
Why am I lazy? 15 ways to stop being lazy and be productive

What does it mean to be lazy? Being lazy is simply the desire to exert a minimum of effort to achieve goals. A lazy person may not make any efforts at all to achieve a result, and this can be a serious obstacle, both in his career and in his personal life.

There are several ways to get rid of laziness, but each one will take some effort on your part. Don't worry - once you get a feel for your chosen tactics, it will be easier for you to maintain your attitude.

1. Accept laziness

It is generally accepted that laziness is the worst enemy of productivity and success. However, relentlessly fighting laziness is not as effective as it might seem. Forcing yourself to do something every day leads to increased stress levels, fatigue and bad mood. All this guarantees a decrease in productivity and low self-esteem.

In order not to fall into the trap, you must accept the fact that laziness is absolutely normal.

2. Determine the reason for laziness

Try to find the reason for your lack of motivation. This can be daunting, but very important.

When you understand what reduces your motivation and causes you to indulge in laziness, you will be able to find solutions to the problem.

Think about what time of the day do you feel least productive? Do you get lazy when you are out of work? Pay attention to your surroundings, the time of day, the people around you, and the type of work you do.

A common source of lack of desire to do something is stress.

3. Change your schedule

Laziness is often due to habit. You can avoid this by changing your daily routine, workplace, team, or simply dress differently. This is important if you work from home or are stuck in the office. Any change can have an impact on your productivity.

4. Set achievable goals.

People can feel lazy about overly set goals.

For example, you decide to start running and set the task to run 10 kilometers. This is a very difficult task, even for a professional. Of course, you will procrastinate and shy away from fulfilling your goal.

Now imagine that you have reduced the task to a 2-kilometer run. It is much easier to get started and 2 kilometers is better than 0.

Set achievable goals for yourself, and feel free to lower the bar if you feel low motivation.

5. Follow through with a simple task

Feeling complete is a huge motivator. Once you have achieved something, a sense of success will help you tackle a new, more challenging endeavor.

Take and complete a small, easy task before taking on a difficult and unwanted job. This will give you a good boost. Make it a rule that if something takes less than five minutes, do it now.

6. Use the Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a well-known time management strategy designed to help people optimize their workflow. The essence of the strategy is to break your work into active actions and small breaks. For example, you work for 30 minutes, after which you take a break for 3-5 minutes.

Allow yourself a little rest after every long stretch of work. This will greatly increase your productivity and save energy.

7. Avoid distractions

It's easy to get distracted from work if your attention is drawn to watching content from your favorite social network, or if you haven't watched a new episode of your favorite TV show.

Learn to notice these factors and try to avoid them.

Do you have the option to turn off notifications on your mobile device? Or turn off Internet access for a while?

8. Make lazy an ally

It is completely normal, and even helpful, to allow yourself to be lazy. When you choose to be lazy and avoid work, make the most of it.

For example, you can take a few days off for yourself if you are not at all in the mood for work. Timely rest has been proven to have a positive effect on productivity and well-being.

9. Minimize your perfectionism

Perfectionism is the enemy of productivity. Striving to achieve perfect results in everything leads to fatigue, decreased mood and, as a result, low productivity. Accept that nothing is perfect in the world, and this is natural.

10. Reward yourself

Many people feel successful when there is a reward at the end of a tough job. Promise yourself a reward for achieving a goal or completing a task. For example, you can please yourself with something tasty, buy yourself a new thing, or just have a good rest.

11. Work in a group

It's easier to stay active when someone is around you. A partner will not only help you tackle the project directly, but will also be a source of positive energy and possibly some inspirational words.

If you can't find someone to help you get the job done directly, try calling a best friend or family member to talk about your problem and get support.

Sometimes support from loved ones can be enough to gain motivation and the desire to achieve goals.

12. Be among energetic people

Mood and energy have the properties of being contagious. When you're surrounded by lazy people who often complain and tend to be pessimistic, it's hard not to share the same feelings.

The opposite is also true, if you are surrounded by cheerful, energetic, motivated people, you yourself will feel a surge of strength and energy. Look for these people, work with them in a group, or even just watch them and what they do.

13. Set Awareness Alerts

Like many people, you may have occasionally fallen into a distracted state unconsciously.

For example, you can mindlessly check your Vkotntakte feed as you scroll through the last 100 posts without even realizing what you are doing, or you can just stare into space.

You can combat this by establishing awareness signals. These alarms are triggered at specific intervals of your choosing, but best of all, randomly. Ask yourself what you are doing right now. Is it necessary now? What should you do instead?

14. Make a game out of routine

Many modern companies play at least part of their work. This approach sets people up for a more energetic and engaged work environment.

Most people love games, so turning your boring tasks into games can make you feel more interested in completing them.

15. Turn Laziness Into An Advantage

Try to use your laziness to your advantage. How? Find ways to get the job done at the lowest cost. Your productivity does not depend on how much effort you put in, but on how much you did.

Find ways to automate the process, install an application that will help you in its implementation. This approach will allow you to get more work done in less time and with less effort. You can also hire additional employees or delegate the task to a person who can do the job better.


Every person experiences a feeling of laziness sometimes.

Remember - laziness and lack of motivation should not prevent you from achieving results and desired goals. Find your path that works for you and stick to it.