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10 facts about the health effects of dogs

It is very important for me to come home to see my dogs running towards me as fast as they can and rejoicing at my return. I have good news for those who love these furry and friendly creatures as much as I do. Below are 10 health benefits of dog owners.

10. Dog owners are less susceptible to allergies

Although it is impossible for people with allergies and dogs to live together, it is believed that a child raised in a house with pets is more resistant to developing allergies throughout his life. This even works with a fetus in the belly of a mom surrounded by dogs. So if you are going to have a baby, or you already have children, the idea to get a puppy would be a great idea.

9. You will be less sick

We all know bacteria is bad, we see ads for disinfectants and we know people who always carry a bottle of antiseptic with them. However, it turns out that the more we are exposed to bacteria, the less we get sick. And since dogs carry many microorganisms on them, letting them into their lives, we increase the resistance of our body to microbes, and therefore, resistance to disease.

8. You will start to exercise more

Dogs require a lot of attention, including walking and playing several times a day. Consequently, dog owners are engaged in physical activity for an additional 30 minutes a day, and everyone knows: the more sport we have in our life, the healthier we are. Rest assured, if you walk and play with your dog, your risk of developing cardiovascular disease is significantly reduced.

7. More active social life

Statistics show that people tend to trust a stranger with a dog more than without it. Moreover, they are more likely to approach the pet owner to talk. So rest assured your dog will help you make new friends.

6. Your dog can help you reduce your stress levels

Suggest that your boss allows employees to take dogs to the office, and if he doesn’t believe it’s effective, show him research results showing that workers who come into contact with their pets during the working day are less stressed than those who do. did not. Less stress means more energy and more productivity. Such an offer will clearly interest your boss.

5. You will be happier.

Practice shows that dog owners suffer less from depression. Even people who are depressed but have a pet find it easier to get out of it. The love and energy that dogs give their owners helps them stay active and not stay in bed for too long.

4. Healthy heart

Everything in the dog will help to improve the work of the heart, the process of petting the pet itself will help to lower blood pressure and heart rate. Plus, dog owners sleep better at night.

3. A dog can become a cancer detector

If something sounds weird, it doesn't mean it's not true. It turns out that dogs can sniff out cancerous growths in humans. The world is teeming with stories of owners whose pets began to lick and sniff at moles or seals on the skin that turned out to be cancerous. The dogs are so good at this that some of them are trained just for this purpose.

2. Dogs Teach Your Children Responsibility

Many parents think about whether to buy a pet for their child, so that it is not dangerous for both of them. If you think your child is old enough, then maybe it's time to give him this opportunity. The child will not only gain skills in caring for animals, but will also learn empathy, which is an important quality in life.

1. Dogs will help you feel safe

Dogs are usually tied to a certain place or owner, so they have a protective instinct when a stranger walks by. It is also believed that burglars are wary of barking dogs. What's more, having a furry protector makes it safer to leave your home when you need to leave for the time being.

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Scientists have proven that a dog is indeed capable of positively influencing the health of its owner. How exactly this happens you will see in this video!