
10 Ways to Achieve Thick Brows Naturally

Thick well-shaped eyebrows can give your face extra beauty, which is why most women with thin eyebrows use a pencil to tint them. That is, they have to spend at least a few minutes a day on this activity, in addition, they need to be able to correctly shape their eyebrows, otherwise the result may turn out to be funny or strange. Another way is to resort to some effective natural remedies. Let's not torment you with anticipation: here are these 10 ways.

How do you achieve this? We present to your attention the TOP-10 ways to grow beautiful eyebrows without chemicals.

10. Try castor oil

Castor oil, also known as castor oil, is one of the best means of improving eyebrows. There is so much in it! Fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants, from which hair grows well, and hair follicles are strengthened. It also fights microbes that damage hair.

Dip a cotton swab in the oil and lubricate your eyebrows. After that, massage gently in circular motions with your fingertips. Leave it on for half an hour or overnight. In the morning, wash off with warm water and a mild detergent. Repeat daily for several weeks in a row and you will definitely notice a significant improvement.

9. Olive oil will help!

This oil is good for your eyebrows too. It is rich in vitamin E, from it the eyebrows will grow faster and become thicker. In addition, the oil gives the brows a dark shade.
You need to lightly warm the oil, apply it to your eyebrows and massage every five minutes before going to bed. Do this procedure at least 5 times a week until you get the desired result.

8. Try coconut oil

To make your eyebrows look great, you can use coconut oil. It is high in protein, iron and tocopherol, which will help your eyebrows become thick and healthy. Hair color may become darker.

Place some warm coconut oil on your index finger and apply it to your brows. Now massage gently to improve circulation. Leave it on overnight and wash off the next morning. You need to use this method every day for at least 1-2 months, and you will begin to notice that your eyebrows are getting thicker.

7. Egg yolk

Eyebrows contain keratin protein, and eggs are a well-known source of protein, so it can improve hair health.

All you have to do is break the egg and separate the white from the yolk. Whisk the yolk until creamy. Apply the whipped mixture to both eyebrows. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes. Use this method 1-2 times a week until you are happy with the result.

6. Onion juice

Onions can help thicken hair not only on the scalp but also on the eyebrows. The juice is rich in sulfur, it increases the production of collagen, which enhances the growth of eyebrows. And even more, it helps to strengthen the hair follicles.

Chop a small onion and squeeze out the juice. Spread it over your eyebrows and massage for a few minutes. Let the juice dry and then wash with soap and water. Repeat this treatment daily for more than one week.

5. Aloe vera

This plant has moisturizing properties and contains enzymes that feed the follicles and help the eyebrows grow faster and thicker. In addition, the skin around the eyebrows will become soft and radiant.

Moisturize your eyebrows with juice from one aloe leaf. Wash off after thirty minutes.

4. Fenugreek seeds

Vitamin PP, lecithin and proteins will help hair growth. Fenugreek contains all this in its seeds. They also help to restore hair roots.

Soak 1 tsp. seeds for at least five hours. Then grind until a thick paste and add a little coconut or almond oil. Lubricate eyebrows and leave overnight. After waking up, wash it off with clean water. Do this procedure 2-3 times a week for 2 months in a row.

3. Lemon

Lemons can also help beauty eyebrows and make you look more attractive. Lemon contains vitamins B and C, pectin and essential oils.

Moisturize your eyebrows with a slice of lemon. Leave the juice on for 20 minutes, then wash off with water.

2. Milk therapy

Milk contains a lot of proteins, minerals and vitamins that improve hair growth.

Moisten a cotton ball with milk and wipe your eyebrows. When the milk is dry, rinse it off with plain water. To achieve a good result, you need to do this procedure regularly.

1. Proper nutrition will help your eyebrows

If you want beautiful eyebrows, you need to eat right first.

Include in the diet foods with a lot of vitamins: A (carrots, parsley, dill, liver, etc.), vitamin C (bell pepper, rose hips, lemon, orange, etc.), E (hazelnuts, dried apricots, sorrel, etc. .) and protein products such as legumes, bean curd, yoghurts. In addition, there are foods rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids and iron. If necessary, it is worth supplementing food with multivitamins.

These simple and natural ways will definitely help. However, it will take some time before you achieve an impressive result. Be persistent and patient, and your efforts will not go to waste.

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Is it possible to grow thick eyebrows without using expensive cosmetics? You will find out the answer to this question by watching this video!