
How to get better quickly?

Tags: health education

There is a lot of information on the web about how to lose weight. Strong leanness also delivers a lot of inconvenience, as well as extra pounds.

Causes of excessive thinness

The causes of low body weight are very diverse from hereditary predisposition to nervous disorders. Basically, poor diet and lifestyle leads to leanness. First you need to consult with specialists (nutritionist, endocrinologist, therapist, psychologist). After that, you can start compiling a special menu and adjusting your lifestyle.

Special preparations

Proteins are often used to gain weight, they are especially popular among supermen when it is necessary to gain muscle mass in a short time. Often used in the treatment of insufficient body weight Dietary supplements. Be sure to read the instructions, each weight group has its own dosage.

Before taking the drugs, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines. Arrange an unloading day. For example, eat only fruits or vegetables. To achieve good results, you can combine carbohydrates with proteins. Gainer is a food supplement for sports nutrition. By combining the mixture with physical activity, you can quickly and easily recover.

Nutrition for weight gain

To solve the problem of thinness, it is necessary to approach it comprehensively. Start your day with a high-calorie breakfast. Oatmeal or barley porridge with a piece of cheese. After 20 minutes, drink breakfast with kefir, the fat content of the drink should not be less than 2.5 percent. After three hours, eat a plate of cottage cheese with sour cream or cream. You can sweeten the dish with sugar or honey.

For lunch, eat boiled chicken or pork. For a side dish, you can prepare a salad with eggs, add potatoes and cheese, and season everything with 20 percent fat sour cream. Dairy products help to get better, try to consume them as much as possible. Do not drink milk before bed, it can cause bloating.

For an afternoon snack, you can cook fatty fish (mackerel, tuna, halibut, eel, saury). It will not only help with weight gain, but also fill the body with useful vitamins, minerals and fatty acids (Omega 3). After 1.5 hours, you can go to work out on the horizontal bar or in the gym. This will help build muscle mass. For dinner, eat quiches with butter. Vegetable salads are dressed with soy sauce or sour cream.

Nutrition rules for weight gain:

  1. Include in your menu foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins.
  2. Do not drink water or other beverages while eating.
  3. Eat more oily fish, nuts, and avocados.
  4. Choose dairy products with a high fat content.
  5. Do not exercise immediately after eating.
  6. Add a vitamin and mineral complex to your diet.

Exercises for fast weight gain

To get better quickly, a special diet must be combined with sports. If you need to increase the chest and buttocks, you should perform the following exercises:

  • Pick up 1.5 dumbbells (mono use water bottles). Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Spread your arms to the sides and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times (three to six sets). Already after 30 days, the breasts will increase significantly in volume.
  • To increase the volume in the legs and buttocks, squat. Do squats about 40 times. The second effective exercise, called "sliders" Sit on the floor and move around the room in this position. Relax and do a couple more sets. At the end of the exercise, eat nuts, they will help replenish the carbohydrate stores in the body.

Combine special nutrition and physical activity, this will help you quickly gain muscle mass, and not gain weight.