
10 reasons why men are better than women

This controversy is perhaps the oldest, as men have tried to prove their superiority over women since the beginning of time. What are the arguments of men?

1. Men share love and sex

In the modern world, people often enter into intimate relationships a couple of days after they meet. Yet women find it offensive if a guy dumped them after he got what he wanted. Men, on the other hand, do not cry into the pillow because of the blonde who did not call back the day after the night together.

2. Men are stronger

The upper body in men is much stronger than in women. And, to be honest, the whole world rests on this strength, and not on the fragility of women.

3. Men know how to handle tools

Men can read the instructions and easily assemble the wardrobe according to it. This is given to them by nature, and they can do a lot in the house with their own hands.

4. Men make decisions

They solve problems instead of spending three hours crying, seven days worrying, and three weeks talking with friends, parents, and everyone around them. Men will immediately give out 12 ways out of the situation, despite their feelings.

5. Men don't complicate relationships.

They don’t care what others think of them, just as they don’t care what they think of others. A group of men can get together every weekend, regardless of how they dress. Such a calm attitude towards the world is very natural for men, and makes many things less difficult.

6. Men love with their eyes

Although many men do not admit it, most of them in the opposite sex are attracted to their appearance. They will just look at the girl and decide whether to date her or not. Women, however, will not be sure of this even after three years of dating a man, because they are looking for a potential husband in every guy.

7. Men are better at tech.

Previously, any boy could disassemble and repair a broken cassette and VCR, but now everyone understands more complex electronic gadgets. Apparently, these are innate skills that manifest themselves magically in each new generation.

8. Men need less time to get ready

This really cannot be taken away from them. They don't need to dye, style their hair and spend hours choosing an outfit.

9. Making a baby for men is very easy

It takes three minutes for men to become a father. This is not 9 months of toxicosis, growing weight and other troubles.

10. Men don't tend to be social chameleons

Women can adapt to any situation. Men, on the other hand, are more consistent and constant in their opinions and feelings.

We recommend watching:

We suggest watching this video and decide for yourself how true the opinion is that men are better than women.