
Get Pilates right, so you can work in a lie

Right Pilates has long been practiced in bed. In fact, a lot of people have a chance to walk and possess Joseph Pilates in a robot, like a vicon, helping to rehabilitate the prisoners on the island of Men for the first time of the First World War (and the wounded soldiers after the war), a large part of them, as we know, in all lizhka.

Joseph Pilates has lost all his life in the turbulent way of life and rehabilitation aspects of his work. Vіn navіt having patented the official design of the lіzhka - V-like shape. Instructor Siri Galliano adapted the right to the kilimka for pilates for those who want or want to work out in the lizhka, if you are not attached to the lizhka, it is recommended to take Uniforce Pilates.

Qi have the right not to make the space wider, more or more, lower your body. Ill or injured people can take the right pilates in the bed. You can also beat them up to calm yourself down. Vikonani dynamically, the stench awakens your blood circulation and nervous system after a long night's sleep.

Tim, who has health problems, should consult with his doctor, first start it, or else the program is right, to change it, which is safe for them. Beginners will also want to learn the principles of Pilates and the basics of ruhiv.

Twisting of the ridge

Ridge twist supplements the polypshity of the spine and core. 1 This makes it easier to shift and helps to maintain a healthy posture. It was also shown that the pilates are right, that they include twisting of the ridge, change the width across and reduce disability. 2


  1. Sit on the bed, straighten the toelub and strain the press.
  2. See, turning your head and shoulders to the right. Trim the toelub straight and show that you are getting taller when you turn.
  3. Breathe in and turn your body forward again.
  4. See and turn to the other side.
  5. Repeat five times on the skin side.

Tendon stretching

Stretching the tendon is often done on a Pilates reformer. However, qiu can rightly be adapted for vikoristannya in a lie. Tse dopomogaє, improving the flexibility of the sub-knee tendons and cast - m'yazyv posterior surface of the legs. 3

To stretch even more quickly, wink a towel, as shown in the little one. The axis of the cut to the effective stretching of the tendon without towels:

  1. Call the fives at once and open the fives, pulling the fingers up to the head.
  2. Hold on for three seconds.
  3. Then let's point your fingers out of sight.
  4. Check for three more seconds
  5. Work out 10 repetitions.

Stretching on two legs

The two-leg stretch is an intermediate exercise that works the abs coming from the main powerhouse. If this movement seems too difficult, just do one leg at a time. Another option is to keep your knees slightly bent rather than fully extended.

To stretch on two legs:

  1. Bring both knees to your chest and grasp your ankles, stretching your lower back.
  2. Pull in your stomach.
  3. Exhale and stretch your arms and legs as far as possible, keeping them in the air as shown.
  4. Hold this position for 10 long deep breaths and then relax.
  5. Do 10 reps.

Circles on one leg

Circle with one leg challenges your core strength and pelvic stability. It also strengthens the quads and hamstrings and promotes hip health. If you can't reach your leg all the way up to the ceiling, just stretch it out as far as you can.

To complete this exercise:

  1. Raise your right leg straight up.
  2. Extend your left leg away from you.
  3. If you can, grasp your toes with both hands. If you can't hold your toes, grab your calves or thigh and reach your heel up to the ceiling.
  4. Hold this position for 10 counts.
  5. Release your arms and extend your arms at your sides.
  6. Make 10 small circles in each direction with your outstretched leg.
  7. Repeat on the other side.

Pelvic flexion

The pelvic curl is another exercise usually done on a reformer, but it can be done on a bed as well. Although the movement is very small, this movement is good for developing strength in the lower back and core.

To do a pelvic curl:

  1. Bend your knees and place your feet on the bed at hip distance.
  2. Bend your pelvis towards your ribs, squeeze your buttocks, and lift your lower body.
  3. Hold the count for five seconds.
  4. Slowly lower your back for a count of up to five seconds, pressing your spine into the mattress.
  5. Do 10 reps.

Hip opening exercise

This hip opening exercise, also called the frog, can be done lying or sitting. Either way, hip openers help maintain flexibility and alignment of the spine and hips.

Do it:

  • Bring your feet together as close to your torso as possible.
  • Let the column open the flooring wide, the flooring handy.
  • Reply, trim your knees, and take a deep breath.