
10 tips for people with low immunity

A healthy immune system is extremely important to a healthy lifestyle. The main responsibility of the immune system is to protect you from pathogens and foreign organisms that adversely affect the body.

Whenever you get sick, it is because your immune system cannot protect you from the pathogen. In fact, the fever that accompanies most infections is a sign that the body is fighting off disease.

Many causes of low immunity can be listed, including stress, poor diet, and environmental impact. Some people get sick more easily than others. There are some precautions you can take if you happen to be one of these people.

Here are some simple tips to help you strengthen your immune system.

1. Healthy sleep

Lack of sleep reduces the ability to fight germs and recover from illness. Sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day is very important. It should be a healthy, restful sleep so that the body and brain can rest. Avoid going to bed near a bright screen, be it a TV or phone.

2. Be careful in public places

Sometimes people, when sick, do not take any precautions. Germs spread easily through human contacts. When going to a crowded area, be sure to bring a handkerchief to cover your nose and mouth and avoid inhaling germs. Also, do not overuse street food as it can be contaminated.

3. Do not touch your nose and mouth constantly

The nose and mouth are the most common passages through which germs and pathogens enter the immune system. We continue to touch our nose and mouth, not realizing that we are in contact with microbes and spread them through the mouth and nasal cavity.

Disinfect your hands when you cannot wash them or wipe them with wet wipes.

4. Do not smoke or be near a smoker

The harmful effects of smoking are well known to everyone, but remember that secondhand smoke can be equally harmful. Secondary smoke can inflame the respiratory system and worsen the condition of people with asthma or those with respiratory allergies.

Breathing in smoke makes a person susceptible to infections such as influenza, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

5. Take probiotics

Did you know that digestion plays a huge role in maintaining the immune system? Probiotics are good bacteria found in the gut and they protect against many infections. They can be obtained by consuming fermented foods.

Yogurt is a good source of probiotics. Other rich sources are kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi. If you feel that you cannot consume enough probiotics, you can take supplements after consulting your doctor.

6. Cut back on sugar

Sugar acts as an immune depressant. While fighting the disease, stop consuming sugar until you are completely cured. Natural sugars like honey can be consumed in moderation. Say a hard no to artificial sugar as it can do more harm than cane sugar.

The high sugar content in the body also promotes the growth of harmful bacteria and yeast. This leads to acne, bad breath, and lowered immunity.

7. Say no to stress

There is a rather negative relationship between immunity and stress. A person under stress is much more susceptible to infection than a person who is calm. Prolonged stress affects immunity and causes the body to release hormones that deplete the body, making it weak against pathogens.

Since it is difficult to eliminate stress completely from life these days, look for ways to reduce it. Exercise regularly can be a beneficial way to relieve stress. However, if you are looking for something a little simpler, soothing massages and spa treatments will do.

8. Don't take too many antibiotics

Consuming large amounts of antibiotics can make the body resistant to antibiotics. Over time, the body will not be able to withstand serious infections. Another important aspect to consider is that you should never leave your antibiotic treatment unfinished.

Make sure to take the medicine for the prescribed time without interruption, as this will completely correct the cause. Try natural remedies for mild infections.

9. Pay attention to the diet

A good diet plays a very important role in maintaining a healthy immune system. Flu foods include garlic and onions. Garlic contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help treat viral attacks. You can consume 1 clove, chopped with honey to boost your immune system.

However, you should stop taking it if all kinds of body reactions occur. Grains such as oats and barley contain beta-glucan, which is antimicrobial in nature. Fungi are known to increase the production of white blood cells.

Sweet potatoes provide vitamin A, which helps stimulate connective tissue growth to provide a physical barrier against germs. Green tea and black tea provide antioxidants and increase white blood cell production.

10. Avoid junk food

Fried foods are usually harmful foods. It can provoke intestinal inflammation, leading to a decreased immune response. Carbonated drinks are high in sugar, which dramatically slows down the immune system and acts as food for the bad bacteria present in the body. The phosphoric acid present in them can cause calcium and magnesium deficiency in the body.

It is worth mentioning that if you notice any discomfort, it is worth consulting your doctor. Very often, a simple allergy can greatly weaken the body and you will be surprised because you will not even notice it and will suppress it with your own means, without resorting to the help of a doctor. Consult a professional to find out more about these kinds of problems.

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Video with ideas for strengthening immunity from Ideas for Life