
10 qualities that distinguish the rich from the middle class

What class do you belong to? Average? Well, you can be attributed to him. You are no longer poor, but not rich yet ... For now. According to information gathered over the past twenty years, the middle class tends to shrink. This means that there is less chance of staying in this position - you will either get rich or become impoverished. Which one will you choose?

If you want to attract wealth, you need to think like a rich person. And here are 10 distinguishing features that are worth borrowing. Also take a look at this article 10 Tips to Improve Your Financial Position from Western Business Experts.

1. The middle class strives to live in comfort, the rich - in constant discomfort

"You need to be willing to give up comfort. Discomfort should be your comfort level. It is quite difficult, but it is necessary for dreams to come true."
- Peter McWilliams

"Risk-free investments are almost always unprofitable"
- Robert Arnott

We are comfortable when we have "safe"work. We are used to working for someone. The middle class believes that the usual measured life is happiness, but the rich know that the most amazing thing happens in risky situations. Starting your own business is a risk, and risks practically do not give any comfort, but as they say, "who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne".

Get out of your comfort zone. Consider all the options available. You need at least a little discomfort to get rich. Perhaps you will fail, but only the one who does nothing is not mistaken.

2. The middle class lives beyond their means, the rich are modest

"There is no greater pride and greater freedom than living within your means"
- Calvin Coolidge

It will be difficult for you to find an ordinary millionaire with a $ 100,000 car or a palace with golden toilets. The rich won't invest in depreciating assets, no. Instead, they spend on securities and live a rather austere life. According to published in the book "Millionaire next door"research, the rich drive used cars and are not going to change them for new ones. Even if they can afford a new one Cadillac escaladethey probably won't buy it.

Keep in mind: No matter how much money you make - even millions of dollars a month - you are still a loser if you spend all of it. Take a look at Article 6 Useless Money Taking Habits.

3. The middle class climbs the career ladder, the rich keep it

"The mighty of this world seek and build networks. The rest are just looking for work"
- Robert Kiyosaki

The middle class, as a rule, hunchbacks on someone. They got the job. Career. Prosperous "middle peasants"They work for themselves. They have jobs. And the rich have production. They have the career ladder that middle-class workers are eager to climb. And the rich see more workers increase their earnings. The wealthy see the power of passive income."

4. The middle class befriends indiscriminately, the rich - only with the successful

"Better to be in the company of those who are better than you. Adopt their good habits and you will be on the right track."
- Warren Buffett

You will be doomed to success if you have successful people around you. Conversely, if you are surrounded by losers, then you will follow them. On average, your earnings are like those of your three closest friends. If you are getting horribly little, make friends with those who are better off than you. In order to get rich, you need to think like a rich person.

5. The middle class works for gold, the rich for knowledge.

"As long as you are young, work for skill, not for earning"
- Robert Kiyosaki

The middle class will change jobs without torment for the sake of higher earnings. The rich know that work is not done for the sake of money, especially in the first months. This is necessary in order to develop the skills and character traits necessary for enrichment. This may mean that you will be working in the sales area to better understand it. Or, say, working at a bank will help you understand accounting and banking. To get rich, you need to develop skills that allow you to get rich. Many rich people started small.

6. The middle class owns things, the wealthy - capital

"Too many people spend money they didn't earn on things they don't need to impress people they don't like"
- Will Rogers

Coming back to the topic of cool cars and big houses ... This is what the middle class spends on. A tour of middle class neighborhoods is like a fashion show - brand cars of the latest models, expensive landscape, "gold"At home. The rich understand that the main value is capital. Your money will go down the drain along with the things in which they were invested. This principle works quite funny. For example, Warren Buffett lives in a house he bought back in 1958. And after all, it cost $ 31,500. You may be interested in the article 10 largest investments by Warren Buffett.

Stop buying things. Start thinking about how to save and increase your fortune. If you cannot live without shopping - buy up stocks. Look out for investing and look for good deals in securities and manufacturing, not apparel and electronics. There is no need to save, because money lives only in constant movement.

7. The rich do not save, but multiply

"Your main asset is your earning ability. Your main resource is time"
- Brian Tracy

"If you want to get rich, think about how to save and how to get"
- Benjamin Franklin

Saving money is important, investing is probably more important, but both require the ability to earn. You understand that you need to be able to save money and invest it correctly, but if you want to achieve more, you need to earn a lot. Rich people understand this and are trying to get more areas for earnings or more earnings from the available areas. A large fortune must be amassed, not amassed.

8. The middle class spends money on impulse, the rich - productively

"Only a sober mind and restraint of emotions give rational thinking"
- Warren Buffett

Working on my book "What the rich think", Steve Siebold has interviewed over 1,200 of the world's richest people over the past 30 years and found over a hundred differences in their view of money from that of the middle class. emotions, and the rich - from the point of view of logic.

Impulsive financial decisions will lead you to poverty. Warren Buffett says investing is more about controlling emotions than finances. After all, they are the ones that lead to unprofitable sales and dangerous deals. Leave feelings and turn on logic.

9. The middle class dreams modestly, the rich try to jump over their heads

"Set goals high and don't stop until you reach them."
- Bo Jackson

The middle class sets certain goals for itself. Sometimes. But it is the magnitude of a particular goal that determines the difference between workers and employers. The former set themselves goals that do not violate their usual way of life and which are easy to achieve. The latter, on the other hand, strive for something crazy, difficult, or simply, it would seem, impossible.

But they know it can be done. The main thing is to have the right attitude. When setting a goal, ask if this is the limit of your dreams. Ask yourself if this is all you can do, or if you can do more. And I'm sure you can do a lot.

10. The middle class will work hard where the rich would rather use the right leverage

"It is much easier to effectively use existing resources than to look for new ones where they cannot be"
- George Soros

You have to work. Everyone. And if you want to conquer your peak, you have to work. The only problem is that wealth alone cannot be achieved.It is physically impossible to get rich if you do everything yourself. To become truly rich and not lose this wealth, you have to leverage the right levers. Moreover, these levers can be very different, from contracts to investments.

The more of these levers you use, the more time you will free up to do the really important things in your life and in your business. Some of the differences between the rich and the middle class are monstrous, while others seem simple and insignificant. But the point is, in order to become rich, you have to think and act like a rich man.

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