
Interesting facts about schizophrenia

October 10 is World Schizophrenia Day. There are common causes of mental illness that can help shield yourself from the disorder. How to recognize the first symptoms of schizophrenia? Who is most affected by it? Knowing this, you can prevent the development of the disease in a loved one and avoid serious consequences. We present to your attention 10 facts about schizophrenia.

10. Highest ratings

The leader among countries in terms of the number of people with schizophrenia is the United States. Approximately 2.7 million people have been reported to suffer from this disorder. Most of the victims are from Wyoming and North Dakota. Unfortunately nearby Canada is taking over. The number of patients in Canada has reached 280,000.

9. Split personality?

Many people mistake schizophrenia for a multiple personality disorder and shy away from patients like a time bomb. But really, people with schizophrenia are not dangerous to other people, they pose a danger to themselves due to the appearance of suicidal tendencies.

8. At risk

The largest percentage of patients with schizophrenia belongs to twins and is approximately 46%. The same goes for children whose parents have had this disorder. About 75% of people with this diagnosis developed the disease between the ages of 16 and 25.

7. Frequent symptoms?

Thinking disturbances, hallucinations, movement disorders, and delusions are common signs of schizophrenia... What happens to the victim? He simply cannot distinguish between reality and hallucinations. However, sometimes the symptoms of the disease cannot be recognized immediately. But when the disorder gets out of hand, you immediately identify it.

6. Drugs or not?

The symptoms of schizophrenia and the behavior of the addict are often similar, because many drugs contribute to its development.

5. But how, then, to recognize schizophrenia?

First of all, the victims are unable to focus their gaze and concentrate. They find it difficult to perceive obvious information, are often very worried about something and cannot follow the thread of the conversation. Patients are characterized by frequent mood swings and low performance.

4. Age category

Regardless of income, the largest percentage of patients with schizophrenia remains with people aged 15 to 35 years. The most susceptible to the disorder are young and single, as well as women over the age of thirty, and especially men between 15 and 40. The disease can begin at the age of 10, but begin to progress later. Most often the disease reaches its peak at the age of 16-25.

3. Schizophrenia or difficult character?

Why are hidden signs dangerous? They are difficult to diagnose. We mistake the symptoms of schizophrenia for personality traits and allow the disease to progress freely. Unsociability, passivity, quarrelsomeness, or an extravagant reaction may be warning signs of the presence of a disorder, and not someone else's bitchiness.

2. Is it realistic to cure schizophrenia?

Even if the disease is neglected, a person can be cured. What does it take to heal? The desire of people to help the patient and their understanding of schizophrenia, as well as the attitude of the victim himself. Advances in Medicine Cure Schizophrenia... Many institutions specialize in the treatment of schizophrenia and similar illnesses.

1. So where do the roots grow from?

Schizophrenia is the result of a violation of biochemical processes... People suffering from the disorder may not be aware of their problem due to the dysfunction of the brain. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter produced in the brains of animals and humans, differs in people with schizophrenia and modifies human consciousness and behavior.

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All the details about schizophrenia, how to recognize schizophrenia?