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TOP 10 Ways to Improve Public Speaking

Speakers of all time: Martin Luther King, Adolf Hitler, Gandhi and many others - they knew what qualities a speaker should have, whether he should be clear, dexterous and unshakable, or bold and declarative. Different people like different speakers who have the ability to capture the public's interest for a long time. Every speaker must grow in the eyes of people, and, above all, for himself. Books for personal growth will help him in this.

Great orators are those who foment revolution, evoke emotion, and propel people to action, as we know the power of the words spoken is undeniable. Word "speaker"comes from the Latin word"oratio "(" to beg, speak or pray"). This speech is usually elaborate and sublime. The Word"eloquence"refers to the art of public speaking, it is the rationale and practice of convincing public speaking. Audience attitudes and reactions are striking, but it can also have historical implications.

Good public speaking or public speaking is not at the genetic level. It is actually a skill composed of natural behavior that can be learned by anyone wishing to be successful. Eloquence is essential for people everywhere: in relationships, in meetings, in education, and at work. Listed below the main ways to help improve your speaking skills. You might be interested in Article 10 Personal Development Tips.

1. Deep knowledge

If you want to have an in-depth knowledge of a topic, then this requires both study and concentration. Explore the topic in depth, know the positive and negative sides from cover to cover. A good speaker must have excellent command of the topic and be ready to take responsibility for what he says. The most important thing is that he / she gets the message across effectively and successfully.

Focus on the topic so that the audience can understand the main idea and the message being conveyed. The purpose of public speaking is to convince the listener of something, such as accepting some definition of freedom or simply the fact that the recently deceased was a person worthy of tears.

2. Appearance

Every part of a person's body plays an important role during public speaking, be it arms, legs, body position, etc. Making eye contact with the audience is very important as the interaction becomes more successful. Each eye contact expresses interest and, in response, the audience listens carefully to the speaker.

You should not constantly maintain eye contact with a certain person, on the contrary, move your gaze to one or the other, then the effect is created that the eyes sparkle. Also, use gestures such as hand and face movements. There should be more gestures with the increase in the audience of listeners. In turn, incorporate body language into the conversation.

3. Ups and downs

It is usually noticeable that many speakers speak in a uniform tone. A monotonous voice is like nails on a chalkboard. The audience becomes indifferent and dull, and the speaker seems boring. Human ears prefer a tone that varies in pitch, going up and down.

4. Believe in what you say

An orderly presentation can be experienced with minimal mental strain. The key factor is the bundle of information. Use quotes, facts, and statistics - don't just include them, but use them appropriately to complement ideas.

Manage metaphors - they make the message clearer. Believe in yourself and in what you say. The audience does not like listening to a person who is agitated or disbelieving in what he / she is saying. Therefore, it is important to speak clearly, open your mouth and not mumble.

5. Create a virtual identity

Create a stage image. It's just that on stage it is better to behave differently than in the company of loved ones. When a person is on stage, everyone should and wants to listen to him / her, and he can control their opinion. Therefore, stick to the image that is beneficial at the moment.

6. The first impression should remain the last impression

When a speaker first walks on stage, style influences the first and subsequent impressions, because people are used to judging others by their appearance. A skilled speaker should look good, dress nicely, be clean, and avoid fancy hairstyles, makeup, or facial hair.

7. Early bird

Preparing a speech in advance gives the speaker the opportunity to understand what is better to include in the report and what not. The speech may not be long, but in turn contain short sub-paragraphs that can be looked at during the speech and find out if he / she should include them in the speech or not. Read the subparagraphs or talk so that you can remember them.

8. Communication

It is important not only to know the topic, but also to associate yourself with it. The speaker must feel the message being conveyed, since what is conveyed to the audience, the topic also feels and believes, accepting his message.

9. Get involved in a variety of skills development activities

Join a group that allows you to practice eloquence. Choose from one of the many groups to help participants develop their skills, such as debate clubs, speaking teams, or event groups. Develop a regular practice schedule. Watch other people develop their speaking skills.

10. Practice, practice, and more practice

«It takes work to become a great speaker, but if you want to master this craft, practice, practice and practice again, as only practice will make a person a professional.". A great myth, ingrained about oratory, says that this talent is innate and cannot be studied. But our courageous ancestors knew more.

The world's great orators, from Cicero to Rockne, have practiced oratory with a firm sense of purpose. Demosthenes was a prime example of this. As a child, he was weak and awkward, both in body and speech. But he decided to become a great orator and finally achieved what he wanted. Summing up, it should be said that “oratory was called the highest art, since it includes other disciplines; eloquence is not just a conversation, but speech that appeals to our noble feelings, enlivens our souls, evokes strong feelings and emotions, and inspires virtuous deeds". remember, that oratory is speaking to an audience, but not every performance is an oratory.

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In this video, the brilliant speaker Vladimir Dovgan talks about how to use his oratory skills to the maximum.