
How to get a flat stomach in your 20s, 30s and 40s

desire to have slim stomach is the dream of most women, but it is not so easy to achieve this. We have compiled tips for you to help reduce belly fat, regardless of age.

When you are in your 20s

After 20, your metabolism starts to drop by 1-2 percent. This means that if you used to burn 2500 calories a day, now you will burn 25-50 fewer calories. Therefore, most people at this age gain an average of 1 kg per year. At this age, the amount of hormones such as estrogen increases. This hormone causes the body to store fat in the thighs, buttocks and breasts.

For flat stomach and thin waist follow a moderate-carbohydrate diet. Include whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables in your diet. Your workout should consist of cardio, interval and strength exercises.

When you are over 30

By the age of 30, you still have a good metabolism. Although it slows down another 1-2 percent compared to when you were 20. At this age, most women become mothers. You have to balance between motherhood and career in order to do everything. This leads to stress by raising cortisol levels, which causes the body to store fat.

When you are over 40

At this age, the level of sex hormones begins to fall. When estrogen drops, the receptors in your abdomen become more powerful, so you start gaining weight. Metabolism is down another 1-2 percent compared to when you were over 30.

To increase the level of growth hormone, you need to work hard in the gym. At this age, moderate to high intensity workouts with several sets are suitable.

Exercises for a flat stomach

We have selected exercises for you flat stomach at home conditions that can be done at any age.

Squat with weight

Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Take dumbbells in your hands and lower them to your shoulders. Squat down, pushing your hips back and down, bending your knees. Return to starting position, back straight. Do 8 to 10 reps for 3 sets (resting 45 to 60 seconds between sets).

A boat

Sit with knees bent together, feet slightly off the floor. Stretch your arms forward, put your weight on your sitting bones, pull in your abs and lift your chest. Try to straighten your legs as much as possible (forming a V-shape of the body) and hold this position from 30 seconds to 1 minute. Breathing is even and calm.

Cross twist

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent. Keeping your lower body still, quickly lean to the right, then come back to center and lean to the left. Repeat tilt back to the right. Then lower the upper body from the right in a circle to the left side, forming a semicircle with the torso. Return to starting position. This is one repetition. Repeat a total of 10 times, alternately starting on the right and left sides.