
10 most dangerous sports in the world

Sport Is part of the history of mankind. The only thing that changes from generation to generation is the sports that people play. There are so many sports today that few can list all of them. Football, athletics and a few other sports are widely known and perhaps the most popular. However, there are sports that are considered dangerous because they pose health risks to their participants, sometimes even fatal ones. Here are the 10 most dangerous sports in the world according to various reports:

1. Scuba diving or scuba diving

This sport consists of scuba diving to explore the seascapes with special equipment such as scuba or scuba diving. Scuba is an English abbreviation that stands for “self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.” They come in all shapes and sizes. The risk of this sport is associated with the fact that people are tempted to descend into the ocean too deep. The deeper the swimmer, the pressure increases.According to medical experts, high pressure can damage internal organs, for example, a bursting of the eardrum or damage to the liver. As a result, negatively affects your health Finally, there is a danger of encountering marine animals that can attack you.

2. Horse riding

Horseback riding has existed throughout human history. In fact, until recently, people considered horses to be the primary means of transportation. Today horse riding is more of a sport. The risk in horse riding is the possibility of falling if the saddle is not properly secured or if you have no experience at all. Some people also find it difficult to concentrate on movement and maneuver and may end up receiving a heavy blow from tree branches.

3. Bull racing

In some cultures, bull racing is not just a sport, but an essential ritual. They even have festivals, where the population of entire villages and cities comes to participate or watch bull races. It is arguably the most dangerous sport in the entire world. The bulls become furious and rampant, and the riders try to stay on their backs for as long as possible. If you still do not hold out and fall to the ground, all that remains to be done to save your life is to run, because the bull, in its blind rage, will do everything possible to reach you with its sharp horns. Each bull riding event in the program is accompanied by ambulances on duty and doctors on alert who can provide emergency assistance to the injured.

4. Gymnastics

This sport is not very popular, although it is practiced by many people around the world. In some universities and colleges, there are gymnastics clubs with highly qualified teachers and trainers. Jumping and bar exercises while performing gymnastic elements pose a great risk to joints and muscles. Most athletes can remember at least one, if not several, when they received painful and even life-threatening injuries. At the same time, gymnastics does not imply the use of any protective equipment, because a person should be as free as possible.

5. Cycling

Cycling has been practiced since the invention of the bicycle. Riding a bike is a great way to pass the time, whether you are relaxing or participating in competitions. Whether you ride a bike alone or with a team, the risk is almost the same. A bicycle can catch on a dropped object or simply lose balance, so that the cyclist will instantly be on the ground, and those who ride directly behind him will follow his example. The most common cycling injuries are bruises, joint and bone fractures, and sometimes head injuries. Worst of all, on busy roads, a cyclist can be hit by a car.

6. Boxing

Boxers are usually addicted to steroid use and exercise hard. Most often, steroids are used by boxers and wrestlers who want to build up as much muscle mass and, accordingly, strength as possible. But have you ever wondered why they use all this power? To hit each other on the head and other parts of the body. Although participants in boxing matches use boxing gloves, constantly testing their bodies with such punches can have adverse health consequences.

7. Oriental martial arts

Martial arts are closely related to boxing and represent wrestling in a specific style: karate, taekwondo and jiu-jitsu and others. By doing them, the fighter puts himself at great risk, because the enemy can ignore the rules and hit much harder than required. There have been cases of people dying while practicing martial arts. However, it is fun and martial arts remain a favorite sport of many people.

8. Football

It is the most popular sport in the world. He has more fans than any other sport. In addition, almost every country has a national football team, not to mention the many schools and clubs. How can such a popular sport be dangerous? Injuries resulting from football matches are spoken about almost every other day. And running across the field for 90 minutes is by no means good for the human body.

9. Rugby

The main risk associated with this sport is the chance of being crushed by giant players. Therefore, some players wear helmets, knee pads and other protective equipment. The force of the blow that a person receives when players run and knock each other to the ground can have significant potential health hazards. It is not recommended to play rugby all your life.

10. Racing

Many people died in the races. Racers are taking precautions, wearing protective gear and tweaking the cab to make it stronger and more reliable, but racing remains the most risky sport. People who take part in the races know that anything can happen: in the process, you can get injured or even get into an accident. However, racing continues to be a popular sport that delights both drivers and spectators.

Now that you know which sports are the most dangerous in the world, it's time to evaluate all their advantages and disadvantages and decide whether to practice one of them. Some sports have more risks than others, but if you take all the necessary precautions, you can enjoy them immensely. In general, one must be prepared to deal with the health consequences that can arise, especially with permanent injuries that lead to disability.

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