
40 winter movies for families to watch

Love winter (hot chocolate! Twinkling lights! Sweaters!), but hate cold weather? I understand you! But winter brings with it an unprecedented level of coziness, setting the stage for the perfect evening with a blanket, hot chocolate and a good movie. And if you're a movie buff, cold snowy weather outside might just invigorate you to watch movies full of scenes of equally cold snowy weather. If you enjoy watching Christmas movies while snuggling under the covers on a real, cozy, chilly night, then don't worry: you're definitely not alone.

Whether you're in the mood for a snowy kissing romantic comedy, a drama set against the backdrop of a glorious winter wonderland, or a terrifying, snowy horror movie, we feel you and your winter movie craving, and we're here for you (and for that vibe, because This is also our atmosphere. So go ahead and bookmark this page for the next time it's dreadful weather outside and a night filled with wintry Netflix and cold sounds damn delicious. Ahead of 40 films that will give you a chill (while you are warm on the couch).

1. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)

Sometimes it canseem, that the winter weather will never end, but in"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" four children go to a magical land whereliterally always winter (but, unfortunately, never Christmas). thanks to the curse of the villainous White Witch. If you need a family fantasy for a winter movie night, this is the *best* choice. The Chronicles of Narnia can be safely called a fairy tale film about winter, since both magic and winter are present in the film.

2. Shine (1980)

Does winter weather make you want to just retire to the woods and/or mountains to think and work until the world warms up? Do yourself a favor and watch a movie"Shine", based on the bestseller of the same name by Stephen King. one more time before proceeding with this plan.

3. Misery (1990)

Serious question: how did winter hurt Stephen King? V "Misery", also based on a book by the master of horror himself, a famous writer gets into a car accident in a remote town and is rescued by his biggest fan. Unfortunately, said fan has gone crazy over his fucking rocker and continues to hold the author hostage and force him to write fanfiction about her dream/be her best friend in captivity - soor otherwise.

4. Home Alone (1990)

Oh,alone at home. The film that taught a generation of kids that if you find yourself at home unsupervised and something terrible happens, calling the police is a terrible idea, but setting death traps for murders throughout the house is a great idea, including freezing every single step on your property. Perhaps the bestmovie about new year and winter which has been watched for decades by millions of people around the world, one of the landmark films of the 20th century.

5. Tonya against everyone (2017)

Whatever You Think You Know About Tony Harding's History"Tonya" - me I will make you doubt it and (believe it or not) feel, if not sorry for Tonya Harding, then at least sympathize with her. And since a significant part of the film takes place on ice rinks, this is an ideal option for winter viewing.

6 Edward Scissorhands (1990)

In classic Tim Burton fashionEdward Scissorhands" is a strange, creepy tale with an amazing soulfulness that cannot outshine its unsurprising creepiness. The snow scenes in the film (and all of Edward's ice sculptures) are hauntingly beautiful - the focus is on the ghost.

7. Intuition (2001)

intuition - one of them is the prettiest of the greeters, and it all looks like falling in love in the middle of a snow globe. Pure rom-com magic.

8. Polar Express (2004)

Fact: There is no Christmas movie (or favorite picture book) that will get you more motivated to wrap yourself in a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate than"Polar Express". This is a cartoon about a train in winter - what you were looking for!

9. Something (1982)

Many of the best (read: Best Thrillers 2020) horror movies of all time involve a group of people trapped helplessly somewhere away from a terrifying monster/demon/alien/Scary Bad Thing hell-bent on killing them all."Something" is one such movie, and its remote place from which it is impossible to escape is Antarctica, where no one can help you, because there is literally no one.

10. Vertical Limit (2000)

A thriller about the dangers of climbing Everest (which include but are not limited to: avalanches, frostbite and pulmonary edema)? You will shiver and shiver (both cold and thrill) just by watching him.

