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15 plants that will make the air at home cleaner

Back in high school, most of us were taught that plants help purify the air through a process called photosynthesis. It seems fantastic when we think about environmental pollution, but believe it or not, the air in homes is also practically polluted. Toxic substances in cleaning products, bacteria, mold and external contamination are all trapped inside our home.

The good news is that we can use houseplants to purify the air in our own homes. And if you sit there thinking that you will end up killing him, don't worry, because these plants cannot be killed. Also check out our article 8 Household Plants That May Benefit Your Health.

1. Chlorophytum

Chlorophytums are very easy to grow and that is why they are perfect for beginners. They need bright indirect sunlight and water every few days. If you accidentally forget to water them, they will be in perfect order for a while. And before you know it, chlorophytum will sprout a sprout that you can propagate on your own.

2. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is an amazing herb that people often use for burns on the skin, but it is also good for eliminating formaldehyde in the air. This desert flower needs well-drained soil with little water and plenty of sunlight.

3. Areca palm

Deciduous plant is one of the best air purifiers, especially if it grows large... All that is needed is well-drained soil, some water and sunlight.

4. Peperomia blunt-leaved

Peperomias can grow quite large, but they do an amazing job of producing high oxygen levels and removing chemicals from the air. To thrive, a plant needs filtered light, infrequent watering, and rich soil.

5. Bamboo palm

The tall, narrow trunks of the small tree not only remove formaldehyde, but are also a natural moisturizer, making it ideal for dry rooms. To help the palm grow, it is kept in bright, indirect light and in moist soil.

6. Chrysanthemums

The vibrant fall flowers are amazing at removing a large number of air pollutants, including:

  • ammonia,
  • benzene,
  • formaldehyde,
  • xylene.

These are not only outdoor plants, but also great for the home, requiring partial light and a lot of water.

7. Ficus

If you like tall plants, ficus can grow from 60 centimeters to 3 meters in length.... It depends on the size of the pot you plant it in. Ficus is also a very good air purifier. Just make sure to place it in an area with indirect sunlight and water it occasionally.

8. Spathiphyllum or "lily of the world"

These gorgeous flowers are tougher than they look and nearly impossible to kill. Since they remove many chemicals in the air, spathiphyllum is a great houseplant for bathrooms, kitchens and laundries... Give him plenty of water and bright, indirect sunlight to keep him happy.

9. Fern

Another plant that is great for bathrooms is fern. It should be in a cool room with high humidity and indirect light. One of the best air purifiers.

10. Sansevieria

Known as "mother-in-law's tongue», Perfectly cleans the air of your home. Doesn't require a lot of light or water. Sansevieria is ideal for very forgetful gardeners.

11. Aglaonema

Aglaonema removes many chemicals from the air and produces large amounts of oxygen. You can keep the plant in complete darkness, but make sure to plant it in a well-drying pot.

12. English ivy

If you or any family member has asthma or allergies, this flower is ideal for removing chemicals. English ivy looks amazing when it grows and hangs over the pot, so make sure to place it somewhere it can grow.

13. Gerberas

The huge, cute flowers do a good job of not only removing chemicals that can cause cancer, but also rapidly producing oxygen that can improve sleep. Just place them somewhere where the gerberas can get bright light.

14. Epipremnum or Scindapsus golden

The large leaves of epipremnum are not only beautiful, but they also do a great job at removing carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. This plant should live in a cool place with partial sunlight and does not need a lot of water at all..

15. Moth Orchid

Orchids are considered by many to be the most beautiful flowers. They are ideal for removing volatile organic compounds and formaldehyde from paints, solvents and other synthetic materials from the air. Orchids need high humidity, plenty of light and water, but only after the soil is completely dry.

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Many people love indoor plants. But not everyone knows that they can perform not only an aesthetic function, but also be beneficial.