
TOP 25 movies worth watching. Part 1

Trying to decide which of the best films ever made is difficult. Since let's face it, film is one of the most important entertainment and art forms ever to happen to humanity. This is one of many inventions, without which we cannot imagine our life!

In the field of cinema, no one is excluded. Whether it's a child whose imagination is limitless, hopeless romances, epic stories or documentaries about the real world around us, there is something for everyone.

The films on this list may not be your favorites, but they all made an impact on culture and filmmaking.

Here are our Top 25 Best Movies of Ever Worth Watching:

25. Silence of the Lambs

Based on the 1988 novel of the same name, this film follows FBI agent Clarice tracking down a serial killer and seeking help from Hannibal Lecter, a cannibal serial killer and former psychologist currently in prison for his crimes.

Gradually, the film gained fame and success, became a hit and became the third film to receive Oscar awards in all five best categories. He was nominated for 7 Oscars in total, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Adapted Screenplay.

24. In Search of the Lost Ark

Directed by Steven Spielberg with a short story by George Lucas and a score by John Williams, how can this film be anything but magic? Released in 1981, the first in the Indiana Jones trilogy (no, Shia LaBeouf), The Raiders features a sexy adventure professor and answers the question of why you should never bring a knife to a firefight.

Fun Fact: According to the Reddit Ask Me Anything from Ford himself, the sword and gun scene was originally supposed to be much longer, but at the time Ford had dysentery and had to take frequent (very frequent) breaks from filming. Because of this, he and Spielberg decided that it would be better if he just shot the guy. We agree; it was better.

23. Rear window

No, Birds is not a Hitchcock cult film, but Rear Window (although one could also argue for Rope). It's hard to say which one is more important: Hitchcock's unique storytelling style in one set, or Jimmy Stewart's performance.

Grace Kelly, dressed only in costumes from Edith Head, also makes this movie worth seeing, even if the mystery of anticipation isn't for you. The main storyline is that a photographer for one newspaper is stuck at home recovering from a broken leg and has nothing to waste his time with other than his neighbors in the apartment complex. The photographer claims to have witnessed the murder, which he decides to solve from his window.

22. The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

For those who don't know, the Spaghetti Western genre is so named because it was mainly made by Italian directors in the 60s and 70s. The director who defined the genre was Sergio Leone. He also directed films such as Fistfull Of Dollars and A Few Dollars More, which starred Clint Eastwood.

Leone initially didn't want the films to be a trilogy. So if you haven't seen the first two, it won't affect your enjoyment of Good, Bad, Ugly. If you are a true movie gourmet, you will notice that this work by Leone stands out for its thoughtfulness. This is definitely a masterpiece for its genre that is worth seeing for everyone.

21. The Matrix

Although The Matrix was not the first film to use CGI technology, it was the first film to have a "slow bullet" so remembered by people. The Matrix was a movie that no one expected. But the plot was so innovative and shocking that, to some extent, the Matrix became a religion. The theory that our world is virtual has many scientific rationales. Whoever you are, you cannot prove otherwise.

He also demanded more of combat choreography than any other film made at the time: the actors and stunt doubles spent six months training before filming.

When it came out on DVD in 1999, VHS was still king. The Matrix helped ease the industry's transition from VHS to DVD by becoming the first film to sell over 1 million DVD copies.

20. Casablanca

Possibly the best movie ever made where a guy (spoiler) doesn't get a girl. Its release was rushed to coincide with the Allied invasion of North Africa a few weeks earlier; the filmmakers did not expect Casablanca to do well at the box office, much less a classic.

This film won the Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Screenplay.

Fun Fact: Humphrey Bogart is shorter than Ingrid Bergman, which is why director Michael Curtis made Bogart stand on the box to solve the problem of height, which is still done with short actors like Tom Cruise.

19. Jurassic Park

Not only did Steven Spielberg's 1993 classic made the dreams of millions of children come true of almost real dinosaurs, it changed the way movies are sold and revolutionized special effects for the film industry.

The combination of never-before-seen CGI from Industrial Light & Magic by George Lucas paired with legendary Sam Winston's models brought a level of realism to the film that was never seen before, and that looks cool even now.

18. White Christmas

White Christmas is not only one of the finest Christmas films ever made (with strong independent female roles in charge of their own careers in 1954), but also a perfect example of the genre of music and idealized post-war America.

17. Goodfellas

Goodfellas, directed by Martin Scorsese, is considered one of the greatest mob films ever. He inspired the hit TV series The Sopranos by David Chase.

16. Citizen Kane

Released in 1941, Citizen Kane is one of the films that most leading critics and snobs agree to recognize as the best film ever made. Orson Welles wrote that this is the pinnacle of art, the director of this film, who also starred in it, was only 25 years old, which makes his critical acclaim all the more impressive.

Admit it, you are a movie lover. This is fine. We, too. If you liked this list, write about this in the comments. And be sure to write about those films that you would add.

15. Seven Samurai

Seven Samurai chronicles the history of a village in which seven rogue samurai are hired to defend against bandits (later reborn as the "Magnificent Seven" in Western culture). It is the highest-grossing Japanese film ever, and one of the few Japanese films to hit in the West.

Despite being written in Japanese, the film is shot in such a way that you can understand what's going on even without subtitles, and despite being three and a half hours long, it doesn't suffer from popularity issues. Also, yes, sword fighting is awesome.

14. Beauty and the Beast (1991)

Possibly the best of the Renaissance Disney period, a story as old as its time had the feature of being the first animated feature film to be nominated for Best Picture.

The characters are well developed, the humor is timeless, and the music ... she won an Academy Award for Best Original Composition.

Also don't miss: TOP 25 movies worth watching. Part 2

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