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TOP 10 crazy Chernobyl conspiracy theories

After the extraordinary success of the HBO miniseries Chernobyl, the tragedy at the Ukrainian power plant is once again on everyone's lips. The entire world is shaken by the terrifying, invisible danger of radiation.

On April 26, 1986, an explosion occurred at the 4th block of a nuclear power plant in the city of Chernobyl, which claimed the lives of many people, while others faced a terrible death years later.

Increased levels of radiation after the accident have been found around the world. Livestock and water were exposed to high levels of radiation, and thousands of residents in the power plant area had to be evacuated.

All of Europe could be destroyed if there was a thermonuclear explosion.

Western countries immediately pointed out the failure of the Soviet Union, but perhaps in the largest catastrophe of the 20th century, things are not as simple as they seem.

There are various conspiracy theories about the causes of the Chernobyl tragedy:

10. Supernatural humanoid creature

Shortly before the accident, local residents living in the area of ​​the Chernobyl nuclear power plant claimed to have seen a creepy humanoid creature with red eyes and huge wings, which they dubbed the Chernobyl Thrush.

It is reported that after observing this phenomenon, people were haunted by nightmares and strange phone calls.

Scientists have made the assumption that the observed "monster" was one of the endangered species of storks inhabiting the area. Although the description given by eyewitnesses of the creature does not correspond to the characteristics of a black stork. They say that Drozd served as an omen, informing people about their terrible fate.

After the accident, no one else observed the 6-meter humanoid creature.

9. The omen in the Bible

The Revelations of John the Theologian, Chapter 8: 10-11 says:

“And the third angel trumpeted, and a huge star came from heaven, blazing like a huge source of light, and fell on the third part of the rivers and on the sources of water: and the name of this star is“ wormwood ”. And the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many perished by the waters, because the waters became bitter. "

It is interesting that the synonym for the name of the plant "wormwood" is "Chernobyl". Could the Bible have predicted the Chernobyl disaster?

Firefighters who came to clean up the explosion said the reactor was a huge source of light. It is possible that the "trumpeting third angel" symbolizes an accident, but the water was contaminated with radiation and became bitter.

Not far from Chernobyl there is a sculpture called "Star-Wormwood", created by the Ukrainian artist Anatoly Gaydamaka. The trumpeting angel is a memorial to honor the memory of the heroes who sacrificed their lives to save the world.

8. Community of Immortality

A community of Chernobyl survivors and Russian scientists lives on the Greek island of Gavdos.

Having moved to live on the island a few years after the accident and found themselves isolated from the outside world, the group focused on finding the source of eternal life.

The community leader is Andrei, who was exposed to high levels of radiation after a trip to the exclusion zone. Refusing to go to Moscow for treatment, thinking that medicine would not be able to help him, he decided to move to a small village and become a farmer.

Is it a coincidence that members of the community were exposed to high levels of radiation? Their way of life is not known for certain, but most likely they still live as they did during the Soviet Union. Have these highly respected scientists lost touch with reality? Their experience and reputation suggest otherwise.

7. Reactors as weapons.

According to one version, the Soviet Union needed to destroy the nuclear reactor in order to assess the potential of US nuclear development.

During the Cold War, even a minimal advantage was invaluable, therefore, according to some reports, both countries sometimes made very dubious actions in order to be one step ahead of their rivals.

The destructive power of nuclear weapons was common knowledge, both countries possessed a wide nuclear arsenal, and they also studied in detail the destructive effects of radiation throughout the twentieth century. Although the collapse of a nuclear reactor has never happened before.

Was the explosion a way to study the effects of radiation on the human body? An overwhelming number of people complained that the government was late in acting and had done very little to protect civilians from the effects of radiation.

6. Earthquake

To study the version that the earthquake could be the cause of the explosion of the reactor No. 4, in 1996 Vitaly Pravdivtsev conducted research. However, experts found about 80 inaccuracies in the scientist's report. A year later, some scientists from the Institute of Physics of the Earth, again turned to this study and made an interesting conclusion.

On the night of April 26, some seismological stations detected little seismic activity.

According to some reports, an earthquake occurred shortly before the accident at the nuclear power plant. What a coincidence! Thus, it can be assumed that the graphite rods designed to protect the reactor could not be reinserted due to poor protection against vibration and rock displacement.

4. Sabotage by the KGB

Another popular version of the explosion at the power plant is the involvement of the KGB.

To monopolize the European energy market, KGB officers could organize a sabotage at the 4th reactor to prevent the launch of nuclear power plants in other countries.

There are few energy sources in Europe, so if competitors could be contained, other European countries would become completely dependent on Soviet oil and gas.

Did it work? The Soviet Union collapsed shortly after the disaster, and former KGB officer Vladimir Putin runs Russia, which has complete control over Europe's energy supply.

Several years ago, a gas pipeline was built between Russia and Germany, which is further confirmation that Europe's dependence on Russian energy resources will not end in the near future.

3. These are all aliens

There are also versions of the involvement of aliens. Shortly before the accident, there were several reports of UFO sightings near Chernobyl, including within a short time after the explosion of the reactor.

One of the most detailed evidences is the words of Mikhail Varitsky, who reported that when he, together with other members of his team, arrived at the scene of the accident at night, he immediately noticed a fiery round object with a diameter of about 6-8 meters flying in the sky. Two beams of burgundy color were directed to the burning block of the reactor, from which the "ball" was at a distance of about 300 meters. The whole event took about three minutes, after which the balloon flew away in an unknown direction.

Most adherents of this version argue that the alien intervention helped to stop further destruction of the reactor and eliminate any thermonuclear catastrophe.

The newspaper Pravda, which was previously the official newspaper of the Communist Party of the USSR, reported that there were hundreds of witnesses who observed an unknown object over the station for 6 hours. Pravda made the assumption that the UFO saved half of Europe, preventing the threat of a nuclear explosion, and also reducing the level of radiation background by several times.

2. Secret radar station

The infamous Soviet radar Duga-3, called the Woodpecker because of its high frequency, was a top-secret radar station near Chernobyl.

In 1976, a high unknown radio signal emerged that disrupted radios and repeaters around the world, after which it was suggested that this was a way of controlling the mind.

The strong radio signal persisted for many years and entailed many changes on the part of radio and television developers to their product in order to prevent interference from the station.

There is no reliable information on what the Duga-3 was used for, but many experts believe it was designed to detect ICBM launches.

In 1989, the radar was shut down and the huge super-power station was abandoned.

There is no information on how much money was spent to build a radar station of this magnitude, but some versions suggest that the accident at the station was organized to divert people from the idea that Duga-3 was another collapse of the Soviet Union's ambitions.

1. American intelligence services

Now in Russia, work is underway on a television show that should compete with the HBO series "Chernobyl". Despite the fact that the show received tremendous acclaim around the world, some officials of the time criticized the American version of events, claiming that the events described in the series were inaccurate and inconsistent with reality.

The Russian series will reportedly be based on the CIA conspiracy story, and will focus on how US spies provoked the bombing to destroy the Soviet Union.

Earlier, the CIA had already admitted to interfering with Russian system technologies by introducing malicious programs into their computer systems. Is it possible that the same happened in Chernobyl?

According to the director of the upcoming show, “there is a version according to which the Americans infiltrated the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and according to the information of many historians, one of the scouts was present at the station shortly before the accident. We may never know the truth.

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"Sabotage at the Chernobyl NPP" from the Conspiracy Theory channel. In this creepy video, you will hear a conspiracy theory that the disaster was the fault of Gorbachev. Interested? See more in the video itself.