
19 examples of extroverted introvert

Extroverted introverts are sociable, but sometimes they need time to be alone. But little, it turns out, you have to choose either you alone or not. In the personality of each person, one part is an extrovert, since this trait receives the most attention, it immediately catches the eye. Another part of our personality prefers to stay at home and spend free time reading a book, without receiving any attention.

Many people have learned to be sociable, since the basis of human nature is mutual understanding and interaction with each other, and this is inevitable. In front of you 19 signs of an extroverted introvert... Also check out article 10 misconceptions about introverts.

1. If they don’t answer, it doesn’t mean that they don’t want to communicate.

Often, introverts have many thoughts that they would like to talk about, but unfortunately, they do not, because they think that it will not be interesting to others. They prefer to listen more than talk. You might be interested in article 3 Reasons Why Introvert and Extrovert are the Perfect Couple.

2. If they are pleased to be in the company of people, this does not mean that they want to talk

It takes a lot of effort to talk, so it's enough for introverts to be around people to make them happy. This is very confusing.

3. They are interested in heart-to-heart conversations in private rather than in a company. They are ready to listen to you forever

Conversations in private are better and they are really interested in it. This suggests that they want to get to know you and that you care about wasting time on empty conversations in the company.

4. They may not respond to messages due to the fact that they do not want to talk to anyone

This does not mean that they do not like people, or are very annoyed. It's just that sometimes they get tired of continuous communication, they are exhausted by frequent conversations in society, SMS or Skype calls, they just want to take a break from everything. Introverts are open to communication, mutual communication occurs only when they are in a good mood.

5. They are ready to meet and chat with your friends

Inform in advance about meeting new people so that introverts can mentally prepare and adapt. They are not closed to chatting with new people. They literally have to mentally prepare themselves for this in order to continue communication.

6. Despite the fact that they often want to retire, introverts feel lonely.

It's hard to find a balance between personal space and loneliness. They often want to step out of their comfort zone so they don't feel lonely.

7. It's hard to get them out of the house, but they have a good time when they manage to do it.

Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to get them out of the house. They begin to scroll thoughts in their heads and use them as excuses not to leave the house.

8. They enthusiastically talk with loved ones, friends, girlfriends, boss and so on.

But once introverts end this conversation, they need to be alone. Talking takes a lot of effort, so it takes time to recuperate.

9. They are not the most outgoing people in the group, but if someone needs their support, introverts will always offer their help.

They are happy to chat with someone if this situation arises. If, during a conversation in society, they notice that it is difficult for someone from the environment to start a conversation, they take the initiative into their own hands.

10. They live immersed in their thoughts, even if it seems that they are taking an initiative to take part in external life

Even when they are immersed in loneliness, their brains continue to work and think actively.

11. They are sociable and calculating, as a result they become leaders.

Society has come to terms with the fact that they want to be in charge. They can speak in front of a crowd of people when they need to. They make decisions when needed. Introverts don't always value their skills when analyzing themselves. Sometimes they don't think we're good enough to lead society. They always think they could be better, but praise makes them hold back.

12. They do not believe that someone outside is ready to give them at least 30 seconds of attention.

Sometimes they want attention, but extroverted introverts find it difficult to believe that someone will spend more than 30 seconds of personal time on them.

13. People think they are flirtatious, but they are not.

Introverts understand that connecting with people is part of life. Thus, we make efforts and do everything sincerely so that people understand that they want to show attention and interest.

14. They get angry with themselves for wanting to stay at home while forgetting about friends.

That is why they sometimes force themselves to leave the house. They want their friends to see how much they enjoy spending time with their company, even if they don't want to.

15. The place that makes them happy is a cafe: they are surrounded by people, but are still closed

They just want to be surrounded by people, even if they are strangers. It's a compromise: being around people, but not talking to them.

16. They constantly struggle with the introverted side.

Being in a large society, they understand that they are beginning to withdraw into themselves. They need to talk to someone right now. It is very difficult for them to take a step towards communication, so as not to plunge into loneliness again.

17. They really don't like empty talk.

They would like to avoid empty talk. They really want to get to know people, know their goals, family. But they don't want to talk about, for example, what the weather is like now. But if you enjoy these conversations, then they will talk about it so that you feel comfortable.

18. They do not have a constant "company" of friends

They often select one or two people from different social groups who are close friends. But they do everything for the sake of these people.

19. If they love you, then they really do.

They are too picky to waste time and energy on someone else. If they spend time with you multiple times, consider it a compliment. Seriously. They just want to spend energy and time on people whose company is close to them, and not on those who do not value this time.

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