11. Apartment (1960)

A very old movie about winter... Drop everything and ask your parents about"Apartment", a film considered to be one of the greatest films of all time. Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine are in a romantic film set in mid to late December (the film ends on New Year's Eve). Lemmon plays CC "Bud" Baxter, an insurance clerk with an apartment he lends out to his bosses for extramarital affairs, hoping it will get him a promotion. What actually happens is that he begins to have a relationship with Fran Kubelik (McLain), not knowing that she is having an affair with one of Baxter's bosses in the titular apartment. This is a classic film that no one would dare to suggest a remake, it is sogood.Watch this with a warm blanket and a glass of whiskey.

12. Trading Places (1983)

Trading Places perfect for a Friday night with friends when you just want to laugh at everything that exists in the world. "Swap places" starring Eddie Murphy, Dan Ackroyd and Jamie Lee Curtis are a modern take on "The Prince and the Pauper" Mark Twain. Ackroyd and Murphy play a high-end commodities broker and a homeless street vendor who are unconsciously pitted against each other in a complex bet. This is guaranteed to make you laugh hysterically. I mean, Dan Ackroyd puts salmon in his pants.

13. Plane, train, car (1987)

If you don't like nonsense,Plane, train, car” not for you. If this list were the list of the dumbest movies ever., it could take first place - and it's great for watching a cold Saturday afternoon. Steve Martin? John Candy? Travel comedy? Perfection. What is this film about, you ask? Steve Martin plays Neil Page, an advertising executive who travels around New York and tries to get back to Chicago to be with his family for Thanksgiving. He meets del Griffith, a traveling salesman, when Griffith steals his taxi and they both take the same plane to Chicago bound for Wichita. They then decide to try and get to Chicago by train, but that doesn't work either. Are you wondering what is the last choice?

14 When Harry Met Sally (1989)

It would be shocking if it didn't make the list, right?When Harry Met Sally …” is one of the most classic rom-coms. The film spans ten years, the main characters change every five years, and the focus is on Harry and Sally's different views on relationships. I won't reveal the ending, but every New Year's Eve pales in comparison to you. Put on a sweater, remove the scissors (you won't look like Meg Ryan with bangs, sorry) and enjoy this movie with your loved one.

15. Sharp turns (1993)

Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme... Yes, it's a movie about the Jamaican bobsleigh team, and what's even better is that it's based on the truth.When a Jamaican sprinter is disqualified from the Olympics, he and his disgraced coach work together to form the first Jamaican Olympic bobsleigh team. It's somehow both the warmest and coldest movie on this list, so it's great for sitting in front of the fire sipping a cold drink, or lying on the couch sipping a hot coffee.

16 Groundhog Day (1993)

"Groundhog Day" is one of those movie concepts where the idea of ​​inexplicably living the same day over and over again shows what it would be like to apply it in real life. Note: This would not be fun. Bill Murray is the best comedic character, the story has been universally acclaimed, and to be honest? The message at the end makes the movie. This one is all about enjoying a good cup of tea and not worrying about Punxsutawney Phil seeing his shadow.

17. The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Musical classic! King of Halloween Town Jack Skellington discovers Christmas Town and wants to bring Christmas home to Halloween Town, but no one suits him and they are very confused. Everyone has a friend who loves"The nightmare before christmas" . Watch it with them on a snowy day.

18. While you were sleeping (1995)

Any movie set in Chicago is bound to use how cold it is there and "While you were Sleeping" is a great example of this, and Chicago himself is a character in the film. After an unfortunate streak of love, hopelessly romantic Chicago Transit Authority worker Lucy (Sandra Bullock) saves her longtime crush Peter from an oncoming train, and doctors say he's in a coma. One misinterpreted comment later, and Peter's family assumes that Lucy is his fiancée (even though she and Peter never actually spoke), and they welcome her into their world with open arms. The only problem? She begins to develop feelings for Peter's (Bill Pullman) brother. Step into winter grandeur in this classic romantic comedy.

