
Facial Beauty Tips: 10 DOs and Don'ts for Naturally Beautiful Skin

God why? Why? Is flawless skin a lot? Walked the night before until late at night? Get dark circles under the eyes in the morning. Going to a party? Hello new pimple. Yes, yes, we all know about the basics of skin care ... Cleansing - Toning - Moisturizing. We run to try every new wash gel, sunscreen and anti-aging cream as soon as they hit the shelves.

Dry skin and dead skin cells, oily and irritated skin, if that's not enough - there is also a combination skin type! We constantly strive to try something new to get the perfect skin. But miracles don't happen overnight.

Flawless and even skin without acne is no longer a dream, it is a reality. We present the perfect list of facial care tips to help you get the glowing complexion you've been dreaming of. Check out our tips, tackle problem skin, and follow our skincare tips regularly.

Whether you are excited, happy or upset, it all shows on your face. Ever dreamed of glowing skin? We've put together the best skincare tips to help you get rid of acne forever and have a naturally beautiful complexion. It doesn't matter if you have time to take good care of your skin, just follow the basic guidelines.

Luckily for you, we've made facials simple and straightforward.

Basic moments:

  • Beauty secrets originate in ancient Ayurveda.
  • Stress management techniques are the secret to beautiful skin.
  • Proper nutrition is a beautiful new you.

So here what you CAN and DON'T do for skin beauty:

1. The Golden Rule

POSSIBLE: Always (remember, always) wash off your makeup before going to bed. The skin needs to breathe at night. Makeup prevents this by clogging the pores, causing acne and blackheads to form. Don't have a special makeup remover? Simply apply olive oil on a cotton pad and gently massage to remove makeup and dirt from your face.

DON'T: Forget about exfoliating your skin. Once or twice a week, scrub your skin to remove dead skin cells for a healthy and even complexion. You can mix grated walnuts with yogurt and use them as a scrub, the antioxidants in walnuts will help remove dirt and improve skin quality.

Never forget to cleanse your skin and rinse off your makeup before bed.

2. Skin and sun

POSSIBLE: Wear at least SPF 15 sunscreen, which blocks UVA and UVB. Protect your skin from the sun, because prolonged exposure to sun rays causes wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems. Make sure the brand you are using contains the terms "non-comedogenic" and "non-acne-causing."

DON'T: Forget sunscreen even when it's cloudy and windy outside (no exceptions). If you are going to the beach or, conversely, it is snowing outside, apply a cream with SPF 30 to your skin.

Wear at least an SPF 15 sunscreen that blocks UVA and UVB.

3. You are what you eat

POSSIBLE: Keep a record of everything you put on your plate. Eat fresh fruits, greens, and get enough protein and vitamins. A diet rich in vitamin C, low in fat and sugar, provides a radiant complexion. Try a low sugar diet, which will help lower your blood insulin levels while allowing your cells to maintain a healthy balance.

DON'T: Eat spicy and fermented foods, salty foods, citrus fruits, fried foods. Eat more bland foods like rice, oatmeal and applesauce instead. " advises the American writer and Ayurvedic physician Vasant Lad in his book The Complete Collection of Ayurvedic Recipes for Home Treatment.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are essential for healthy skin.

4. Sweat it!

POSSIBLE: Exercise regularly. Running, jogging and yoga will provide your body with the much-needed blood circulation, as well as start the renewal processes of your entire body. After your workout, you will notice that your skin is glowing. Not enough time to train? Just take a walk around the area.

DON'T: Forget pre- and post-workout skin care. Apply a toner to reduce sebum production. Scrub your skin after training, then apply shea butter or olive oil to moisturize your skin.

Running, jogging, and yoga can help kickstart your body's renewal process.

5. Beautiful dream

POSSIBLE: Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, your skin is as tired as you, it looks saggy, bags under the eyes appear. So don't risk it. Apply honey to your skin two or three times a week to soothe and heal your skin.

