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7 best dog breeds for busy people

The most popular dog breeds are not suitable for everyone. It is best for a person working all day to think twice before adopting breeds such as Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd Dog, Border Collie and Golden Retriever. These active animals are not at all adapted to life in confinement. However, people continue to make bad decisions when choosing a pet, which only leads to the disappointment of the owner and the suffering of the animals.

If you are a busy person who wants to connect your life with a dog, then be prepared to make informed decisions and make concessions. Now the invitation to have a bottle of beer after work will have to be rejected, because someone is waiting for you at home.

Your attention is extremely important to dogs. Loneliness has a very negative effect on these animals. By their very nature, they cannot do without a companion.

Some dog breeds require much more social interaction and play than others. If you choose the breed that suits you from the very beginning, then in your absence the pet will calmly walk around the house and watch the birds through the window. The animal will not create unnecessary problems and you will not have to restrain its ardor in various ways.

Choosing the right breed of dog and creating the right conditions for its habitation are two main factors in guaranteeing peace and order in the house. In your absence, your pet can do the following:

  • Sleep. Dogs devote most of their time to this. On average, they sleep about 14 hours a day, and very young and old individuals can do it much longer. Also, the pet will doze during the day much more often if you play with it in the morning.
  • There is. When away on business, owners always leave enough water in the bowl, but they don't always do the same with food. The animal cannot control the amount of food intake, and poor nutrition will only lead to obesity. The best solution in this case is to leave toys filled with various goodies (for example, peanut butter) in the house. When your pet gets bored, he can find them and get some food.
  • Explore the house. The dog's attention can be attracted by new smells in the kitchen, animals on the street or familiar things that have slightly changed their appearance. If your pet is lucky enough to have its own door, he will be able to spend time outside, watching birds or listening to the hum of cars passing by.
  • Play. Interactive toys filled with various treats will keep your pet playing all day long. For example, you can hide dry food there, which the animal will try to get. I have several toys that I bought a couple of years ago. When I need to go away, I fill them with food. This gives me the assurance that the dogs will be busy in my absence.
  • Guard the house. It is worth considering that not all breeds are predisposed to this. Some dogs will defend your home at the slightest rustle, while others will hide.

Dogs you can leave alone at home

1. Basset Hound

The Basset Hound is a rather sedentary breed. These dogs are perfect for apartment owners due to their small size. Basset Hounds love to wander around the house and examine objects with their sense of smell, although in general they do not show much activity during the day.

If you decide to get a Basset Hound, don't be afraid to leave him alone. Most likely, the dog will sleep all day long.

Like many breeds, Basset Hounds require special care. They should keep their ears clean, comb their hair daily and monitor their diet.

Dogs of this breed are rather short, but large. However, that won't stop them from curling up in your lap when you get home after a long day at work.

2. Chihuahua

If small dogs are your thing, the Chihuahua is a great choice. In addition, they calmly endure the absence of the owner.

As a rule, dogs of this breed weigh less than three kilograms and, surprisingly, they tend to behave aggressively. Many owners do not take this seriously and tease their pets, which often leads to "little dog syndrome". So you should be more careful with the representatives of this breed.

Chihuahuas are prone to some health problems. For example, to the displacement of the patella. You also need to brush your pet's teeth daily to prevent dental diseases. As with Basset Hounds, you should control the diet and encourage your pet to be active.

All in all, if you are looking for a less active dog, the Chihuahua is well suited for this role. The main thing is to look after him a friend, with whom they will have fun even all day.

3. French Bulldog

Any dog ​​requires the attention of its owner as soon as he crosses the threshold of the house. When choosing a pet, busy people are often guided by how mobile their pet will be during the day. The French Bulldog will be very happy to see you, but long walks are clearly beyond their power. Out of boredom, these dogs will most likely prefer to sleep.

French Bulldogs have a flattened muzzle, which makes it difficult for them to breathe freely while running. Especially in the heat. However, they feel great in the apartment. Also dogs of this breed get along well with children.

It is worth remembering that due to the unusual structure of the skull and large eyes, the animal is prone to various diseases. A big plus of dogs of this breed is that they practically do not bark, which is ideal for apartments with neighbors behind the wall.

4. Greyhound

Do you prefer larger animals? Then Greyhound dogs are for you. They are great sleepers, which is ideal for apartment owners.

Since most Greyhounds are ex-hounds, they are comfortable with special dog cages and can sit there for about 20 hours. However, I still don't recommend keeping your dog in a crate all day. Train your pet to behave well at home and let him walk around your property.

At the end of the day, remember to take your Greyhound out for a walk or let him play at the dog park.

Then you and your pet will be much happier.

5. Maltese lapdog

This little slacker is ready to doze off most of the day on the back of the couch, waiting for your arrival. The lapdogs are unlikely to ruin your furniture or require long walks.

Dogs of this breed will be glad to have your company. However, they require careful maintenance. Maltese lapdogs need to be combed daily, otherwise the long hair can matted. If you do not want to do this procedure all the time, take your pet to the hairdresser. A short haircut will not be a problem and you only need to brush occasionally.

Also, if you already have a cat and are looking for a friend for him, the Maltese lapdog is a great choice.

6. Shar Pei

Busy people don't have to settle for mediocre dog breeds. Shar Pei are one of the most unusual animals. Most importantly, they are great for people who spend all day at work.

Originally in China, Shar Pei have an average body size. They are not active at all, but this does not prevent Shar-Pei from being a hunting and fighting breed.

Sharpey need communication. These dogs can get along well in the family and protect it loyally.

Keep in mind, however, that a variety of health problems can lurk behind the uniqueness of the breed.

7. Whippet

This medium sized pet is ideal for apartment owners. Whippets are quite clean and spend most of their time relaxing. These dogs love soft surfaces.For example, sitting on sofas or armchairs.

However, the Whippets will not be particularly happy with strangers.

Like most breeds of dogs, Whippets need outdoor play. Walking will help release their energy. Although the best option is to have two dogs of this breed at once. Then you don't have to think about what to do with your pet.

All dogs love companionship and, no matter how much you get tired during the day, they need a walk. Some dogs need more than just a walk around the house, but these breeds are not on our list. Only inactive and not particularly curious animals are collected here.

Don't listen to people who advise you to get a bird or a cat instead of a dog! For any person, there is a breed that suits him. The most important thing is to take adult dogs as pets. After all, puppies need to be given too much attention.

If you do decide to take a dog from a shelter, make sure it is on the list above. Do not listen to the shelter workers offering you herding and hunting dogs. You don't want to live in a dilapidated house, do you? Such dogs can cause real devastation due to loneliness. Many pets die from separation from the owner at a young age.

Also, never buy puppies at the pet store. This will only support the functioning of the puppy breeding farms. In addition, young dogs are very energetic and many of them have behavioral problems. You will have to spend a lot of time training the puppy in commands, and after all, not everyone has the opportunity to spend so much time with their pet.

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