
12 best games on iPad

Stop watching movies on iPad. Stop browsing the web.

OK. You don't have to stop. But while you're at it, don't forget that you can also play some great games on your iPad. What are the best games? Read on!

Papers, Please, billed as a "Dystopian Thriller", which is actually an accurate description. It is a dystopia set in the fictional town of Arstotzka in the 1980s. It includes paperwork as it puts you in the role of a border guard in charge of denying or allowing entry to citizens and foreigners at your country's borders. And it's often thrilling as the routine of your daily performance slowly evolves into something more sinister, provocative and intense. ThoughPapers, Please works great on PC, it also works well on touch screen.

You can buy at:App Store

You are alone on an island surrounded by puzzles. This is The Witness, an extremely difficult game that is actually very simple. Some of the puzzles are obvious: they are on the screens right in front of you, stacked in orderly rows. Other puzzles are much harder to find. All of them will baffle and confuse you, but over time you will gradually take them apart until the game's grandiose design is laid out before you like the work of a finely crafted clock. In some games, you level up your character to gain access to new areas; this one makes you level up. There's a little more to the fun in gaming than when you finally figure out the solution to a puzzle in The Witness. A new door opens with a click.

You can buy at:App Store.

If you've ever wondered what you would do as a starship captain,FTL: Faster Than Light is your game. Heads-up though: you'd probably be a pretty lousy starship captain. As you take control of your little in-game spaceship, your fingers will definitely dance around the touch screen, assigning tasks to your crew and aiming at the pirate space cruisers with ease. As good as it is on PC,FTL: Faster Than Light plays even better on iPad, while retaining everything that made it special on PC. You will pilot your ship in countless space battles, explore countless sectors of deep space, and watch your crew die countless deaths in the vast and pitiless void of space. Well.

You can buy at: The App Store.

Six years since the releaseCivilization V we managed to revise it not once, but twice. That's how replayable these games are andCivilization VI not an exception. The latest version adds many new ideas to the proven Firaxis formula. Mechanical tweaks and refinements are wrapped in a subtle board game-like aesthetic. The iPad version is a full version of the game that works well with touch controls. Whether on PC or tablet, we will definitely be playing this game for years.

You can buy at:App Store

At first in Darkest Dungeon you send a squad of fearless adventurers into the dungeon, which is located under a huge spooky mansion. It quickly sheds the familiar fantasy RPG veneer and becomes a harrowing, engaging dive into the depths of the human psyche. Your characters will suffer physical and psychological trauma as they dive into the depths in search of truth and treasure, and you will be tasked with supporting them as best you can before they inevitably die.

You can buy at:App Store

monument valley is a relaxing game. Only takes an hour or so of your time, but it will be a really good hour. As Princess Ida makes her way through a lonely and troubled kingdom, you'll flip and rotate Escher-style perspective puzzles to let her make her way through beautiful mysterious structures. Short lead timeMonument Valley manages to combine aspects of games such asfez , The Unfinished Swan and evenJourney , and while wrapping it all up in art that, well... look at the gif.

You can buy it in: App Store.

The Room: Old Sins is the latest game in an amazing seriesRoom from fireproof games. While it expands on the "puzzle other than spooky" aesthetic of the first three games, it's really just the latest in the series that we think you should explore in its entirety. The very first version is just as exciting as when it came out, and you can't go wrong downloading the entire collection.old sins built on a solid foundation laidThe Room Three, while you explore another spooky old house full of mysteries. Play this game, but in reality you will play everything.

You can buy at:App Store

By boat, by land, by airship, through a giant mechanized city on foot, do you have what it takes to make it…Around the world in 80 Days?This is the underlying question80 days , a fantasy reimagining of the famous novel by Jules Verne, in which you play Passepartout, the servant of the gentleman Phileas Fogg. As a valet, you are responsible for packing bags, negotiating markets, and planning your travel itinerary around the world. Each trip will be different from the last, and thanks to the game's peppy writing and frequent unexpected detours, each trip will be a lot of fun.80 Days- it is the joy and melancholy of traveling with unusual wit and humanity.

You can buy at:App Store.

GamesHitman known for their open sandboxes. At best, they allow you to crawl through a party or a museum, find your purpose, and creatively tackle it.Hitman GO ... doesn't actually do that. However, the game offers a bunch of clever, tightly designed puzzles that gradually get more and more difficult. With its pared down board game aesthetic and abstract violence, it can'tto look like as well asHitman game, but she still manages to capture the meticulous, satisfying nature of this version.

You can buy at:App Store

At first sightNeo Scavenger not that great, but it's one of the best survival games. It's a complex, system-driven post-apocalyptic adventure game where most of the work is done using written text rather than pretty graphics. When you wake up as a survivor in a medical facility outside of Detroit, you will need to determine your next steps from there. What follows is an intense, challenging, and also hilarious adventure in which your tiny victories are snatched from the jaws of a cruel fate. Instead of showing you what's going on, the game often just describes it to you, letting your imagination do most of the hard work. It's not the most user-friendly game on the App Store, but it's worth playing.

You can buy at:App Store

RememberMagic: The Gathering ? Of course you do. Blizzard's new card game, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraftis another game that started on PC but seemed to be meant for tablets. In an hour or two, you'll be building your own decks and challenging your friends and strangers to matches, either online or if you have both iPads in the same room, then in the company of friends. Each match ends in minutes, making it easy to fit into your daily routine. And while over time you may be tempted to start paying for random card boosters, you can squeeze outHearthstone lots of fun without paying a cent.

You can buy it in: The App Store.

Here it is: proof that a 2012 multi-platform game can reclaim the glory of a 1994 PC classic. reimaginedXCOM provides graphical updates and interface enhancements as you would expect, what really makes it popular is the added affection you feel for the battles and the soldiers fighting. The touchscreen controls - two-finger swipe to zoom, swipe to control the camera and move, and touch or double-tap commands - work great on mobile, making it feel like very little has been sacrificed. The latest version also added a great extensionEnemy Within , giving you even more opportunities to fail and watch your team die screaming.

You can buy it in: The App Store.