
10 things to do before bed

Are you sleeping badly? Your actions before bed may be the culprit. Studies show that about 35% of adults do not sleep even the recommended 7 hours.

You can reverse this trend by incorporating healthy bedtime habits that will make you go to sleep in no time. You can wake up refreshed by making a few small changes to your bedtime preparation. Here are 10 things you should always do before bed. Also take a look at the article 10 Reasons Why You Need to Get enough sleep.


Reading will help you fall asleep. If you make reading a habit before bed, your body will automatically relax as you curl up in bed to read your favorite book. Even a 6-minute reading can lower your stress levels by up to 68%. When you feel less stressed, it will be much easier for you to fall asleep.


I think everyone is familiar with the situation when you have already gone to bed and are ready to fall asleep, when suddenly different thoughts begin to come to mind. And you can lie there thinking about them until the morning. Meditation before bed will help you sort out all of your tasks and problems throughout the day.

Some types of meditation involve breathing exercises or focusing on different things that have happened all day, then just letting go. If you do not know how to get started, then you can watch the video tutorials.


It is also one way to focus on the events of the day and try to forget them. All you need to do is write them in a diary or notebook. There are several options, but a happiness diary is the most effective. You need to write down everything that made you happy for the whole day. Instead of remembering all the bad sides of the day, let your mind and body float into the world of dreams, thinking only about the positive sides of the day and what made you happy.

Also, it will be useful if you want to look in the diary during a hard day at work. Studies show that recordings like these improve mood by reducing feelings of sadness and increasing levels of happiness.


Not everyone knows how to relax. If you are one of those people, then try muscle relaxation. For this technique, you slowly tense and then relax each muscle group. The more you try to relax, the easier it will be next time. Eventually, the body will do this automatically, making it easier to fall asleep.


Visualization can help not only in achieving a goal, but also in trying to relax and unwind. Sit before bed and imagine yourself sitting somewhere in a relaxing place, such as on the beach. Also, you can imagine a very productive day at work or that you have successfully completed a task.

Warm bath or shower

You can relax your muscles with a warm shower or bath before going to bed. A drop in body temperature after exiting warm water can cause drowsiness. In addition, make sure the bedroom temperature is neither too low nor too high. This can make falling asleep much more difficult if you are shivering in a cold bed or bathed in your own sweat.

Listen to music

Depending on the style, music can soothe frayed nerves and relax the brain. Pick some relaxing music and play it in your bedroom before bed. You can even combine meditation or visualization with music. Research shows that music can help even people with sleep disorders fall asleep. They also show that it is better to listen to songs with a slow beat between 60 and 80 bpm.


You might have a hard day, falling into bed after work and falling asleep with the lights on. However, the biological clock is guided by light, so it is best to turn off the lights before bed. If you don't like sleeping in total darkness, you can buy a night light.

Time with your loved one

Are you worried because you're looking forward to a tough day? There is nothing more soothing than the voice or hug of a loved one, best friend, or family member. If you know there is a lot of work ahead of you tomorrow, make time for a conversation with a loved one or someone who is supportive. Reminders that you are loved and supported can soothe your mind.

Preparing for tomorrow

By taking the time to prepare for the day ahead, you can take a heavy burden off your shoulders. Thinking about getting ready in the morning can be a lot of anxiety. Get a good rest and wake up refreshed, working with what you have already prepared. For example, choose what to wear tomorrow or make a healthy lunch. If you have a presentation tomorrow, you can also check to see if you put everything in your bag. Knowing that you are prepared for the next day will make you more relaxed and remove unnecessary thoughts before bed.

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