
Bleeding gums: how to treat and stop bleeding

Your gums bleed? This may be due to improper brushing or a sign of a serious illness. Brushing your teeth too vigorously, trauma, pregnancy, and inflammation can all contribute to bleeding gums. Inflammation of the gums may cause redness, swelling, and soreness, and may also be a sign of periodontal disease (gingivitis or periodontitis).

Why do gums bleed

The most common reason bleeding gums - the formation of plaque or tartar. As a result, bacteria multiply and swollen gum starts to bleed. Good oral hygiene can prevent soreness and bleeding.

TO causes of bleeding gums can be attributed:

  • using a too hard toothbrush;
  • rough use of dental floss;
  • taking certain medicines, such as: aspirin or ibuprofen;
  • gingivitis or other gum disease;
  • lack of vitamin C and K.

Bleeding gums may be a sign that you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. If you have other symptoms of diabetes besides bleeding gums, see your doctor.

How to stop bleeding gums

Try the following methods to stop bleeding gums and prevent rebleeding:

  1. Use gauze. Bleeding can be stopped by applying clean, damp gauze to the affected area. Gently press down on the gauze until the blood stops flowing. People with a weakened immune system or other medical condition may take longer to stop bleeding.
  2. Take advantage of the ice. To bleeding and swollen gums, attach an ice pack. Use ice for 10 minutes and take 10 minute breaks.

Ice packs are especially helpful for relief. gums after tooth extractionas well as cuts and scratches.

How to rinse gums

Antibacterial mouthwashes can treat and prevent bleeding gums. They kill bacteria and reduce inflammation and treat swollen gums. Mouthwash can also cure gingivitis, which is a common cause of bleeding.

Mouthwashes include:

  • chlorhexidine;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Rinsing your mouth with salt water helps reduce bacteria and speed up healing. Add half a teaspoon of salt to 200 g of warm water. Rinse with saline several times a day.