
Modern technologies are the secret of absolute freshness of products

Sushi has long ceased to be exotic and entered our daily life. For some, this is an obligatory dish of family gatherings on a day off, someone orders them just for lunch, some girls can’t imagine meeting with friends if the table is not decorated with a luxurious sushi set ... How is such popular Japanese food created and can you be sure in its harmlessness to the body? After all, vegetables, fish and other seafood quickly deteriorate, and sushi rice does not retain freshness for long. KILOGRAM. SUSHI answers with confidence - yes, you can!

Professional equipment for your health

Sushi was invented several centuries ago, when there was no refrigeration equipment at all. It took a lot of work to keep food fit for consumption. As a result, some of them still deteriorated. There were many poisonings. And this was observed directly in Japan - a country where there are all the products for sushi and nothing needs to be brought from afar. Nowadays, technological advances make it possible to deliver everything for sushi from distant lands, store and prepare food so that the dish reaches the table absolutely fresh and incredibly tasty.

When choosing suppliers, the Kilogram team pays great attention to the method of transportation - it is very important that modern equipment is used, which can ensure the preservation of the freshness and taste of raw materials. When they get to us, the products are immediately distributed taking into account all sanitary standards (masks, gloves) using special devices that prevent the appearance of harmful bacteria and allow them not to lose moisture.

In order to preserve the freshness of raw materials during the cooking process, we use the latest innovations in the field of kitchen equipment. Rice is cooked not in ordinary pots, but in special double boilers with precise temperature conditions. This allows you to keep the right level of moisture as much as possible, which is very important not only for maintaining the health and taste of the whole dish, but also for it to retain the desired shape. Sushi rice takes a long time to cook. Therefore, our craftsmen boil a large amount at once in order to prepare your order as quickly as possible. How to keep rice as if it had just been cooked? To do this, we use special modern heating equipment in our kitchen. Thanks to this, the freshness and the desired temperature of rice are maintained for a long time.

How to cook sushi so that fish and other seafood look and feel fresh, as if they were recently caught? For KILOGRAMM.SUSHI specialists this is not a problem. We use technological advances not only for storage, but also for the preparation of products. For cutting fish and seafood in the kitchen, tables with countertop cooling are installed. This allows you to keep the raw materials fresh even during the cooking process. The surface of such equipment does not absorb odor and moisture, it is convenient to clean it.

Japanese cuisine uses a lot of vegetables. We store them not just in the refrigerator, as is usually done. In order for vegetables and herbs to retain their perfect appearance, freshness and aroma, Kilogram craftsmen use special boxes where they can maintain the proper temperature and moisture levels.

Sushi recipes require the exact amount of a particular product. Masters of the Kilogram company have extensive experience and knowledge to work in the kitchen. However, in order to keep the taste of this or that dish always traditional, they do not work "by eye", but use modern technology - electronic scales. This allows you to keep the exact recipe. Thanks to this, every time the taste of your favorite delicacies: Philadelphia sushi and other rolls or voluminous sushi sets.

KILOGRAMM.SUSHI - perfect sushi exists!