19. Fargo (1996)

I'dcalled "Fargo" one of the coldest winter movies ever, just in terms of overall temperature and mood. And yes, it's the samefargo, on which the show is based. Jerry Landegaard (William H. Macy) is wrong about a crime he should never have been involved in, and everything falls apart... due to Midwestern subtleties and the persistence of Marge Gunderson (Frances McDormand, in a well-deserved Oscar-winning performance). If you like the series, you will love the movie. And if you like to see cold images on the screen, youdefinitely like itFargo.

20. Ice Wind (1997)

A lot of the stars you love appeared early in their careers in this movie - Katie Holmes, Elijah Wood, Tobey McGuire, Christina Ricci - and this movie definitely has that "Staying home on a Sunday feeling, probably drinking red wine" vibe. . It's not the happiest movie, but it will help you explore your relationship. It takes place in New Canaan, Connecticut in 1973 and examines middle-class families and their approach to sex, love, infidelity, and substance abuse. It's a beautifully shot film and it will break your heart.

21. Bridget Jones' Diary (2001)

It's a rom-com classic for a reason! It made René Zellweger famous for one reason, and that reason -light charm.Bridget Jones is not just a romantic comedy inspired byPride & Prejudice , is a realistic love story with humor and heart, Chaka Khan and vodka. I love this film for many reasons - the soundtrack, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant at his most disappointing - and it's one of the winteriest films I've ever seen. Watch it with your best friends while wearing a terrible Christmas sweater.

22. Ice Age (2002)

Hey, did you ask for winter? I will give you winter in the form of a realice age . In the Universe "Ice Age" five movies, and they're all pretty good, if you ask me. But OG makes this list because that's where it all started: Manny, the woolly mammoth, meets Sid, the chatty ground sloth, and together they find a human baby they must go to. Watch this movie with your cousin who loves everything animated.

23. Love Actually (2003)

Real love, or as they call it in my family,a movie that makes me cry about Joni Mitchell.I lovetrue love, and for a Christmas movie, that's all I can ask for. An anthology film that chronicles the lives and challenges of couples during the Christmas holidays? Sign me up! This movie is known as "Andrew Lincoln with Cards" but it really deserves more. Settle in for a long night - the movie is 2 hours and 15 minutes long - but in the end, you can really believe that love is really...everywhere.

24. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

Another “if you could do it, what would it be like?” Imagine being able to erase the memories of someone who hurts you. You would do it, right? Without a doubt, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" wants to throw this idea out of the water. As their relationship begins to deteriorate, the couple decide to undergo a medical procedure to erase each other from their memories. This one is perfect for a Saturday night, wrapped in a blanket and it has ALL the feelings.

25. Hello family (2005)

What goes well with winter? A bit of family dysfunction. A horny businesswoman accompanies her boyfriend to his cheerful family's annual Christmas celebration and realizes she's nothing like them and doesn't fit. Of course, it's Sarah Jessica Parker and Dermot Mulroney, so it's played for laughs. This is great for family viewing.

26. Just Friends (2005)

Damn, if you didn't participate in this scenario, or at least imagined what it would be like, you're in luck. After confessing her love to her best friend in high school and hearing that she wants them to be "just friends", Chris Brander (Ryan Reynolds) transforms into a successful and attractive record producer who still pines for his best friend from high school and returns to your hometown to try and win her heart. It's a funny movie and will make you feel a bit nostalgic about the past.

27. The Birds 2: Journey to the End of the World (2005)

This is a documentary about the end of the Antarctic summer! Has anything ever felt so cold?March of the Penguins follows emperor penguins across the South Pole on their journey to their traditional breeding grounds during their mating rituals. Who doesn't love penguins?!

