
Causes of loss of strength and lack of energy, not related to physical health

Imagine a situation: an ordinary, unremarkable day at your favorite (or not very favorite) job, except for one haunted moment - your thoughts about the set goal, for which you have "just about a week", do not give calmly wait until 5 pm and head home to start today for sure.

And now the working day is coming to an end, you are happy and seem to be full of enthusiasm and vitality during the next 30-minute traffic jam on the way home, as if, like that hackneyed record, you scroll just such a composition in your head: “Stop delaying, question will not dare by itself! " And, as it seems to you, you are 100% tuned in.

And then the following happens: after crossing the threshold of the house a little, frowning because of a neighbor in a traffic jam, who, drooling in all directions, waving his hands and shouting something after you fiercely, well, clearly was not in a friendly mood, you also find a "surprise" in expensive boots, which was presented so gracefully by your dog. But such trifles of an unshakably-minded person will not go astray.

Changed, cleaned up, refrigerator, TV, a little rest and you catch yourself (forgetting a little about the goal), looking at the clock that the time is approaching sleep.

What happened? What was the reason for the next postponement of the case for "later"? work, an unpleasant situation on the road, or maybe the dog has become a trigger for procratation?

"In the end, the mood was not to hell!" - many will say. That's how it is, friends. But what if I told you that this kind of breakdown, which many refer to as laziness, lies far beyond the physical fatigue of a person? What if the underlying cause of all this is so-called “mental fatigue”? And this is a real problem that concerns, albeit not everyone, but many of us for different reasons.

But do not worry so ahead of time. All we need now to cope with this is: first, to identify the sources that are the root causes of the lack of energy, and second, to find ways to overcome this.

So, I suggest you take a walk and consider in more detail the most likely reasons for a lack of vitality, enthusiasm, and an acute desire to dive into the abyss of fatigue.


1. Work that is already sick of

It's no secret that we spend about eight hours a day at work, at least five days a week. Let's say this ... After counting, something like this will appear: these forty hours a week turn into 88 full days a year, which are occupied by work.

And attention! We are talking about continuous, conscientious work 24/7 (we will not take an hour's nap, we will not take an hour's nap). Just think, this is approximately 25% of the time of our stay on this earth. Impressive, isn't it?

It is not surprising that your poor brain and psyche as a whole take the full blow, provided that the work does not bring you a sense of self-realization, well, not a drop at all!

Below are some very common signals that you are out of place:

  • work may be what is called "not high", but the pay is decently high.
  • Deceiving yourself, you are trying to convince yourself that everything is not so bad, but in reality, your subconscious mind whispers, no ... screams in your ear that you are tired of all this.
  • Or in some places, the process itself even brings you a feeling of satisfaction, but at the same time, there is no personal development or career growth.
  • Last but not least, you hate your job!

Naturally, this is not a complete list, but just the tip of the iceberg. But more vital will be some general recommendation to identify this flaw and an iron argument that will put an end to your doubts and lead to an improved quality of life and a feeling of satisfaction. Catch:

The most important thing is that you need to start listening to yourself, namely: to look inside, so to speak, to analyze your day a little, and ask yourself questions like: “What does my work fill me with? What if I lived differently? ” Next, be attentively aware of the responses of your body, brain. Perhaps some dreams that you are already able to begin to translate into reality will surface.

And if you are unsure, hesitate in making a decision, then here is the promised argument: recent research by scientists has revealed the most direct connection between getting pleasure from work, a sense of fulfillment and mental health. You probably already guessed which group of people burned out at work, suffered from insomnia and depressive outbreaks. And vice versa.

I am sure that no one wants to be in this category. And if you are already on this list, then change the situation immediately!

2. The number of targets from which the eyes go to the forehead

Do you love planning, setting goals and just burning with the desire to improve the quality of life? Great, we're all here for this. Or are you so ambitious that you don't even know where to start? And here you are not alone.

Read the example below and tell me if you recognize yourself in it:

Morning, coffee, energy more than enough. Here you are, sitting by the window and gathering your thoughts, getting ready to start your day and open the list of tasks for today in the notes on your phone, or an ordinary notebook. The weather whispers, coffee is what you need and nothing, it would seem, foreshadowed trouble, when suddenly, you realize that in the next 5 hours, you have an important meeting here, and your first workout in the gym there. As a result, there were at least 15 tasks, and most importantly, everything should be completed in 5 hours. And don't even think about rest!

