
29 celebrities who have been featured in comics

Famous people have been featured in comics ever since they started selling. Comics are a fantastic medium for many things: imparting important morality to children, telling more than life stories, and of course creating mutually beneficial advertisements for publishers and celebrities.

It was more common in the Silver Age of Comics (Superman teamed up with everyone), but celebrities will try to expose him by appearing on funny pages. Each of the SNL actors of Muhammad Ali has appeared for one reason or another. Currently, famous people don't appear in comics as often, but they do. Barack Obama teamed up with Spidey, Tim Gunn donned the Iron Man armor, and Charles Berkeley went toe-to-toe with Godzilla.

Whatever the reasons for these teams, they found superheroes fighting alongside recognizable real-life figures. These celebrities got the chance to do what every kid dreams of by teaming up with their favorite characters. These are the celebrities who have appeared in the comics!

29. Muhammad Ali

It was one of the most highly publicized comics of all time. Muhammad Ali and Superman fought in their prime. Spoiler alert: A guy with no cape or super strength wins the fight.

28. Abraham Lincoln

This is not just a modern president who has appeared in humorous pages. Abraham Lincoln has appeared quite a few times. He teamed up with Cap and Spidey, he appeared in DC comics, and he even returned as a zombie ready to fight Deadpool.

27. Eminem

Eminem loves Marvel comics, often refers to Marvel heroes. It is this that influenced the fact that he will team up with one of the most brutal and aggressive heroes in Marvel, going on an adventure with the Punisher.

26. John F. Kennedy

This is a team that has benefited both John F. Kennedy and Superman. In need of a health-promoting symbol in America, JFK works with the fittest person on the planet: Superman. In turn, Kennedy posed as Clark Kent to divert attention away from Supes in a surprisingly bizarre problem.

25.Stephen Colbert

Stephen Colbert is a crazy fan who loves Marvel comics. The comedian has come very close to becoming president in the main fictional Marvel universe. He ran in 2008 and even won the popular vote, but didn't actually take office (much to the dismay of fans).

24. Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire

Spider Vers was a 2015 crossover event in which literally every spider-man in existence came together to take on a family of interdimensional vampires. As weird as it sounds, it turns out really weird. Spider-Vers was not afraid to go beyond the printed page when collecting Spider-Men, even including Japanese adaptations of Spider-Man, Mechanical Giant, and others. The character even brazenly sneaked into the two earliest cinematic versions of the webmaster, portrayed by Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield. Several spiders chat about seeing heroes who looked like the guys from Seabiscuit and Social Media.

23. Saturday Night Live

Saturday night was only on air for two years, when players not ready for Prime Time had a disaster in the Marvel Universe. In the episode, the Silver Samurai decides to steal the ring belonging to John Belushi and heads to Studio 8H to destroy the place. Thus, Spider-Man comes in and helps fight off the Silver Samurai by exchanging jokes with the collective as he usually does.

22.David Letterman

In another wacky Marel story, several Avengers not only appear on David Letterman's late night show, but the series ends with him trapped. Fortunately, the Avengers are able to save Letterman's day and life.

21. Kiss

Oddly enough, Kiss has been featured in comics over the years. They even had their own section for a while, and famously mixed drops of their blood with ink to print the edition. But the strangest appearance must have been when they appeared in Archie's comics doing good with the Riverdale gang.

20. Anderson Cooper

In addition to appearing in The Simpsons, Andersen Cooper has also appeared in Marvel Comics. In Black Widow, Cooper is frank about the killer.

19. Don Rickles

Don Rickles was not only able to chat with Superman, but also got the cover. The cover is as bizarre as the meeting of the two idols in this issue, which includes Rikl punching Kal-El's super-jaws.

18. Orson Welles

The director next to Citizen Kane is naturally comic book, right? Right? Well, DC certainly thought so when Orson Welles teamed up with Superman to promote one of his films. He and Superman fought the Martian invasion.

17. Barack Obama

Marvel did a great job of timing the release to coincide with the inauguration of Barack Obama, a big comic book fan in general and Spider-Man in particular. In this episode, two identical Obamas take the oath and Spider-Man, who is just in Washington DC, has to figure out which one is the real deal. One of them turns out to be the Chameleon and the Spider saves the day, and the real Obama from being hit.

16. Charles Barkley

Charles Barkley has appeared in several comics over the years, all of which are pretty weird. Actually, his basketball comics weren't too weird, but he also had a role in the Justice League / NBA comics. Strange was the comic book Charles Barkley vs. Godzilla, about which it was associated with a very popular ad for Nike.

15. Penn & Teller

Stage magicians Penn and Teller had done some pretty serious stunts in their day, but writing a comic was something new. The renowned duo took on this challenge in 2016 when they wrote an issue about Spider-Man and Team Deadpool. In the comic, Teller and Deadpool are reversed, with the expected devastating and hilarious consequences. Penn Gillett may be to blame for lavish writing when it comes to charm and intelligence, but it's for fun.

