
What you need to know about medallions for monuments

In order for the memory of the deceased person to be kept as long as possible, very close attention should be paid to the design of the tombstone. A century ago, for these purposes, medallions with a photograph of the deceased were installed on the gravestone. Then came the fashion for engraving portraits directly on stone. But this method was not of particular quality: usually, after a few decades, the image began to fade, and instead of a native face, a terrible caricature looked from the monument. Today, the fashion for medallions is back again. Experience shows that they are more aesthetic, practical and more beautiful. The Danila-Master company, one of the leaders in the funeral services market in Moscow, offers the best examples of medallions.

How to attach a medallion to a monument

Since medallions with an aluminum frame are most often used in our country, the methods discussed below will be completely focused on this material. You should not be afraid for the fragility of aluminum: after the completion of the casting process, manual processing is applied, and such products look no worse than silver or gold, as you can see by looking at the catalog A number of samples are additionally coated with polymer paint or special jewelry varnish. The following techniques are used to fasten the medallions:

  • Classic way. This method was used to process monuments in the 19th century, and it has not lost its relevance in our time. A special niche is carved in the center of the gravestone, into which the medallion is placed. Fastening is done with cement mortar. Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the large labor costs in the manufacture of a niche, the risk of cracks and chips, uneven shrinkage of the medallion.
  • Sealants. In this case, the medallion is attached directly to the surface of the monument using the same cement mortar or sealant. The site presents several options made in this style. Such models look more accurate and even. The process takes significantly less time, and the locket lasts longer. It should only be borne in mind that the solution must be applied evenly, otherwise a crack may occur during climatic changes.
  • Framed medallion. This is a more expensive but practical option. The frames are attached to the stone with two pins, between which a hole is drilled for the frame. The empty space is filled with glue, over which a fastened frame is put on.

Each of these methods is quite reliable. And the choice is a matter of taste.