
TOP 50 healthiest foods

It's not hard to figure out which foods are the healthiest. Filling the dish with fruits, vegetables, which contain protein and necessary substances, you can pamper yourself with healthy, colorful and unique dishes.

Here is a list of 50 healthiest foods, many of which are delicious.

Berries and fruits

Fruits of fruit plants and berries are in one of the most honorable places among the known regular food.
Hearty and juicy, these fruits do not actually need preparation, so you can easily incorporate them into your diet.

1. Apples

These fruits are enriched with components that are indigestible by the body. Apples are famous for vitamin C and are packed with antioxidants. The nutritious food is a worthy snack if you suddenly feel hungry between meals.

2. Avocado

The fruit of the evergreen plant, the so-called American Perseus, differs among other fruits in the content of fats that have a beneficial effect on the body. Ripe avocado has a creamy structure and an unusual taste. The fruits contain fiber, potassium and vitamin C.

3. Bananas

As the best source of potassium, bananas are fortified with vitamin B6 and indigestible fiber. Sweet, nutritious fruits are easy to take with you on the go.

4. Blueberries

In addition to their sweet taste, blueberries have another advantage - they are a storehouse of substances that neutralize oxidative effects ..

5. Oranges

Oranges are a proven source of vitamin C, antioxidants and components that are not digested by the human body's digestive enzymes, that is, fiber.

6. Strawberries

The sweet and sour berry, which has the advantage of being low in calories and carbs, will easily fill you up.

Strawberry fruits combine vitamin C, manganese and dietary fiber, placing themselves on the pedestal of great tasting foods.

Other fruits that will benefit

Other fruits also have beneficial properties: raspberries, pineapples, peaches, melons, lemons, grapefruit, cherries, plums, pears, olives, mangoes, kiwi and grapes.

Meat products

Unprocessed, gently cooked meat is a highly nutritious food deservedly.

7. Eggs

Among the products that can thoroughly saturate you, it is necessary to single out eggs.
Previously, due to the high cholesterol content, the beneficial properties were questioned, but modern works of scientists have shown that eggs are a safe and healthy product.

8. Lean beef

Low fat beef is the best known source of protein, zinc and iron. Great for people on low-carb diets

9. Chicken breasts

White meat is high in protein and low in fat. The calorie content of the product is also minimal. Chicken breasts are very nutritious, although you should not neglect the fatty parts of chicken meat, but this is only if there is no overuse of carbohydrates.

10. Young lamb

Grass is the main diet of lambs. Young lamb is welcome on your plate as it is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids.

Nuts and seeds

Despite their high calorie and fat content, nuts and seeds, when consumed properly, contribute to weight loss.

These crunchy treats are hearty enough, include nutrients, and are a great option for many vitamin E and magnesium deficiencies.

In addition, almost no processing is required, and therefore you can thoroughly diversify your nutritional system.

11. Almonds

The seed kernels are enriched with vitamin E, antioxidants, magnesium and non-digestible food ingredients. According to the works of scientists, plant nuclei help to lose weight and improve metabolism.

12. Chia seeds

Seeds of plants of the Lamb family are rich in nutrients. 30 grams of seeds contain 11 grams of indigestible fiber, a solid amount of calcium and manganese, magnesium and other beneficial substances ..

13. Coconut

Coconuts are distinguished by fatty acids and triglycerides, that is, fatty acids, important sources of energy for normal human life.

14. Macadam nut

High-calorie Australian nuts are delicious. Unlike other crops, they contain unsaturated fatty acids and a small amount of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

15. Walnut

Greek, or royal, nuts, along with nutritional value, combine a number of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats.


Vegetables are popular for their abundance of nutrients that provide energy for the whole day.

Given the variety of products, their use turns out to be different in their properties. Eat as many different quality vegetables as possible.

16. Asparagus

A common product is the genus of plants of the asparagus family. Vegetable crops contain a small amount of carbohydrates and many vitamins. Asparagus is prized for its low calorie content.

17. Bell pepper

This vegetable crop comes in several colors, including orange, yellow, red and green. Crunchy and juicy fruits are a storehouse of vitamin C and substances that minimize oxidation.

18. Broccoli

This valuable vegetable has delicious taste both unprocessed and heat-treated. It is famous for its fiber and a number of vitamins (K and C). Unlike other crops, broccoli is rich in protein.

19. Carrots

The famous crunchy root vegetable is distinguished by vitamin K and fiber, which are very useful elements. The advantage of carrots is the antioxidants and carotene contained in the product.

20. Cauliflower

Growing in areas of the Mediterranean, this delicious-tasting vegetable is often an essential ingredient in a number of healthy dishes.

21. Cucumber

The fruits of the culture are widespread throughout the world. Consisting of 95% water, vegetables are known for their low calorie content. Cucumbers contain useful elements, but there is a small amount of vitamin K in the product.

22. Garlic

A vegetable crop, valuable for its properties, includes bioactive organic compounds that have antibacterial and many other effects. Consuming garlic will strengthen the protective functions of the immune system.

23. Kale

Kale, browncol, or just collard greens is gaining popularity due to its indigestible ingredients, vitamins, and a number of other useful elements. Many people add kale to salads in order to enrich the dish with a pleasant crunch.

24. Bow

Due to its specific strong taste, onions are widely used in a large number of world recipes. The product contains a number of bioactive compounds beneficial for the healthy functioning of the body.

25. Tomatoes

The brightly colored fruit is often unfairly considered a vegetable, but it is actually fruit. Tomatoes combine a pleasant taste and an abundance of useful components such as vitamin C and potassium.

Other healthy vegetables

Most vegetables have beneficial properties, among them you should definitely pay attention to zucchini, chard, radish, lettuce, eggplant, Brussels sprouts, turnips, pumpkin, mushrooms, leeks, celery and artichokes.

Don't Miss: TOP 50 Healthiest Foods. Part 2