
"Ukrainian Center for Likuvannya Zalezhnosti" - the shortest narcological center near Lviv

Where do you want to go to try alcoholism in Lvov? Why work, how close is a person who constantly falls into drinking bouts and suffers from chronic drinking? Comprehensive, effective treatment of pathological fallows near Lvoi should be passed by the specialists of the narcological center “Ukrainian Center for the Treatment of Falls”. Fahіvtsі know how not just to help the patients overcome the disease, but to radically change this life in a better way.

Basic principles of the work center

Effectively curing drug addiction and alcoholism inspires the adoption of the singing principles, which are observed at their robotic fahivtsi center:

  1. Anonymity is the guarantee of the patient's defence, and of those close to the community, the condemnation of the community, problems with further social adaptation. With the presence of a setting on the appearance of a fallow land, people are more easily ready for rejoicing, and after it is completed, they happily turn to a normal life, without collapsing with socialization, choosing a profession, and mastering a job.
  2. Complex approach — when dealing with pathological fallacies, it is important to combine medical methods with psychotherapeutic ones. Patients to the center of the heart will undergo detoxification, and then psychological rehabilitation under the program "12 months". In this way, the physical and mental health of the rehabilitators is confirmed, it continues to be both chemically and psychologically stale in the form of psychoactive speeches at any stage of illness.
  3. Work with motivations - it’s important, so that the patient himself will see the fact of the obvious fallacy and desires for it. For whom fahіvtsі zastosovuyut method of intervention, the methodology of motivational strengthening.
  4. Hospitalization is one of the key principles of successful treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism and rehab in the minds of a closed hospital. In this way, the patient becomes engrossed in the health of the therapeutic drug, relieves the negative influx of the spleen. Also, hospitalization includes the possibility of implanting piecewise doping in the course of the rehabilitation course.
  5. Help for relatives - psychological rehabilitation is needed not only for drug addicts and alcoholics, but also for their relatives. Tim is more rich in family vіdnosin in what lies the success of exuberance and the trivality of remіsії. That fahіvtsі drug center to carry out active work with relatives of rehabilitators, include sessions of family psychotherapy in the program, give individual consultations.

Even more important is the appointment to rehabilitators. At the center for fallow people created the most comfortable way to live. And the doctors and staff up to the skin rehabilitator should be treated with honor and benevolence.

How can I help you?

In order to go through the treatment of alcoholism in the narcological center "Ukrainian Center for the Treatment of Independence" or the program of rehabilitation for drug addiction, just call the Poltava branch of this specialty, install or fill in the form of a return call.