
Rehabilitation of drug-addicted and alcoholic patients in Lviv in the "Ukrainian Center for Likuvannya Zalezhnosti"

Comprehensive rehabilitation for drug addiction, effective treatment for alcoholism in Lviv can be completed by visiting the narcology center "Ukrainian Center for Treatment of Zalezhnosti". Spivpratsiuyuchi with professionals, you will take anonymity, individual opinion and a guarantee of achieving positive results.

About the work of the center

The center for the distribution of riches is engaged in pathological fallows, specializing in the fight against drug addiction and alcoholism. Spivrobitniki installed helped the majestic number of people to move in the form of piece doping, turn to full, hard life.

The main advantage of the drug center is a comprehensive approach to likuvannya, which will be used in one's own medical and psychotherapeutic methods. Such a program allows you to gradually repair both chemical and psychological problems.

The next important moment is the day of setting on the face. The guarantee of confidentiality allows patients to save their reputation, abdicate public condemnation, and after the completion of the rejoicing, do not have problems with the choice of profession, power to work, and the abrogation of water rights.

Oscilki rehabilitation to take place in hospitals, it is important to remember the rehab of the rehabilitators. The center itself is more similar to a quiet boarding house, lower to a likuvalny mortgage. Comfortable rooms, a gym, a park for walking - everything is given to rehabilitators. Spіvrobіtniki and about the correct eating, organizing cіkavogo, developing doswell for their children.

Patients are treated here exclusively shanobly, respectfully, kindly. After the prescription of the skin, a large amount of fallow water will take away the therapeutic support, I will really help in nutrition, help in the treatment of light, practice.

The headline is the advantage of the center in the fact that it’s better to give your bosses not only a subdued stalemate, but also an advancement in the life of the rehabilitators, a successful return to the family and society.

Serve the center

Poltava branch center provides its patients with the following services:

  1. Stationary treatment of drug addiction.
  2. Treatment of alcoholism in the narcological center "Ukrainskuy Center of Likuvannya Zalezhnosti”.
  3. Possibility of calling the doctor-narcologist home.
  4. Early diagnosis.
  5. Development of individual rehabilitation programs.
  6. Primusov's exaltation of alcoholism and drug addiction (method of intervention conducted with motivating conversations with the fallow people).
  7. Exaltation of concomitant illnesses, nasledkiv and complication of pathological deposits.
  8. Psychological assistance to relatives and close otochennya fallow patients.
  9. Providing individual consultations for highly qualified fahivtsiv.

As if you have run out of food, otherwise you want to get by alone with the services proclaimed by the center, to earn one call. The rehabilitation clinic operates 24/7, without breaks and weekends.