthanasia

Overcrowding is indeed a serious problem, but for Euthanasia churches that's the only problem that matters, and based on their name, you can infer how they want to tackle the problem of overpopulation.

This group was founded in Boston by a man named Chris Korda, and the goal of the group is to reduce the world's population so that “restore balance”, Encouraging people to have abortion and engage in bestiality. They encourage people to reduce population through cannibalism and suicide, and they even offered instructions on their website on how to commit suicide, which has led to several lawsuits from grieving families.

6. Gate of Heaven

Gate of heaven formed back in 1974 and continued to be based in San Diego, California, led by Marshall Applewhite, and this UFO-based religion believed the Earth would be cleared of all human life by 1997.

According to their leader, the human body only served as a vessel that contained its true self, and that the only way to survive the end of the world was to kill itself so that the true self could be transported to a spaceship. This mass suicide claimed the lives of 39 people, and they all died after eating poisoned pudding, all of the men had to be castrated for some reason.

5. Order of the solar temple

The Knights Templar were a powerful military order that originated during the Middle Ages, supported by the Catholic Church, they were the main force during the Crusades, this group was the inspiration for the cult known as Order of the Sun Temple... This group was founded in 1984 and at first seemed to be just an organization of men who simply enjoyed the story, but the view quickly changed as the group's ideology took a dark turn into true cult territory.

In 1994, this group killed a baby whom they believed to be the Antichrist, and this act led the group to carry out a series of murders and suicides that ended up taking the lives of dozens of people.

4. Practice Breatharianism

In order to live a normal and healthy life, the body must consume three things every day: food, water and oxygen, but there are cults that do not believe that this makes sense. Bretarionism is a belief that draws some of its inspiration from yoga and dictates that people should not eat or drink liquids in order to live, that bodies are perfectly capable of surviving by breathing air.

Obviously, this way of thinking is incredibly stupid that the leader of this group did not even follow his own beliefs. As it turned out, three members of this group died as a result of starvation, while the leader went to eat normal food.

3. Friendship of Friends

In most cases, cults lead people who claim to be able to communicate with beings from another world, or with God, but in the case Friendship Partnerships, their leader claimed to have interacted with people who had died long ago. Their leader is called Robert Earl Burton, and he has claimed to be in touch with a myriad of historical figures such as Founding Father Benjamin Franklin and the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, and it is with this'a gift'he was able to attract followers.

A very interesting fact about this group is that the leader gets an absurd amount of pleasure, since every member of this cult is obliged to offer sexual services to Burton if they want to enter heaven. The cult currently has several hundred followers, and it is considered surprising that Burton mispronounced the end of nuclear war for the world in 2006.

2. Raelism

In this religion, the planet was created by an alien race known as the Elohim, a race of which Buddha and Jesus were apparently a part.

As it turned out, the leader of the group, in fact, spoke to Elohim, who told him that they are the angels mentioned in religious texts, and this is the only way we can meet them if we acknowledge their existence and live the peaceful life that does Raelism; and it was because of these communications that the group argued that they could clone humans.

The followers of the group are expected to make the leader of the group happy on a regular basis, so a select group of women known as the Angels of “Rael” fulfills all of his needs, including sexual diversity.

1. Nuwaubianism

Top of this list Nuwaubianism, this cult is located in Putnam County, Georgia, founded by the American writer and musician Dwight Yorke. Before starting to describe religion, York was heavily involved with black Islam during the 1960s, as the years passed, he studied cosmology, he created his own faith, which was centered around conspiracy theories, foreigners and the faith of the ancient Egyptians.

As a writer, York wrote hundreds of pamphlets that covered a wide range of topics; he explained that he came from another planet called Rizg, where he worked as a teacher; and this extraterrestrial scientist ended up being arrested for molesting children in the early 2000s, arrest for some reason was not enough to make all of his followers abandon him and his faith.

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Strange and unusual beliefs of people. Features and necessary ceremonies observed by adherents of the most unusual and often ridiculous cults.