
In what order to watch the X-Men movies (chronologically and by release date)

Few franchises have been as integral to the development of the superhero film genre asX-Men, which helped usher in a new era of comic book films along with films such asBlade andSpiderman. Since the 2000sX-Men", the comic book series has been adapted as a story primarily about humanity, drawing parallels to the civil rights movement and minority struggles around the world. This combination of human drama and grandiose spectacle made "X-Men" wildly popular, spawning a franchise that currently includes 13 feature films, varying in tone, cast and, of course, in time period.

Here's how to watch movies aboutX-Men in correct chronological order.

X-Men films in chronological order

1 X-Men: First Class

This prequel is the earliest film aboutX-Men in-universe set in 1962 when a young Charles Xavier (James McAvoy ) teams up with young Erik Lehnsherr (Michael Fassbender ) to hunt down a former Nazi mutant scientist (Kevin Bacon ). The film is set against the backdrop of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

2. X-Men: Days of Future Past

This is not an easy question. So technically most of the actionX-Men: Days of Future Past takes place in 1973, but it is also a film set in the future, set simultaneously in 2023. Wolverine from the future (Hugh Jackman ) sends his consciousness back. himself in 1973 so that he could thwart Bolivar Trask (Peter Dinklage ) use blood Mystic (Jennifer Lawrence ) to create indestructible Guardians in the future. As if that wasn't confusing enough, by the end of the movie, Future Wolverine successfully reverses the past, potentially erasing the entire 2023 timeline we've just well as all the events that took place inX-Men , x2., andX-Men: The Last Stand . Starting in 1973, the mutants have a new path that may be slightly different from the one they previously took. As the director explainedBryan Singer :

“Part of the philosophy we had at the end of Days of Future Past was that you can’t completely change the course or flow of a river, but you can just divert it a little, and we diverted it a little… Any possibility can arise, but the characters are still moving towards to its unchanging place."

So you have two options when it comes to browsing "Days of Future Past": either watch it second in the 1973 setting or watch it last as the ending that reverses the entire timeline and ends with "A New Future" where the adult Professor X and Jean Gray are still alive.

3. X-Men: Beginning. Wolverine

The first ever spin-off film "X-Men "became very slandered"X-Men Origins: Wolverine" , which purportedly tells the origin story of the Wolverine character Hugh Jackman. The story actually starts back in 1845 when young Logan's powers first manifest, but the movie takes place in 1979 and shows how Logan lost his memory.

4 X-Men: Apocalypse

Thus, this "prequel" most closely follows the events of "X-Men: First Class" and the events of the 1970s in "Days of Future Past" , insofar as "X-Men: Apocalypse" take place in 1983 and find young adult versions of the X-Men. fighting the end of the world (and the centuries-old) villain Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac ).

5 X-Men: Dark Phoenix

The last film with the participation of "young"X-Men – « X-Men: Dark Phoenix" , set in 1992 and adapting the iconic comic book storyline "Dark Phoenix ". By the end of the movie Jean Gray (Sophie Turner ) has turned into Phoenix, which is somewhat confusing as to how she is related to the next film chronologically.

6. X-Men

So to "X-Men" worked, you should ignore the events at the end of "Dark Phoenix" - but other than that it's fine. The action of the first film aboutX-Men takes place around the year 2000, as it is today when it was released.

7. X-Men 2

The action of the first sequelX-Men , X2: X-Men United takes place about three years after the eventsX-Men , in 2003.

Action final sequel to the original franchise,X-Men: The Last Stand takes place in 2006.

20th Century Fox again tried to do something like a reboot of the Wolverine character, sinceWolverine is a continuation ofX-Men Origins: Wolverine, so andX-Men: The Last Stand . Set in 2013, Logan struggles with the trauma of Jean Gray's death inX2 .

R-rated Marvel comics adaptationDeadpool only indirectly related to the timelineX-Men , but if you want to be a finisher, it takes place in the year of its release - 2016.

This is strange. DirectorJosh Boone originally wanted the long-delayed Fox-Marvel movie to be set in the 1990s, but after the film's box office failure, "X-Men: Apocalypse" he was asked to do it today. Boone now claims that the story "began in the original timelineX-Men ", but now it is a separate thing that has indirect connections with the universeX-Men . Roughly this film is set in 2017, but there are no major branchings in the timeline for what happens in the story.

In the sequelDeadpool 2" on actually there is a very short cameo from young performers"X-Men" as it happens in 2018. It also features several time travel meta jokes as Deadpool travels back in time to the events of "X-Men: The Beginning. : Wolverine and kills the previous version of the Deadpool characterRyan Reynolds .

Drama rated R"Logan" is the high point for a franchise that takes place mostly in the far future, 2029. This is a kind of finale, which shows worthy canonical deaths of the main characters.