
5 habits of the rich the middle class doesn't understand

The poor and the middle class feel an outright resentment when looking at the rich - donkey for decades, they have achieved practically nothing, so it is easy to assume that those who earn thousands of times more, applying seemingly less effort, are either damn lucky, or not completely honest. In fact, the difference between the middle and wealthy classes is not so much in luck or moral principles as in mentality, which means that understanding how the rich think is the first step to becoming one. Also take a look at article 15 of the differences between successful people and ordinary people.

1. The rich prioritize receiving over keeping

"Work hard, save money, live by income"- this is what the many tips for gaining financial independence say. Actually, this is what the rich do, but exactly the opposite. They do not procrastinate."for a rainy day", no - they put them into work.

They are trying to improve earning opportunities, which is rarely limited to hard work. Instead of caring about the safety of the money received, the rich are trying to make them bring in even more income - and we are not talking about pension contributions, but about mature investments: in real estate, in industry, in anything that the middle class people consider too risky.

2. The rich live on income

However, the rich seek to increase their capital, but not for the sake of acquiring some things, but for the sake of acquiring the opportunity to increase their earnings. Increased income "middle peasants"It is immediately noticeable: he immediately starts to show off - he buys an expensive car or, say, a huge house.

When a rich man starts earning more, he invests in production, and not in show-off. In general, they don't care what they look like with their wealth.They are thinking about how to extend the life of their old car instead of buying a new one, and they live in much more modest houses than they can afford.

3. The rich are always ready to grow and change.

The main difference between the rich and the rest is the ability to change, learn and grow. They are not attached to their lifestyle simply because they have lived it for decades. If they find something better, they will not fail to improve their position.

This means that they are constantly learning new things, reading something that inspires them to do better, etc.

4. The rich care about wealth, not consumption

In general, the rich do not care about the shiny trinkets that they can afford with their wealth - they value wealth itself. Warren Buffett, one of the richest people on earth, still lives in the house he bought in the distant fifties for $ 31,500.

Today his fortune is $ 68 billion, and if you compare his humble home with the huge castles of those who did not earn even a hundredth of his wealth, you will understand one important thing: personal property has nothing to do with success. You might be interested in the article 10 richest and humblest people in the world.

5. The rich are not afraid of the impossible.

From the cradle, many were taught to approach desires responsibly: to dream of something mundane, to disassemble their actions step by step, choose the right direction and slowly move forward, hoping to someday achieve their goal. However, for some reason, these instructions do not apply to the rich. They don't think their goals are overly ambitious, insane, or simply impossible - and as a rule, they are more than real.

It is important to understand that wealth is achieved with the right mindset, not luck. It is possible to win a lottery jackpot, but if you don’t think like a rich man, you will probably lose all winnings and remain the same.

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