28. Bohemia (2005)

Sure, La bohème has received some backlash in recent years - it's a play about adults who don't understand they have to pay rent to live where they want on the one hand - but the film correctly captures the anti-holiday sentiment. There is no heat in their apartment, it's Christmas time, and there is a lot of talk about AIDS. But it's a musical! It has a happy ending! Anyway, you can try to hit the whistle in "Times of Love". I believe in you.

29. Harry Potter (any part)

Yes, I mean all the Harry Potters. If you lived under a rockHarry Potter is the story of a wizard boy who lived. But of course it's much more! There are enough snow and Christmas images to warm the hearts of even the hottest Muggle. Plus, there are enough movies in this series to get you through a blizzard.

30. Happy Feet (2006)

Maybe I love penguins. Maybe I like Elijah Wood (this is his third appearance on this list), maybe I just really like the cold. Or is it all of the above! But if you're not enamored with the idea of ​​a tap dancing penguin trying to find its heart song, I don't think this is your arena, but also who are you?

31. Exchange vacation (2006)

Kate Winslet. Cameron Diaz.Jude Law. Jack Black. It's a powerhouse of romantic comedy greatness and you'll want to switch houses right away.However, "holiday" is not just your basic romantic comedy - it's a showcase for some of the most gorgeous houses you'll ever see, and it's really funny. Watch this movie with your friend who loves aesthetics.

32. Winter Bone (2010)

The movie that launched Jennifer Lawrence's career"The Bone of Winter" – a rough watch in terms of sentiment, but not in terms of quality. Lawrence plays a teenage girl in rural Missouri's Ozarks who must find her missing delinquent father in order to protect her family from eviction. This one is perfect for one Saturday night shift and you can just go to bed after it's all over. The feelings are real, raw, and by the end you can be a little emotionally drained.

33. Frozen (2013)

"Cold heart" is the force behind spin-offs and the Broadway musical. Watch it with your younger cousins ​​and ask them, "Do you want to build a snowman?"

34. Titanic (1997)

Okay,technically there is no snow here, but the giant iceberg that carries the Titanic in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean in the 1997 romantic drama is a key part of the story's plot. Besides, the catastrophe that has befallen Jack and Rose is enough to make your blood freeze.

35. Force majeure (2014)

This film, which tells the story of family tensions after a patriarch tries to abandon them during an avalanche, hits EVERYTHING. And, of course, not in vain. Watch this Swedish movie on your own, not with a partner you've been arguing with.

36. Survivor (2015)

Thisnot so easy Leonardo DiCaprio's fight with a bear is also a chilling story about what a person will go to avenge the one he loves. Leonardo DiCaprio won an Oscar for this performance, but more notably, everyone in the cast mostly suffered from hypothermia. That's what I call an action method!

37. Prince for Christmas (2017)

This Netflix movie that hit last year's Christmas season is cheesy in every way. An aspiring young journalist is sent to the land of Aldovia to cover the machinations of a young prince, but is mistaken for the princess Aldovia's new tutor. Fun follows, people fall in love - it's stupid, but in the best way.

38. Last vacation (2006)

After learning she only has a few weeks left to live, a department store employee cashes in her savings and makes her fantastic vacation in the snowy mountains of the Czech Republic a reality.Film "The Last Vacation" Queen Latifah and snack forever LL Cool J is perfect for a snowy day; You may not be able to ski in this blizzard, but at least you can see the Queen having a good time on the slopes!

39. Day after tomorrow (2004)

This sci-fi disaster film about winter The year 2004 represents a world in which the effects of environmental damage are irreversible and a rapid chain reaction of horrifying and deadly natural disasters begins, including a second ice age. Watch this with everyone who doubts the severity of climate change - hey, has anyone shown this to the government yet?

40. Mountains between us

Idris Elba and Kate Winslet are stranded in the icy wilderness of Utah and forced to put aside their differences in order to survive a deadly blizzard. I seriously dislike the cold and have absolutely no survival skills, but Itoo I would like to be stuck in the middle of a snowstorm while Idris Elba lovingly carries me through the snow. *sigh*