
TOP 10 reasons to abandon Apple products

Apple is a well-known company that specializes in consumer electronics, software and personal computers. She is well known for making products like ^

  • Macintosh,
  • iPod,
  • iPhone,
  • iPad.

The company has 357 stores in over 10 countries. She has one of the largest online stores in the world. It is worth noting that the company is included in the top 10 brands that are popular with young people.

Apple has the largest share sales in the world, its capital is more than $ 150 billion. This is more capital Google and Microsoft, which include respectively 60 and 4000 permanent employees. Annual sales were $ 65 billion, which rose to $ 108 billion in 2011. Check out 20 mind-blowing facts about Apple.

But in every company there is a weak point or, as they say, an Achilles' heel, so let's take a look at 10 reasons to abandon Apple products.

1. Safari updates

In 2008 Apple created an automatic browser refresh. In the past, automatic updating services were used to advertise the browser to users. That is, they were prompted to install updates that included Safari... As reported Digital Journal, it was a disastrous business, as the threat of the spread of malware arose.

The software update was invalid for many users. In fact, they recently installed healthy software that wasn't there before - says John Lilly, CEO Mozilla.

2. Illegal factories in China

Comparing iPods to other brands of mp3 players, it turns out that they are very expensive. You must pay more than $ 200 dollars to receive any product from the company Apple... Many people do not know that the last 6 years Apple makes iPods in illegal factories in China, where working conditions prevail.

Workers continue to die in accidents that could have been easily prevented. Many of them are forced to work from morning to night for paltry wages ($ 0.70 an hour) in discouraging conditions. The first to report this in New York Times... In reply Apple promised to improve working conditions.

Should we expect better deals at the price we pay for Apple products??

3. Murderous fee

Illegal factories are the lesser of the problems. In fact, things in China Apple the situation is much worse than you might imagine. During startup iPad in 2012, 150 Chinese workers Foxconn threatened to commit suicide by jumping from the factory roof. In 2010, 18 workers jumped from the top of the company building, resulting in 14 deaths. Foxconn installed safety nets in the factory and hired consultants to help workers.

4. Child labor

It is not news that this is happening, as with other manufacturers of computer technology. However, I hope for the best from a company that spends over $ 900 on computers and $ 600 on mobile devices. In February 2012, it was reported that the children of employees were indeed required to work for Foxconn for production Apple.

During the checks, the children were hidden in other departments. The students who work there are forced to do so. The Chinese government requires schools to send their students to factory jobs as part of their practice. This was stated in the report SACOM in 2012.

5. Landfill for contaminated, waste and toxic metals

In 2011, Beijing's environmental group from the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs reported in a report that the company was dumping contaminated and toxic waste all over its factories. They report that it threatens human health. The report was released in August 2011. It has 46 pages.

Аpple is already striving to clean the factories of pollution. Ma Jun, a group director, said the company needs to take full responsibility and fulfill its commitment to stop pollution from suppliers.

6. False guarantee

In a claim from Italy in December 2011, the company was fined $ 1.2 billion for not informing customers about a 2-year warranty service for products. This accusation came from the Italian Consumer Code. The company reportedly only gave 1 year of warranty service and wanted to sell the second to customers.

7. Overheated food

With the introduction of HD video viewing on iPadWhile consumers were happy to be pampered with something new, criticism arose when frame rates dropped, causing products to overheat. Buyers pay $ 700 for a device that is too hot to hold. Heat comes from the bottom left corner of the device, however Apple denied these allegations.

8. Expensive

All these statements led me to the main question: “Why are Apple products more expensive than Microsoft products?» Why don't I just buy Blackberry instead of iPhone? Then I will save at least $ 300. Also, I can get more GB of storage for less money.

9. Monopoly

As well Microsoft, Apple appeared in 1995. Many scientists ask the question, can Apple grow up without anti-trust and monopoly. Slit throat due to competition between them and Samsung is an example of this. Apple trying to sue Samsung for copyright infringement, when he can focus on the production of more and more new products.

10. Feelings in general

You get a good product like Applebut how do you feel using a device created in such a terrible environment? Your first question will be: “Why am I paying so much money?»After a little research, it turns out that the money goes to the developers, but will it be evenly distributed?

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"Little Apple Company" is one of those that cannot be treated neutrally. She is either loved or hated.