Further, having loaded yourself with something less energy-consuming and putting these things on the back burner, you do not notice how the day flies by, followed by a week, maybe a month. After all, sooner or later you will come face to face with the harsh truth that half of the things that you set out to do have not even begun. And then comes this awful feeling of depression, the feeling of defeat when guilt gnaws at you for it.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it? But this is one of the root causes leading to a lack of energy, which can gradually develop into "burnout". Quite simply, when we realize that we have to go through 7 circles of hell, called the “list of tasks”, and do not even know what to do in the first place, then we are paralyzed. This is a defensive reaction of the body, due to the fact that it is not able to mobilize so much vitality to perform so many tasks in such a short time.

By the way, feeling overwhelmed is a kind of vicious circle. At first, being overwhelmed, you are overwhelmed, do not know where to start and therefore endlessly procrastinate. Then a disgusting realization of hopelessness, dissatisfaction with oneself creeps in - and this, my friends, is a quick path to mental burnout.

3. Lack of a hobby with which you would be passionate about

An occupation with the desire to be incredibly involved in it is exactly what feeds us to do great things! At the very least, they make us happier and give us an unimaginable sense of fulfillment. As a maximum, in this business we find the meaning of existence, our purpose.

When your work does not go on a par with your interests, and even lately seems unbearable, it will be especially important to have such a hobby in order to at least unload, get a charge of drive.In fact, focusing on something where you feel like you are developing, growing, can definitely fill life with meaning.

Moreover, the chain continues, because by focusing on this object of passion, you are filled with energy, which means that your state of mind improves, you become happier. And all this bouquet of positive things can push you to serious feats at work, the results of which will be a promotion, or give courage for changes in your personal life.

In the absence of such a source of motivation, you will quickly begin to tire of your daily routine, which brings neither pleasure nor a sense of self-realization. Naturally, this lifestyle will quickly bore you and devastate you.

4. Inability to say "No"

  • "Will you come to work tomorrow instead of me?"
  • “Maybe we’ll go to the movies?”
  • “Oh, won't you let me go ahead in the queue?”

Familiar phrases?

In theory, expressions such as: “Healthy selfishness will not hurt” or “You won’t be good for everyone” are known, if not to everyone, then to the vast majority of us. In practice, more often than not, we forget about such an effective vocabulary tool as the word “no”. And the whole problem is that he must take an active part in interacting with other people.

The last thing you want to do is feel overwhelmed, just like in the example above, realizing in hindsight that you are not even halfway towards the goal you are pursuing. And over time, speaking metaphorically, feel mentally squeezed out, like a lemon. But, if you spend most of your precious time on those around you, doing what they ask or demand of you, then you not only will not be able to break through in this life, but you are guaranteed to slide into chronic fatigue.

Don't panic, ladies and gentlemen. The good news is that right now you can start rejecting people by adding “no” to your vocabulary. And, lo and behold, over time you will notice that you have freed up a wagon of time and a couple of carts of vitality, which you are free to dispose of as you please! The worse news is that if you are not used to rejecting people, then you will face the difficulties of such drastic changes. And people who are used to your reliability will begin to put pressure on you. But, gradually, albeit in smaller steps, you will come to this.

An incredible sense of self-satisfaction, pride in yourself awaits you as soon as you start playing by your own rules, and not by someone else's. And it is absolutely normal to have such a healthy selfishness, turning a blind eye to statements to the contrary.

So, let's summarize: in all these life examples above, what we have sorted out, it becomes clear as daylight that fatigue after training or due to lack of sleep is one thing. The feeling of depression, complete exhaustion, to which they led: work in which you cannot fulfill your potential, the absence of a hobby with which you would burn, or the fact that, without calculating your strength, you demand too much of yourself is quite another.

It is fundamentally important to feel the difference, to identify where the roots of the problem of lack of energy in your case are growing and work to overcome it, which will lead to unimaginable changes in your life.

In fact, there can be a lot of reasons, but we have touched on the most common ones, which will be a reference point to start acting.

Now is the time to take a break, think it over again and take the offensive with this effective tool. With all this, remember that you need to rest and take care not only of your physical, but also of your mental shell.

We advise you to see:

If you know firsthand what burnout is and are looking for ways to regain your positive attitude and recharge your energy, then this video is for you!