
Top 10 reasons for parting

All relationships face certain challenges. But sometimes these difficulties turn out to be so difficult that they can lead to separation. As a rule, the beginning of any relationship is like a fairy tale, but over time you have to face the harsh reality. Quarrels, contradictions and disputes are common and natural processes in the relationship of two people living together, but sometimes the situation becomes so unbearable that the only way out is to part.

Here are some reasons that can trigger a breakup:

1. Lack of understanding

Mutual understanding can be lacking for several reasons, but the most important of them is the inability of one person to understand the point of view of another. Love is commonly referred to as an unselfish feeling, but in the modern world it is nothing more than a deal. We are so absorbed in the material world that we become more and more selfish, resulting in misunderstandings. Lack of mutual understanding is not a problem that cannot be dealt with, so it should not be ignored. Oftentimes, not being able to understand your partner destroys the relationship.

2. Lack of trust

Trust should be the foundation of any relationship. However, this foundation is often ignored today. As a result, such a relationship can be beautiful from the outside, but completely empty from the inside. Lack of trust can lead to disastrous consequences, up to and including separation. On the other hand, excessive suspicion of one partner towards another can also cause many problems. You do not need to follow each other, rummaging in telephone correspondence and social networks, you just need to trust your partner.

3. Lack of communication

People strive for relationships in which their partners will know what they are feeling and experiencing without saying a word to them. This whole telepathy topic looks very attractive, but in life you need to be a little more practical. You must realize that the other person will not be able to understand you until you tell him about it in words or show it with your emotions. In a relationship, it is really very important to share your feelings and plans for the future. Because of the emptiness caused by the lack of true communication, misunderstandings arise.

4. Long distance

You can make long-distance relationships interesting and charming in many different ways, but given the low number of encounters, you may not really get to know your partner. When you meet your boyfriend or girlfriend for the first time and spend time together, you realize that he or she is very different from the person with whom you corresponded and spoke on the phone, and it is difficult to get used to it. Sometimes people in a relationship find themselves far apart after a significant time together, certain problems begin to appear between them, and the relationship becomes tense.

5. Secrets

It is believed that there should be no secrets in the relationship between partners, that two should not hesitate to share everything with each other. But when the curtain of secrets between two people begins to open, not only the present, but also the future is not seen the same as before. Keeping secrets that can affect the bonds of trust and faith in each other is like poisoning the relationship. As you know, everything secret sooner or later becomes apparent, so why create problems by hiding something?

6. Living in the past

Everyone must learn to live in the present. Going back in time, thinking about past relationships, or mistakes you or your partner made will never lead you to anything good, it will only complicate your present and destroy your future. Ultimately, when you are torn between the past and the present, you will lose touch with both, so it is important to make a firm decision. You have to let go of the past, living in the past always makes it difficult for you to progress in the present. No one should have feelings for their ex, nor should they focus on their partner's past mistakes or relationships.

7. Inflated expectations

When we love or begin to pay attention to someone, we expect the same, and sometimes even more, from that person. The difference in the levels of these mutual expectations negatively affects the relationship. When people give something, they expect the same for themselves. Nevertheless, you need to understand the other person and not put pressure on him, forcing him to fulfill all your desires. In a relationship, both parties should take care and look after each other, but should not take it for granted.

8. Family pressure

In a serious relationship, when two people are planning a future together, the opinions of their families play a big role. Sometimes families do not give their permission for a relationship for certain reasons. They can put serious pressure on their children to ruin their relationship. Ideally, our parents want the best for us, but in terms of relationships, they are guided by social aspects in which belonging to a particular social group, income or status is more important than love.

9. Different worldview

No two people are exactly the same, and there is no need for two people in a pair to have the same thinking and the same mindset. Some couples try to capitalize on their differences, while others cannot adapt to them. There can still be chemistry between people with different opinions, but for people with different worldviews, relationships most often fall apart over time.

10. Selfishness and jealousy

Usually we do not show our selfishness to those we love, and do not feel envy towards our partners, on the contrary, we support them at every step and rejoice at their success. However, some overly ambitious people cannot come to terms with the success of their partners. Feelings of inferiority caused by a partner's success lead to constant skirmishes, which can end in breakup. Another very common reason for breakups is jealousy. Everyone knows that where there is jealousy and selfishness, love cannot bloom. Jealousy is like a snake that coils around relationships, poisoning their essence and purity.

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See in this video for the main non-obvious signs that the relationship is close to completion and parting is not far off.