
10 startling facts about tantric sex

At first glance, sex and spirit have nothing in common, but the truth is just the opposite. Sex Is an intimate experience, as a result of which a special bond is established between partners, even if only temporarily. From this point of view, tantric sex can be seen as a deep connection on a spiritual level, when sexual satisfaction is available to both partners. There are several startling facts about tantric sex that we need to know about whether we believe them or not.

Sensuality, passion and desires are the special movements of each individual couple. This is why the perspectives of sex change under the influence of the personalities of the partners. Therefore, the manifestation of tantric sex can, for example, be replaced by spiritual sexuality. This requires more than normal sexual intercourse, or rather, taking into account many conditions.

10. Deep connection does not need selfishness

Of course, this rule can be applied to all aspects of life, but it is also important in terms of the quality of sex. When two people are involved, what matters is what each of them needs, and neither of them has priority over the other.

9. Unity of individuals, not just bodies

One of the little-known facts about tantric sex is that everyone's passions, pleasures, and even habits are part of their personality. And each of this part is manifested in sexual behavior. Therefore, it is important to understand that this is manifested not only at the bodily level, but also at the mental level. The ideas, talents and culture of both partners must be taken into account in order to achieve a deeper level of intimacy.

8. The action begins and ends with a conversation

Nowhere in the world is it encouraged for people to get down to business right away. Even if it's one night stand, partners will first talk to each other, which will allow them to find out, explore who and what the other is, and express their own desires. Moreover, a conversation with an erotic connotation can be the beginning of foreplay.

7. There is no perfect timing

This is one of the most helpful facts about tantric sex. The last thing to pay attention to during an intimate relationship will be looking at the clock. Some will need more time, attention and sensitivity, while others will establish a spiritual connection in a matter of minutes. Moreover, time tracking should remain outside the bedroom doors.

6. Use of rituals

Many people understand the word "ritual" with a religious connotation, but this is not always the case. One of the most striking facts about tantric sex is that the ritual can consist of mutual touching between partners, maybe even choosing clothes, and creating an atmosphere with music, scents and candles.

5. This is an act of generosity.

As the first rule of sensuality says, a spiritual connection between two partners can be established not with the help of selfishness, but, on the contrary, with the manifestation of generosity. Regardless of sex or relationships, each partner must offer himself and the other the same pleasures that he himself feels.

4. Admiration and gratitude to the partner

As I said earlier, one of the most surprising facts about tantric sex is that each of us is a unique person. This also applies to the body. Two partners should thank the body that participates in this connection in order to realize its uniqueness and appreciate the beauty of the individuality of their nature.

3. No sex without respect

Throughout history, sexuality has been perverted in the pleasure of submission. Therefore, people, depending on their sexual preferences, are hanged offensive labels. There is nothing wrong with sex as long as two adults agree to it and no one should be judged for their preferences. And therefore, the spiritual connection born during sex cannot be interrupted, but both the body and soul of the partner must be respected.

2. Everyone is worthy of admiration

Among the ancient Greeks and Romans, love and passion were personified in the image of the goddess Aphrodite, or Venus. It is said that on one of the many Greek islets, people come to the statue of the goddess in all her nakedness and splendor to honor and ask her for help. And just as the Greeks worshiped the image of the goddess, modern people should show respect and admiration for the person with whom they retire.

1. This is part of us

Since it is something so natural, pleasant, the connections that lead to such a rich experience must be taken as something normal. Therefore, shyness and shame must be eliminated from sexual life - not only so that partners get to know each other better, but also to avoid unpleasant situations.

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