14. John Walsh

He is only known for the cover. John Walsh, host of the long-running crime series America's Most Wanted, teams up with outsiders ... how is he? They didn't even paint him on the cover, instead opting for a photo of Walsh alongside the 2D team.

13. Jerry Lewis

Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin originally had their own comic strip. It eventually turned into a Jerry Lewis comic. At some point, DC decided that Jerry and Supes should team up, since they were both comic heroes.

12. Jeremy Lin

There are quite a few basketball players to be expected in the comic instead of Jeremy Lin, but he turned it into a couple of Utterly Awesome Hulk issues in 2017. Lin, an advocate for the Brooklyn Networks, has Sino-Taiwanese roots and inspires many young people from Asia and America. One such young American is Amadeus Cho, who recently took the mantle and power of the Hulk from Bruce Banner. Lin and Cho team up to battle aliens on a Space Jam-style site.

11. Tim Gunn

With Iron Man armor on screen, the fashion world is in a rage and one of the top fashion designers is found murdered at an event. Mary Jane and Hellcat team up to solve the mystery, but Tim Gunn puts on an Iron Man suit and saves the world.

10. Jay Leno

Jay Leno has appeared in a total of 47 comics over the years. Perhaps most famous is his collaboration with Spider-Man on One Night Only, a three-part story spread over three different titles.It was attended not only by Leno, but also by his famous collection of cars.

9. Hamilton toss

Leave that to Deadpool to try and hone in on something trendy. The short-lived miniseries Deadpool and Gambit, which came with the nasty subtitle Five Against, was a sitcom that claimed to expose the two characters' hidden past. It turned out that the unlikely duo had a shared history where they were dressed as Spider-Man and Daredevil before chaos hit New York. During their antics, they accidentally dropped in to a rehearsal for Hamilton, the hit Broadway musical, and exchanged a few taunts with Lin-Manuel Miranda.

8. Bill and Hillary Clinton

Back in the 90s, Superman died in the battle against Doomsday. Naturally, his funeral was attended not only by fictional characters such as Lois Lane and Batman, but also by Bill and Hillary Clinton in a rather unusual episode of dialogue.

7. Chris Cosentino

Chris Cosentino isn't just a surname that makes his role odd. Even weirder, he actually convinced Marvel to let him write an entire comic about him embarking on an adventure with Wolverine. Cosentino is a celebrity chef who has appeared and won several culinary reality shows. One issue, which came out in 2013, shows Cosentino, and a little bit of his mutant partner and, of course, the red thread of the story is food, with which the crime is solved.

6. Uri Geller

Uri Geller was known throughout the world for his mental abilities. Despite his abilities being exposed, Geller remained a popular illusionist. Naturally, someone with that kind of talent must team up with Daredevil for an inexplicable adventure.

5. Justin Trudeau

A miniseries titled Original Sins was associated with the Marvel's Original Sins event, which aired in 2014. The original sins allowed many creators to tell several short stories that are somehow connected with the main character, and for some authors things took a strange turn. Strangest of all is the scene with Tony Stark, the undefeated Iron Man seeking advice from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on friendly sparring. Trudeau looks as cool as Stark, which is exactly what he does in real life.

4. Donald Trump

Many experts have compared Donald Trump's rise to that of a comic book villain. Frank Miller, on the other hand, took things a little more literally. Miller's highly anticipated sequel to his Dark Knight series, Dark Knight III: The Master Race, takes place in a near future that is dark and oppressive. This fan-favorite series is best known for using the "talking head" panel to depict the public's thoughts on the covered crusader, and DKIII revealed that Trump shares his thoughts on multiple news channels. As expected, Trump did not voice his opinion.

3. Cast of Gly

Riverdale kids need teams too, so naturally high school students from Glee are perfect. All the teens meet in a competition, repeatedly demonstrating how different (and similar) the worlds of comics and TV shows can be.

2. Geraldo Rivera

Conservative political commentators generally don't make it into comics, but Geraldo Rivera's mustache is simply too compelling for artists. In issue # 8 of Count Dakula, Rivera tells the story of Dakula's life on television, but the set is attacked. Don't worry: Count Dakula, Rivera and his mustache are doing just fine.

1. Pierre Trudeau

Justin isn't the only Trudeau to appear in the comic. His father Pierre, who was also Prime Minister of Canada, previously appeared in Flight Alpha during his tenure. Flight Alpha creator and writer, John Byrne, is Canadian, so he really went to work to make their adventures real. The team conducted their drill directly from Trudeau and often found themselves on the Hill of Parliament. In fairness, it should be noted that Trudeau once declared war on Quebec, so he could be in the comic.

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