
Different Types of Children's Probiotics to Consider

  • Chewable probiotics for children are chewable powder tablets that contain less sugar and artificial ingredients. Chewable probiotics are recommended for children 2 years of age and older. We recommend Bifidobacteria from NSP (USA) -

  • Gummies are delicious probiotics for kids, similar to gummies or candies. Children are most concerned about chewable probiotics because of the amount of sugar and artificial flavors. Chewable probiotics are recommended for children 3 years of age and older.

  • Some probiotics for children are more effective when swallowed than when chewed. For this reason, small pearl probiotic supplements are easier for children to swallow. Pearl Probiotic supplements are recommended for children 4 years of age and older.

  • Melting probiotics for kids simply dissolve in your child's mouth like candy and often come in flavored cubes or sticks. Melting probiotics are recommended for children 3 years and older.

  • Simply pour the dose into a spoon or glass to consume. Liquid probiotic supplements can also be in the form of drops that can be put into water or squeezed into a child's mouth to swallow. Liquid probiotics are recommended for infants or infants up to 2-3 years of age.

  • Probiotics for children are often found in the daily diet. The most common probiotic foods include yogurt, cheese, pickles, and buttermilk. Remember to always check the amount of live cultures or CFUs, as some nutritional options may not be as beneficial as probiotic supplements.

Probiotic supplements for children vary in ingredients and varieties, which can affect your child's overall health. Before choosing a probiotic for your child, there are several key factors to consider.

  • Ingredients - Each probiotic for kids includes different probiotic strains and ingredients, so be sure to research each one for your child's safety. Some probiotics for kids include dairy, gluten and other common allergens, and some contain sugar and are made with artificial colors. You will need a probiotic supplement that is free of sugar and fillers to give your child the most beneficial bacteria.
  • Pediatrician's recommendations – Before buying, talk to your pediatrician about the best probiotics for your children. There are several factors you need to keep in mind, including your child's diet, allergens, and any changes to the digestive or immune system. You'll also want to ask about probiotics, which include prebiotics to stimulate beneficial bacteria. While some probiotics may seem beneficial, your pediatrician will be able to determine if your child needs probiotics.
  • Number of CFU – Probiotics are measured in colony forming units (CFU) or bacterial body count. According to the American Family Physician, children should take 5 to 10 billion CFU per day for a healthy immune and digestive system, and any good probiotic should contain at least 1 billion CFU per serving. Most children's probiotic gummies or tablets contain at least 3-5 billion per serving and can help you meet your recommended daily allowance.