
How to get unhappy: 10 unusual ways

There are many tips on the Internet to help you cope with depression. Depression is too serious a disorder to try to treat it with such advice. Most of them can hardly be called effective, and some even exacerbate the situation. However, there are ways to deal with stress, but in fact, you shouldn't get discouraged. You need to enjoy life and find your 10 reasons to be happy. And now we will tell you 10 ways to get unhappy

10. Have sex more often

An intense sex life and promiscuous sex can lead to depression and anxiety. Recently, scientists have tried to find a link between psychological well-being and promiscuity in the choice of sexual partners. It turned out that people who often have casual sex have a high level of social anxiety and depression. However, researchers have not yet figured out whether promiscuous sex leads to depression, or whether depression causes promiscuous sexual intercourse over and over again.

9. Become very rich

According to the latest research, children of very wealthy parents are prone to depression. It can be assumed that rich people have a certain mindset. They are ruthless and determined people who are not ready to endure the weaknesses of others. This set of qualities is unlikely to be inherent in good parents. Together with a multimillion-dollar fortune, the rich often leave their children a legacy of neuroses and depression.

8. Become a vegetarian

A vegetarian diet is considered beneficial by many. It is believed that it can cure many diseases and prolong life. It would seem, who else can be happy if not vegetarians. But scientific evidence suggests otherwise.

A recent German study analyzed the diet and psychological well-being of 4,000 participants from different walks of life. The results are surprising, to put it mildly. Vegetarians are more likely to suffer from anxiety, hypochondria, depression, and body dysmorphophobia. Be that as it may, vegetarians suffer from mental disorders 2-3 times more often than people who eat meat. Perhaps this is not the only reason to give up vegetarianism.

7. Avoiding alcohol

Many believe that alcoholism and depression go hand in hand. It is logical to assume that people who do not drink alcohol do not suffer from more problems than people who start their morning with a hangover and guilt. I hope you enjoy this article with 10 fun facts about alcohol. Norwegian researchers tried to find out how psychological well-being and alcohol dependence are related. They examined 38 thousand people. It turned out that those people who have given up alcohol consider themselves less happythan those who have drunk themselves into oblivion more than once.

It turned out that in order to be happier, one should not give up alcohol. But you won't be able to solve your problems with the help of regular binges either. Ideally, you can cultivate a “drinking culture” that allows you to relax and socialize with others. But complete abstinence does not lead to anything good.

6. Believe in God

Many are accustomed to thinking that there is consolation in religion. It would seem that religion is a way to become happier. In a recent study involving 8,000 people, scientists tried to find out if there is a connection between faith and depression. It turned out that believers are more depressed than atheists. If people's beliefs changed and they gave up faith, they began to feel happier.

5. Go in for sports

Physical activity should have a positive effect on the brain, and team sports allow you to make friends. The researchers compared two groups of students. The former quit playing sports, while the latter continued their intense training. It turned out that people who are actively involved in sports are twice as likely to be depressed... Most likely, the results are due to the pressure that athletes have to cope with. After all, you cannot let the team down, you need to play better and better, while not starting the studies. This can be very stressful.

4. Go shopping

Everyone has heard that shopping is the best way to relieve stress, and buying a new pair of shoes can help you forget about troubles at work. Therefore, lovers of this interesting activity are presented with 10 world shopping centers. But scientists say that shopping addiction makes people more unhappy. Dutch researchers conducted a six-year study with 2,500 people to assess the relationship between purchasing habits and psychological well-being. It turned out that the more money a person spends on purchases, the more depressed he becomes.

This is probably due to the peculiarities of the culture of consumption imposed on customers. Advertising teaches us to associate certain values ​​with the things and products that we can buy in the store. When we cannot buy all of these things or spend too much money on them, we feel stressed and anxious.

3. Listen to music

Many are familiar with the feeling when a passage from a song heard reminds that everything is not so bad and that you need to live on. So it's strange to hear that listening to music can make a person more vulnerable to depression.

In 2011, the University of Pittsburgh studied adolescents who spent varying amounts of time listening to music. It turned out that the more often a teenager listens to music, the higher the risk of depression. Reading has the opposite effect: the more a teenager reads, the less likely they are to feel unhappy. It is difficult to say what this pattern is connected with. Maybe modern musical groups perform too depressive music, or maybe depressed teenagers are trying to escape reality by listening to the discs of their favorite performers.

2. Vote for Democrats

According to the American newspaper The New York Times, conservatives feel much happier than liberals. But what is the cause of liberal suffering? Some have suggested that Republicans are more likely to be rich and religious, but this contradicts two points on the list at once. It is believed that conservatives have a more optimistic worldview, while liberals are statistically less likely to have a family. But these are just hypotheses. The true reasons that make liberals unhappy are still unclear.

1. Devote a lot of time to communication on the Internet

Recent studies have shown that happy and unhappy people use the Internet in different ways. Mentally well-off people check their email less often, spend less time on social media, and don't spend long hours reading news feeds. So instead of spending time online, it's better to go outside and start living your life!