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10 famous paintings by Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso was not only a Spanish painter, but also a sculptor, engraver, potter, stage set painter, poet and screenwriter. Birth name - Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuseno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Martir Patricio Ruis and Picasso. They say it was named after numerous relatives and saints.

He announced his rare talent at the age of ten when he created his first work, called "Picador", which depicts a rider in a bullfight. However, his first academic work in the field of art was "First Communion". She depicts his father, mother and younger sister kneeling at the altar. Note that Picasso was only 15 years old when he finished this work! And he created even more works of art that simply amazed the world. Some of them are presented below:

10. Old guitarist

The painting was painted in 1903 in honor of the artist's friend, Kasagemas, after his death by suicide. This was the time when he was imbued with sympathy for the oppressed and the poor. Hence the picture. It was created in Madrid and painted in a distorted style borrowed from El Greco. The painting depicts a bent and blind man with a large brown guitar in his hands.

The brown color is the only deviation from the color scheme of the whole picture. Not only physically, but also symbolically - the guitar fills the space around the old man, who forgets about his blindness and poverty while playing.

9. Girl in front of the mirror

Drawn in 1932, the painting features a portrait of Picasso's French mistress, Maria Theresa Walter. The style in which the painting is painted is called Cubism. The basic idea of ​​Cubism is to take and break a certain object into simpler pieces, and then help show it from different perspectives by transferring those pieces to the canvas.

This painting depicts vanity. At first glance, the picture may seem simple, but upon closer inspection, you can find many symbols hidden in different elements of the picture.

8. Guernica

This painting is probably one of Picasso's most recognizable works. This is not an ordinary picture, but an ardent political statement. She criticizes the bombing of Guernica in the Basque Country during the Spanish Civil War. This painting is a strong guilty verdict against the war. The style of the painting is a combination of the pastoral and the grandiose. It thoroughly demonstrates the tragedies of war and the suffering of innocent people.

7. Three musicians

The title of this painting unites a series of works that Picasso completed in 1921 in Fonteblo near Paris, France. It is a rather large painting, over two meters high and wide. It is a reflection of the style of synthetic cubism, which transforms a work of art into a sequence of planes, lines and arches.

Each painting with this title depicts Harlequin, Pierrot and the Monk. It is believed that these three heroes personify Picasso, Guillaume Apoliner and Max Jacob, respectively. Apoliner and Jacob were close friends of the artist in the 1910s. Some historians, however, argue that Three Musicians was Picasso's belated response to The Piano Lesson.

6. Seated Woman (Maria Teresa)

Like Guernica, this work was written in 1937. Maria Teresa was Picasso's muse and he painted many of her portraits. Many believe that this pattern resembles the pattern on the backs of playing cards, which were usually decorated with stripes. Again, Cubism is also used in this painting, as a contrast between the red greens.

5. Dora Maar with a cat

The painting, created by Picasso in 1941, depicts the artist's Croatian mistress, Dora Maar, with a small cat on her shoulders, sitting on a chair. Picasso had a relationship with Dora Maar for 10 years and painted many portraits of her during that time.

Dora herself worked as a surrealist photographer. This painting is considered to be the least hostile portrait of Dora, and the most expensive painting in the world. The unusual attention to detail that Picasso paid in this painting is truly a work of art.

4. Blue nude

One of the earliest works by Picasso. It was written in 1902. This painting is the result of Picasso's "blue period". This was the period when Picasso used cold, pale blue as the dominant color in his paintings and drawings.

Most of the paintings of the "Blue Period" reflect a riot of emotions in one color. The blue nude depicts the back of a woman bent over in a fetal position. The background is not drawn in the picture and from this it is problematic to understand her emotions.

3. Avignon girls

This painting was painted in 1907 and is the most striking example of Cubism. This painting departs from all the canons of traditional composition and presentation of the painting. Picasso uses distorted female bodies and geometric shapes in an innovative way.

None of the figures are traditionally drawn, and the women end up appearing even a little intimidating. As we can see, this painting is quite large and it took Picasso nine months to complete it. This painting shows how African art influenced Picasso.

2. Nude, green leaves and bust

Portrait of the writer's mistress Maria Teresa, made in 1932. This canvas was finished in just one day. This painting is regarded as one of Picasso's great achievements during the interwar period. The painting creates illusions and is considered quite erotic.

1. Crying woman

The painting, made with oil paints "Weeping Woman", was written in 1937. It is believed that the painting continues the theme of the tragedy in the wake of the painting "Guernica". By drawing a crying woman, Picasso purposefully focused attention on the human component of suffering and created a single image of a universal tragedy. This is the last work of Picasso in a series of works drawn in protest. Posed for the painting (as well as for a whole series of other paintings) Dora Maar, who herself worked as a professional artist.

Without a doubt, Picasso demonstrated extraordinary artistic ability from an early age! One of the founders of Cubism, he was a strikingly prolific artist who not only gained worldwide fame and wealth through stunning works of art, but also became the most famous artist of the 20th century.

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