
20 amazing properties of aloe

Aloe vera is the source of a multi-million dollar industry, producing from beauty creams to health juices and dietary supplements. Over time, aloe vera has become an integral part of our lives.

However, the question arises, how can this magical plant be used in everyday life? Aloe Vera is a personal one-stop shop for skin and hair problems. Let's take a look at 20 amazing benefits of aloe vera for skin and hair.

1. Moisturizes dry skin

Probably it would be difficult to go in the winter for an evening or a date with dry and hardened skin from frost. But it doesn't matter, aloe vera will come to the rescue. Aloe or products based on this plant are used by many in both winter and summer. What's more, aloe vera is suitable for all skin types. To cleanse the skin, take a little aloe, a little turmeric, a teaspoon of honey and milk.

If you wish, you can add to the product whatever you see fit, for example, a couple of drops of rose water. Now stir everything until smooth. Apply the product and let it sit for about 20 minutes and you're done. This "cream" is a simple and quick solution to the problem of dry skin.

2. Eliminates unwanted sunburn

On a hot day under the sun, you can get an unwanted tan. Aloe vera answers tanning questions. All you need to do is just collect half a cup of fresh aloe vera juice, a cup of sugar, and two tablespoons of lemon juice. This product deeply cleanses the skin and removes scars and unnecessary tanning.

3. Eliminates acne

Always an embarrassing problem for both men and women. Since adolescence, people want to get rid of unwanted acne. And aloe vera gives you that opportunity. Mix a little aloe juice with walnuts to a flour consistency and add a little honey. The healing properties of aloe vera, when combined with honey's antioxidants, will leave the skin soft, clear and acne-free.

4. Eliminates wrinkles

With age, the skin condition gradually deteriorates and wrinkles may appear. However, wrinkles may appear earlier. A few drops of coconut oil mixed with freshly squeezed aloe vera juice is a great way to prevent and get rid of wrinkles.

Aloe vera juice penetrates the skin faster than water, and its emollient properties moisturize the skin so that the skin remains untouched by these fine lines.

5. Luminous complexion

Want a healthy complexion? With aloe vera, this is not a problem. Its juice removes blackheads and gives radiance and shine to the skin. You can use aloe with cleansers or any scrub. This will saturate the skin cells with oxygen and make it soft.

6. Eliminates stretch marks

Aloe vera is also a great home remedy for stretch marks. Aloe will soften the skin and help restore its softness and shine. This is what your skin deserves.

7. Getting rid of pigmentation

Skin pigmentation can be quite a problem. It can be embarrassing to go to public places or events with pigmented skin. However, this is where aloe vera comes to the rescue. Its juice reduces dark spots, gets rid of dry flaky skin, freckles and brings a healthy glow. Now pigmentation won't be taken by surprise.

8. Will help to make lips bright

With aloe vera on the windowsill, you no longer need to buy lip balm. The plant gel can be the base for a very simple balm. To do this, melt a teaspoon of petroleum jelly, and when it melts, add half a teaspoon of fresh juice and a couple of drops of oil with vitamin E to it.

Now remove from heat and stir well. Pour the mixture into a container of lip balm, refrigerate it and you can use it. The resulting balm will help much more efficiently and better than any other branded balm.

9. Helps in healing skin diseases

Aloe b has anti-allergic properties, it can be used to heal various skin diseases, such as: eczema, psoriasis, pruritus and other similar diseases. And also in the treatment of blisters, insect bites and any other allergic skin reactions. Well, aloe vera masks have always been useful for owners of sensitive skin.

10. Relieves inflammation

The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera will help relieve inflammation from burns, wounds, cuts, abrasions or any other inflammatory skin conditions in the event of an emergency.

11. Promotes hair growth

Not only can aloe vera help with skin problems, it can also help hair in many ways. After all, aloe has a very good effect on hair growth. Mix aloe vera juice with castor oil and this mixture will completely remove dead cells from the scalp and stimulate hair growth.

12. Eliminates dandruff

Dandruff is another common problem for everyone. Dandruff is most often caused by cell death, oily scalp, or infection. Aloe vera also has antimicrobial properties. The scalp will get rid of infections and dead cells. Almost all shampoos contain aloe vera.

13. Maintains the pH balance of the scalp

Typically the scalp has a pH of 5.5, which means that the scalp has a slightly acidic environment. Some shampoos can change the pH level because they contain surfactants, and this can create many problems. Aloe vera can maintain the pH balance of the scalp and hair.

14. Excellent conditioner

Aloe vera contains proteolytic enzymes that do the job of cleansing the skin of dead skin cells. As a result, you will have soft, shiny, hydrated hair, just like using an expensive conditioner.

15. Heals inflamed scalp

The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera, which were described in the previous chapter of the article, may help with scalp inflammation as well. It will help reduce redness, flaking, itching, and inflammation of the skin.

16. Strengthens hair

The vitamins and nutrients in aloe vera also help in the regenerative processes of strengthening hair. You can try combining aloe vera with coconut or jojoba oils for a more effective result.

17. An effective hair rinse

If you suddenly have problems with oily hair, turn to aloe vera. Its juice is an excellent conditioner for oily hair. For best results, mix one part of aloe vera juice with two parts lemon juice and massage the mixture into your hair.

Citric acid removes excess oil well, and aloe vera will help your hair recover and not look dry.

18. Eliminates baldness

Baldness is a common hair problem with age in men. This type of hair loss occurs in a specific area of ​​the scalp and can eventually lead to complete hair loss. But with regular use of aloe vera, this loss can be greatly reduced. Aloe vera has the ability to rejuvenate hair follicles, thus reducing hair loss.

19. Natural hair gel

You can also use aloe vera for natural shine instead of expensive gels. Aloe vera will retain moisture in your hair and protect it from drying out.

20. Night healing mask

You can make a hair mask with aloe vera, apply it to your hair and leave it on overnight. This mask will style your hair and leave it thick and long. You can try using this mask once a week to see the amazing results.

As you can see, aloe vera is a truly versatile plant that has many more positive properties than is presented in this article.Now you can bring aloe vera into your daily routine for healthy skin and gorgeous hair.

Indeed, expensive branded products are no longer needed when nature provides such wonderful alternatives that you can use absolutely free. Stay healthy, stay beautiful!

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