
Why I chose veterinary medicine

My earliest childhood memories are adventures with pets. As one of 9 children, it was sometimes difficult for me to talk to all people, but my pets always listened. As if we understood each other. When I was a very young girl, my father suggested that I become a veterinarian, but I just pushed him away and thought yes.

As I grew up, I noticed how pets really improve our lives. They enrich our joys, support us in sorrows, and teach us love and fidelity. As a young man, my father kept gently reminding me, “Do you ever think about becoming a veterinarian?” he would ask. Eventually I began to feel this magnetic attraction to animals and medicines. It wasn't just because I love animals, it was more because I really love people; and I really enjoy seeing the healing power of the universe demonstrated through the lens of modern medicine. I enjoy helping people with their animal problems and seeing firsthand how the human-animal bond makes us more human.

If your pet needs veterinary care, you can find services and appointment information here.

When I finally got into veterinary medicine, it was like a well-tailored jacket that fit me perfectly. I love my job, I love my patients, and I truly love my clients. I can support pet-family relationships, from visits to the pediatrician, to emergencies, routine care, and even serious illnesses. I know what each of the pets I care for brings to their human counterparts and I am honored to keep that connection alive.

After graduating from veterinary school, my dad, like many parents, gave me a small gift box in the package ... Inside was a framed drawing that I drew in kindergarten. The drawing showed a lion sitting on an examining table with a stethoscope in its ears and a blood pressure cuff on its tail! Turns out dad was right from the start and apparently I knew it from the start.