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TOP 10 most dangerous snakes in the world

There are a lot of dangerous snakes in the world, but not all of their bites are fatal, because with the timely introduction of an antidote, a person has every chance of survival. In this article, we will consider the most poisonous and dangerous snakes for humans, as well as their aggressiveness and doses of poison that can cause death.

So in front of you 10 most dangerous and poisonous snakes, the bite of which can lead to death. You may be interested in the article 10 most dangerous animals in the world.

10. Common viper or "deadly viper"

The venomous snake, native to Australia, is found all over the world. The main diet of the viper is small mammals and birds. The snake is able to wait for hours in ambush for a victim. You need to be extremely careful and attentive; if you do not notice the snake, it can attack a person.

9. Python

Pythons are less dangerous than vipers. They mostly live near water, but can also be found under trees in the forest. These snakes are carnivorous, most often feeding on mammals. The python uses its sharp teeth to capture its prey and then coils around its victim, thereby suffocating it. Strangulation is the most dangerous form of snake attack.

8. Tiger snake

This snake species is found in southern Australia. The poisonous snake has stripes on its body that resemble tiger stripes, but the color can be varied. The venom of the tiger snake contains toxins such as notoxin and myotoxin, which is why it is one of the deadliest snakes in the world. Even after the introduction of antivenom, the chance of death is over 65%.

7. Australian brown snake

Australian brown snakes are among the most venomous reptiles. When hungry, they become very aggressive and quick to move. In an excited state, the snake raises its neck high, acquiring a vertical s-shaped body. Finding prey, it attacks it several times, reacting to the slightest movement of the victim.

6. Inner Taipan

A small snake that is also one of the most venomous snakes in the world. The maximum dose of poison per bite is 110 mg, which can kill about 100 people. Inner Taipan is very fearful and would rather crawl than attack. Attacks only in case of extreme danger.

5. Eastern Spotted Rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus)

The Eastern Spotted Rattlesnake is native to the southeastern United States of America and is the most venomous snake on the continent. Not the most aggressive type of snake, but poison in human blood can lead to heart failure and death.

4. Mozambican spitting cobra

The poisonous olive-gray snake lives in Africa. It is one of the most deadly snakes, after the Black Mamba. The unique strength of the snake lies in the ability to accurately spit poison in the eyes of the enemy, which can cause blindness. Has an extremely aggressive character.

3. Egyptian cobra

The most common type of cobra found in Africa. Has caused hundreds of deaths across the continent. V in search of prey, it can crawl into a person's dwelling, attack chickens and the owner himself... When bitten, the average dose of Egyptian cobra venom is 190 mg, which is why it is considered the most dangerous of all snakes.

2. Chained Viper or Russell's Viper

In India, most deaths occur precisely because of the bites of this snake. The venom of the chain viper is very toxic and after 15–20 minutes after the bite, the human heart stops due to a strong decrease in blood pressure.

1. Black Mamba

The Black Mamba is at the top of the list of the most dangerous snakes. Most often it has an olive green color, and got its name from the black color of the mouth. Extremely aggressive. It can reach speeds of more than 19 km / h. Some specimens reach up to 4.5 meters in length.

The snake poses a serious danger to the inhabitants of Africa, since the poison has an instant effect and without the timely introduction of an antidote, the probability of death is 100%.