
Aquarius horoscope for 2021

For the next three years, Saturn, the lord of time and space, of 3D, is moving through your incredibly fast cerebral territory of the mind of the future. This is a great combination for your sign. There is something about your lens of perception that is markedly different from other signs, and that is truly one of your gifts. Aquarius represents the collective energy, the superhighway of ideas. You will often ride the first wave of something, and although it may seem far from reality at the time, the collective will know about it and embrace it; most likely when you moved on to something new at all.

The advantage of having Saturn here is that this energy shows you, practically, that you are reaping what you have sown. This everyday action, rather than being in the realm of thought, can have a huge impact on your reality. What aspects of personality (if any) can affect the quality of this planet's grounding? What structures do you need to build to convey the inspiration, ideas, and perceptual abilities that are constantly flowing through you? Saturn will show you how to combine concept with form and reality.

The eclipse for Gemini and Sagittarius in May, June and December falls on your axis of individuation. This means that there will be a greater understanding of the meaning and value that you apply and derive from belonging to a group identity, collective streams of thought and community, compared to your attitude towards free thought, curiosity and questioning the status quo. Do you censor your self-expression or are you confident that you are radiating your authenticity to the world?

Since Jupiter is also moving in your sign this year, you will have empirical knowledge and new perspectives. Paired with Saturn, you have the ability to banish new and wild visions, as well as the practical sensitivity to decipher how to bring these visions to life.