
Horoscope Leo for 2021

Leo, your star shines when you act from the place of your own authenticity. This forms one of the themes of your year, as three of the four eclipses will occur in your eleventh and fifth houses, also known as the axis of individuation.

Themes that may appear in the eclipse cycles in May, June and November; where do you give up your own freedom of speech and expression for your group membership, community, and sense of belonging? How wide or narrow is your vision of yourself? What beliefs do you have about your capacity for self-expression, creativity, and joy? How much do you allow your ideas about what the group might say or think about you to interfere with or self-censor your own expression of ideas or the formation of your own values ​​and opinions?

Saturn begins a three-year transit through your seventh house, bringing about a natural review of the balance or lack thereof between who you are - your wants and needs - and who you are among other people. How much, if at all, do you adapt to the other to ensure social cohesion or even recognition? How do you feel about validation? Do you find most of it inside or are you looking for it in the outside world? A person's attitude towards recognition is an important part of the Leo journey, and observing this aspect of yourself will bring great insight. The more you assert yourself, the more you gain your power. The more you define your identity through external validation, the less you gain your power.

And let's be clear, Leo, inner authority, confidence, radiance, fun... these are all talismans to collect on the path to becoming a Leo. You are here to shine, and your radiance comes from allowing yourself to touch more and more of who you are and allowing that being to radiate into your world.