DO NOT: "Forget about cleansing your skin before bedtime." Recommended by Rahul Nagar, dermatologist at Max Clinic. “For dry skin, use a mild face wash that does not contain alcohol. Moisturize your skin well and do not wash your face with hot water, it dries the skin a lot. "

Never forget to wash your face before bed and moisturize your skin well.

6. Water is the best savior

POSSIBLE: Drink enough water. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Also, eat vegetables and fruits that contain water, such as watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, strawberries, grapefruit, and melon. Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad, advises to “drink water from a blue bottle” as it has a refreshing effect.

DON'T: Forget about rose water. It helps prevent and reduce eye puffiness, maintains pH balance and naturally moisturizes your skin when used as a spray.

Rose water maintains pH balance and moisturizes the skin naturally.

7. Goodbye acne

POSSIBLE: “Wash your face with warm water three times a day, gently massage your skin in circular motions, it is important that the wash gel contains alpha and beta hydroxy acids. Face masks containing Multani Miti clay also have a good effect on the skin. After washing, dry your skin and apply a toner containing benzoyl peroxide, ”advises Dr. Zahir Ahmad, dermatologist at the Max Clinic. Benzoyl peroxide is effective due to its antibacterial action.

DON'T: Squeeze pimples because this leads to more inflammation and redness of the skin. Feel like a pimple will pop up soon? Rinse the area with rose water and apply a cotton pad soaked in green tea for 10 minutes. Also, if you wear glasses, clean them well to avoid contaminating the pores around the eyes and on the nose.

Never press on pimples. Use rose water or cool green tea.

8. Go back to basics

YOU CAN: Use Ayurvedic scrubs to nourish your skin and help it breathe. Luckily for you, you can find everything you need in your kitchen. Two tablespoons of chickpea flour, half a tablespoon of grated turmeric, a couple of drops of camphor and sandalwood oils, rose water, milk, or plain water of your choice. Yes, beauty secrets are rooted in ancient Ayurveda.

DON'T: Neglect the basics. Make the Sudarshan Kriya breathing technique your mantra for beauty. Yes, it's simple. Regular breathing will help you get rid of acne and blackheads. Mantra Ad Gurei Name, The Art of Living, says “Sudarshan Kriya is a breathing technique that includes specific natural breathing rhythms that harmonize the body, mind and emotions.It helps release stress, and everyone experiences this experience differently. "

Sudarshan Kriya is a breathing technique that involves specific natural breathing rhythms that help release stress.

9. Spa every day?

YOU CAN: Regularly groom your skin. “For dry skin, use a fresh cherry mask. Apply the pulp of a fresh cherry every day before bed. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse it off with warm water, ”advises American author Vasant Lad.

NELYA: Forget to pamper yourself. A gentle facial massage with oils works wonders. Depending on your skin type, use mustard, coconut, almond or kum kumadi oil for excellent nourishment and radiance. After applying the mask, it is better to rest, turn on light soothing music. What do you get in 20 minutes? Perfect skin and a relaxed body.

Pamper yourself with spa treatments periodically.

10. Healthy habits

POSSIBLE: Take more time for yourself, try to avoid stressful situations as much as possible. Have you ever noticed that after you get nervous, rashes appear on your face? This is because stress triggers the body to produce cortisol and other hormones, making your skin look more oily. A variety of techniques can help manage stress, such as breathing exercises, yoga and meditation. The more you meditate, the more light comes from you.

DO NOT: Forget to train the lower part of the oval of the face and facial muscles. Set aside just 5 minutes a day for facial exercises. Stick out your lower lip so that wrinkles form on the chin, then lower your chin to your chest as much as possible. Another exercise that works wonders is looking up at the ceiling and pouting your lips. The exercise stretches the muscles of the face, making the skin more elastic. "I'm always 18", why not?

The more you meditate, the more light comes from you.

You look amazing, but something is missing to complete the look. Your smile! While we spend so much time caring for our body and appearance, we completely forget to express our inner joy and happiness. “Smile more often will help you tone your skin and facial muscles. People will say that you look 10 years younger! ”Says Ayurvedic physician Vasant Lad.

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