
Aries horoscope for 2021

Aries in its purest form is the original energy. The initiating force, impelling to action within oneself. The first to fire up and start a new task, project, or routine, but also the first to yawn, get bored and move on to the next thing. Aries is the energy of the sprinter.

With Chiron in your sign and in the first house of identity (2019-2027), there is a long-term cycle in which you look at how your physical actions and self-affirmation match (or do not match) your desires and needs. Is your fire being cultivated and used in ways that work for you or burn you out, tire you out or cause reactions and anger?

As three of the four lunar and solar eclipses occur in your third and ninth houses this year, there is a special focus on analyzing light and shadow around the meaning and values ​​you apply in your life. Do they agree with the truth about who you are? Where do you collect information from and how does it influence your beliefs and attitudes? Is your opinion based on facts or an emotional reaction?

Saturn has begun a three-year transit through your eleventh house, and Jupiter will also be hanging here for the entire year. This means that all groups you belong to and group identities you have formed are subject to verification; Do they align with your values ​​and your wants and needs? Are you free to express your opinions among these communities, or are you self-censoring?

One way to navigate all of this is to observe your own source of energy, which for you, Aries, is your innate measuring tool. This is a powerful year to hone your personal case work. Observe who, what and where either illuminates and kindles your energy, or your energy is draining.